Sunday, 27 November 2016



Like a wave in the ocean, we believe that we are separate from the ocean. 

Separation Consciousness is the root cause of all fear based thought. 

As you can only be in fear if you believe that something is separate. 

This fear spawns thought programs such as victim and victimised perception, all inferior and superior perception and many more forms of thoughts that promotes separation. 

There is nothing to fear, but everything to Love.........

Separation Consciousness creates a destructive way of being. A way of being that promotes a comparison of your identity in reference to other identities. It is the source of feeling betrayal, sadness, fear, fights and endless cycles of suffering. 

It also generates behaviour such as trying to be better than others, trying to obtain more labels, more possessions, more recognition. 

It's not that these are wrong, it's just in place of separation instead of unity consciousness, these motives originate the need to fill the endless unconscious void of the unsatisfied finite identity.  (Instead of the Infinite Eternal Love that Is all things) 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed-  It Is One!!

Within the One Life, nothing can be lost or gained. When this is seen, the doors of Infinite Abundance that were once unknown, are now open. 


Monday, 14 November 2016


85% programmed 'brain' by age 7!!
Quote:   Dr Bruce Lipton. Cellular Biologist. 

The Now.

We live in the-   Now!!

But the dichotomy is that we experience-  'it'   (now)  through the past and the future. 
Even though the past and the future don't exist......