Monday 23 February 2015

Interest rates.

Is anyone really interested in interest paid on loans taken out for commodities that do not produce income and have zero write off value? 
The same commodities that have massive depreciation that cannot be claimed against income? 
Even the home loan really cannot be capitalised on as we need to have a place to live until we croak. 

Imagine if interest rates went back up to 25%, which they did back in the late 80's
How many people would lose everything. 
High interest rates also coincide with a recession where work and income also suffer. A recipe for disaster. 

In ancient times the poor borrower was considered a slave to the rich lender. 
Nothing has changed as the wealthy lenders can bump up loan charges anytime they want to maximise there own holdings. ie: repossessions. 

Most people chase after money
but a tiny elite get to create money out of thin air.
This money-creating elite control nations and world environment.

Recent head of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, said in 2010 that “of all the possible banking systems, we have the worst”.   Why?
Because it is private, controlled by private bankers for profit not for people.

  And secondly, because it creates 97% of money as credit, as debt, requiring huge interest payments. 
Nearly half of your work goes to pay interest.

The modern monetary system condemns us to ecocide and eventual slavery.
But this can be changed, and easily!

Friday 20 February 2015


Wealth comes to those that continually live consciously in "The Now". 
Being completely present in total gratitude with "What Is". 

Money will always be available for all of life's essentials, to these blessed few that know the true meaning of abundant prosperity.  Being totally appreciative of all that they are and have. 

The quickest way to move from lack, to abundance is to love all that one is, and has in their presence. 

Money merely fills emotional feelings. 
The stronger the emotion of lack; the greater the lack is. 
The greater the emotion of abundance; the bigger the supply of money. 
10% of people consciously know this and live freely within total abundance. 
90% of people occasionally stumble on this simple Law of Attraction, but then become fearful of loss and lose it again. 

Thursday 19 February 2015


Money;  what is it, really?
Considering the appalling lack of it in the average persons life, that is so controlled by how little they have to do so much to be comfortable and able to keep up in the fast moving society we now live in. 

Almost half of 'the money' is received by the top 10% of money earners. 
And the remaining half of money is divided up by the other 90% of workers. 

Now considering that the average worker pays one third of their income in payrol tax and one third in purchase tax, has limited tax write offs;  it can be early July before these 'average' people get any income for themselves, or their families. 

Wealth;  on the other hand, is a different story.  Money is a commodity that is taken and given in exchange for something else. Humans are the only species on the planet that pays (tax) to live here. Wealth is something that we always get to keep through life's most valuable experiences. Our True Wealth!!!!

Money will always keep us poor because there is never enough to live up to our desire to be the best that we can be. 
Wealth is always rich in its ability to replace itself with unlimited experience from being just who we are. 

We ARE wealth.  And there is no amount of money that can give us personal wealth. Money, by its inherent nature, creates a vacuum for more. Wealth is felt at any time that money is not thought of. 

Planet Earth is abundant by nature of its ability to reproduce and replace itself prolifically. And as we settle into natures patterns of reproduction, we realise that the more we give away, the more comes back to rapidly fill the void of what could only be referred to as-   Love!!!