Monday 9 March 2015


How hard we strive to achieve all the amazing things in life and what happens when we get them?

As I proceed down the corridor of life I realise that everything I have ever desired I either have had, or have still got. 
And there's so much more that I desire. 

But I also realise through my own personal experience, and the observation of others journey through life that every thing we desire, has within it; an inherent opposite, in fact, this World is a duality. 

Day / night, yes / no, ying / yang, hot / cold, good / bad, etc, etc.  

Every answer, has contained within it; it's own problems, of which we can solve by patiently understanding duality. 

And every problem, has contained within it, it's own answer.  An analogy may be, the seed. The 'things' of life require constant nurture, and like a seed, for it to open to the light of day. 

We don't attract that which is complete, rather, we are nurturing beings. We add our energy to that, which IS, then we give it away by sharing with others. We share all of that which we are. We feel love, and being loved, when we give our love away. 

Perhaps what goes wrong for many of us in the process of accumulation is that we claim that which we have acquired, and call it-  ours!  Rather than knowing it is in our nurturing custody to grow and increase for the purpose of giving it away. 

An example is the obvious largest two investments the average family make; the home and the car. Solely for the purpose of housing and transporting family and friends, to keep everything together. 

The many things we desire are already contained within us; like a tiny seed is contained within the ground. But the ground can be dry and barren and the seed, although retaining its concealed life, will not come forward to reveal it's hidden splendor, nor will it share it's anticipated bounty of fruit, until all the elements required are released for its evolution through the stages of 'Life'. 

Desire, vision, imagination, enthusiasm, courage, patience, nurturing, generosity, knowledge, experience, understanding, are all words that come to mind that describe those people and families that I personally have witnessed this attribute of awareness to natural accumulation.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Death experience.

Death of our body is an experience that happens on a moment by moment basis. 
At a cellular level, life and death are occurring constantly as cells are born and die to allow life to remain constant. 

In fact, life can only exist if death creates an opening for life to maintain itself. 

• The baby exits to make way for the toddler to enter life.
• The toddler exits to make way for the child to enter. 
• The child exits to make way for the adolescent to enter. 
• The adolescent exits to make way for the adult to enter. 
• The adult exits to make way for the oldie to enter. 
• The oldie exits to make way for the corpse to enter. 
And so on and so on as we all travel through this journey we call life. 

But-  is this really how it is for true life to be lived completely without fear of any enevitable so-called  death?

Isn't there a constant theme being lived 'through' all these incredible life change events that in each stage; are so very relevant to the overall human experience. 

Can it be the human idea has been so misaligned with the real human 'being'
that is having an experience at a cyclic level, never begins, and never ends,
but life actually IS constantly being lived; never born, never dies, but evolving through the amazing miracle of 'body',
a body that is merely a holograph of an imagined experience of constant change.
In fact the experience is imagined to be anything possible at all in this worlds kaleidoscope of huge combinations of so many exciting possibilities.  (Or for some, mostly miserable experiences) 

A human, animal, fish, bird, insect, plant, etc. Every single 'thing' is in a constant stage of evolving change, necessary for 
Life itself; to experience itself completely. 

But LIFE is the only constant 'thing'.
The Life that is always living through every thing is the ONE LIFE that we really are that never comes and never goes but remains constant as our apparent body appears to exit and re-enter over and over throughout eternity. 

Eternal Life is the only constant reality!!!
Fear (false evidence appearing real) is based in the ultimate thought of loss-of-life; real everlasting LIFE cannot be lost. 
It has always been here and will always be here. 

Our five senses trick us into believing that if we cannot; see, hear, taste, touch, smell-   therefore it no longer exists.......

I extend an invitation to begin today to live LIFE as it is meant to be lived-  evolving constantly through an experience that always 'IS'. (Being)