Sunday 23 November 2014

You ARE......

You ARE;  whatever you experience every day in every way. 
Whatever confronts you in life; You have already projected back onto yourself. 

There is NOT two of 'you'. Your mind is a projector of fear or faith depending on your own selected 'life' movie. 
When one realizes that whatever shows up on the screen-of-life; is a reflection / magnification of our own hidden beliefs. 

This powerful Truth enables us to program our day, rewrite our past, and predict our future. 
Simple, succinct, successfull. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

Are We Real.......

Are We Real?   What Is Reality?
Why can't I be who I really want to be?
Why do others have 'it' so much better than what I have in life?
Just when I think that everything is going ok;  why does it turn out so wrong? 
Why can't everyday be a good day? 

Well-  You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be;  Whenever, Whatever, Whomever!!!
As you are merely a Blip of Information on the Radar of 'Life' the thing / things you THINK are missing or wrong;  are missing / wrong because you 'think' they are.  Thoughts through action creates outcomes both good and bad, but thought dictated by memory creates a reality that can be a monster, or peace determined simply by imagination. 

All can be changed in a heartbeat when you change your unconscious thoughts;

Wednesday 19 November 2014

The....... 'Now'

Whatever,  Wherever,  Whoever........
we have in our lives at any given moment is a perfect future platform for anything one could ever dream of. 
Vision is berthed in complete gratitude and total appreciation of what 'IS' present; regardless of how difficult or amazing 'IT' may appear. 

Difficulties are merely illusions, or answers disguised as problems; created from the inner fears that are hidden from view; motivated by what we don't want to happen, rather than what we DO want

Problems have built in inherent answers. 
Answers have built in inherent 'problems'

Getting in touch with-
a:  What 'WE' have created (good / bad)
b:  Accepting symptoms as stepping stones to greater successful outcomes. 
c:  Being in total gratitude of what 'IS'. 
d:  Allowing new ideas to flow creatively. 
e:  Following Steps, Leads, signposts 
     to greater outcomes. 
The Universe conspires to collect up all      
 relevant material to fulfill any vision. 

Gratitude for what 'IS'. Appreciation of what could be. Living Life in-the-now. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014


1:   Imagination. 
Imagining how life could be without any imposing external restrictions. 
2:   Feeling. 
Getting fullon into how, what you are imagining, would feel like-  if you had it all now. 
3:   Receiving. 
Becoming aware of leads, clues and signposts of the new things coming. 
4:   Gratitude. 
Being completely thankful of all that you have had, have now, and will receive. 
5:  Living the Dream!!!
Our life purpose is to receive for ourselves by living to serve each other. 

Monday 17 November 2014


That's ALL we are.......   Imagination!!!

Imagination playing in the Quantum field. 
The Quantum field is the holograph that individual expression projects onto itself and all other people, places and events. 

Everything-  "IS" all that we imagine IT to be. Good, bad, indifferent;  all just a mere figment of our programmed imagination. 

Breakaway from "The" historic program, fundamentally based on fear, (lack) set yourself free to fly into imagined Love, Peace, Joy, Prosperity, health, security. 

Perfect Life;  already created, becomes a multitude of options, not determined by anything other than whatever we can imagine it to be.  How simple is that!?!?

There are people from horrific past backgrounds that imagine a beautiful future; then step into it. 
There are others that no matter what their past life experience was, destroy any opportunity of peace, joy, love, happiness

Imagine, feel, experience life; then watch it happen for you......   "IT's" guaranteed. 

Sunday 16 November 2014

Stop 'IT'

From the time a person wakes in the morning;  until the time they go to bed at night. And even while they sleep......
the brain is recalling past events; then cross-referencing stored information to project 'same' into future outcomes. 

The tail wagging the dog!!!!!!
"Get a life".   Design the day that you would rather create. For All that happens in your day; certainly IS created by You!!

Your past-  does NOT equal your future; unless YOU say that it does.