Thursday 30 October 2014


Someone in your life upsetting You???
You have built a case against this person and you are completely convinced they are the total cause of all your discomfort. 

Well-  guess what??  
YOU created the monster out of your hidden fear of what 'could' go wrong!!!  

How do you get off this roller coaster of blame, hate, revenge, getting even??

Gratitude!!!  Being thankful they are showing you just how powerful you are as a creator of all that IS;  in your world. 
(The personal pysuedo power of turning beautiful people into nasty monsters) 

There IS.......  Only ONE!!  (You & Them)

Tuesday 28 October 2014

You Create.

The only one common denominator in your life is;    You!!!!
People, Places and events come and go but You, are always there, in your life. 

So when you think about blaming others for anything that is happening to you; think again because it could never happen TO you. It can only happen FROM you.  YOU are your own cause. 

Be kind, be free, and live life well. 

Saturday 25 October 2014


"You"  are the power!!!!!

The Mirror.

When we 'look' outside of ourselves through our 5 limited inhibited physical senses....
We only see;  that, which 'we' really are. And that;  IS......   Only our limited story based on cultural belief, then paid forward.   'I' Am That;  I Am!!  

In this picture, the old lady sees that which she 'was' but for the passage of time, she probably still longs to be.   
And the young lady sees that which she one day will be. And dreads that thought that only time separates herself from old age. And also inevitable death. This is soooo far from that which is True!!!

In both cases, past / future time is merely an illusion, albeit, a very persistent one. 
And as the body exists only in time;
That which I 'see' actually is 'me' but my cultural belief in 'young / old age' tells me NO, this that I 'see' belongs to someone / something else, apart and separate from that which I know-  IS 'Me' 
Our immortality / mortality is always on the line and a constant challenge. 

But Spirit is FREE!!! The only price to pay is belief in something outside of our adopted story of limited humanity. 

Thought / Imagination is everything insomuch as-  what we attach through our past story (cultural programming) incubates (grows) and magnifies back to us through the Law of Attraction. 

Neither of 'these Ladies' are seeing that 'they'............  Are Really;  One!!!!  
(But they are seeing what was / will be)