Tuesday 28 February 2017

Limiting Beliefs.......

BE- (the) cause........

Because YOU are the cause of your entire experience.  


With blame there is no gain. 

  • How's that going for you so far?
  • Good luck with that. 
  • Can you afford the consequences of that (limiting) belief?
  • Sorry but I can't help you with that. 

"You are the Universe; expressing itself as a human being, for a little while".       Elkhart Tolle. 

Wednesday 22 February 2017


Memories are only necessary for creatures that have to defend themselves. 

And for creatures that have problems. But the gloriously happy person would not remember anything, because every experience would be completely satisfactory.  


All memory is, is a form of regurgitation of undigested experience. Memory can be fun, but then, so too can burping (be fun). 

Memory is mostly unnecessary in the big picture, to the 'thinking' person. The unthinking person is stuck in memory. 

Monday 13 February 2017

You are that; you are.

CE-ZERO. Daily Vision Activator:

   'G'iveing  'O'ness  'D'estiny. 


The Power of-  I AM THAT;  I AM. 

•Imagine vividly what you really want-

to Be. Do. Have. Make 'it' meaningful. 

•Repeat the words "I Am" ('that') and expand self into that new possibility. 

•Breathe out;  I Am (that) >>>>>>>>

•Breathe in;    I Am (now) <<<<<<<<

This Self Actualising Process-

Centres. Engages. Manifests. Magnifies




This is the imagined vision. 

'Feeling' is the key to unlocking IT.  


Creates new neural pathways to a new idea. Taking ongoing positive action on intuition-  This IS guided thought. 


('Out'>>>>I Am That-  to 'In'<<<< I Am)

Conscious breathing creates-in-the-moment-Infinite-Consciousness. 

This connects our own projection onto people, places and events back to within ourselves for transmuting healing-  WIN / WIN!!

This action creates Peace and Oneness


Spiritual Man is-   I Am. 

Manifest Man is-  I Will. 

It is the I Am 'man' that is Spirit. 

And the I Will man that is reflection. 

I Am is the Divine Word of Omniscience

I will is the 'Adam' (& Eve)

It is the- I Am man- that forms and breathes into the I Will man, the breathe of Life. When 'we' are in the realm of THE IDEAL,  we are-  I AM. 

When we are expressing those ideals in thought and act, we are-  I WILL. 

When the 'I Will' becomes so absorbed in the realm of expression that it loses sight of the ideal and centres all it's attention on the manifested,  then this Becomes the limited 'Adam' listening to ego and hiding from the-  I Am. Adam breaks away to be absorbed in the manifest object of his desire, he identifies with what 'is' rather than what could 'be'.  Rather than staying on the train, he gets off at the station. Locked away in Subconscious conditioned stagnating cyclic patterns. 

This breaks the connection between Spirit and manifestation (the thinker and the thought) and man loses the connection with Divine Consciousness of harmony which is his under Divine Law, separated to 'work' by the sweat of his brow...........

It is not the words that make this effective, it is the Consciousness of actually BEING THE THING which makes IT effective. 

When you are saying "I AM", you are declaring yourself to BE-  the word within the statement;  I am that; I am indicates-that-which-you-would-be

The second I AM in the quotation;  is the cry of victory. 

My claim:

I am now that which I want to be; will remove the veil of human darkness and reveal my claim- perfectly.  I Am- That!!

IT IS DONE.......   THANK YOU!!  

I Am Health. I Am Wealth. I Am Love. 


Friday 16 December 2016

Attract Intimate Relationship

Attract Intimate Relationship. 

  • Questions:

•Are you trying to attract an amazing life partner or are you sick and tired of your old partner, maybe you'd just like to spice up the relationship that you've been in for a very long time. 

•Is there something, anything, or almost everything that you'd like to change with your current partner? 

•Has your partner done-the-dirty-on-You and you are blaming them for it all

•Planning to be alone for the rest of your life because it's-just-to-damn-hard to live in a monogamous situation. 

•Are you gay or thinking about how easy it would be to live in a same sex relationship rather than the intricacies of a heterosexual relationship?

These are Questions that most people ask of themselves some time during their lives, or everyday. 

  • Answers:

•To think about changing anything about your current partner is insane. 

•The only change that can come about in your life is from within yourself.  

•Change things on the inside and change on the outside is instantly recognisable in all things around you. 

•The fundamental 'idea' of intimate relationship or 'marriage' is based on the weird concept of relationship with someone-outside-of-ourselves. 

•When in fact the outside relationship displays all that we are on the inside. 

•The reality is that we are experiencing 'the relationship' on the inside of ourselves.  Then, it experiences 'itself' (in form) on the outside of us. 

•Truth is that there is no inside and there is no outside-  it is all one thing. 

  • Explanation:  

•The idea emerges in our own thoughts about the possibility of merging our life with another 'perfect partner' person. (Although most folk these days choose a dog or cat to have their intimacy with as an animal just suffers US in total loyal silence- although it's food they really want from You, not your crap life attitudes and pseudo life choices of settling for a species lower than self. 

Even a dog knows that if it suffers the 'Top Dogs' bad behavioural issues long enough in total submission, then it'll get the scraps off the masters table.)

•We release the idea of relationship out into the Universe of all potentiality through thought, talk and actions. 

•This Universe of all ideas- (in form) that which surely abhors a vacuum, immediately sets about to complete all these possibilities by manifesting that which IS (from mind).

•Therefore, all that we have achieved by attracting our partner is to create a mirror 'double' version of-  ourselves. 

That which is hidden AND obvious. 

And as we don't ever 'see' ourselves, but at best a mirror reflection, (in a mirror) we really have very little conceptual awareness of who and what THE WE THAT WE ARE-  actually is. 

•In the quantum field of all ideas, Yin and Yang is always complete within itself. Oneness personified........

•Mind cannot plan a 'new' thing, neither can it think a new thought. Therefore mind can only reinvent an old idea. 

•Mind can only store information based on past experience. Then regurgitate it into future similar circumstances- given an appropriate signal. 

•So, it can only attract that-which-it-is. 

Therefore as hard as we try to attract someone or something 'better'-  

we always attract that of which we are. 

  • Vision:

Release that which is held onto within by building a strong plan of the partner of your desires 'without'. This plan can only be totally in line with that which you already are, right now. Although I have proven that it is possible to Faith it-until-You-make-it to achieve success

The only partner we can ever attract is the partner that we are now- ourselves. 

Whatever hidden belief still held within (ourself) will broadcast itself through everything on the screen of people, place and event. 

We may be astounded at our partners behaviour, but their outward behaviour has originated from our inward fears.  

We ARE our partner, everything that we hate, like and love, it's all that hidden fear which we have kept hidden within ourselves. 

  • Lessons:  

Whatever we attract in a person, place or event, either that which we find pleasingly agreeable or totally irritating, is merely that which we have attracted to give ourselves choice to either maintain the Status Quo or to effect change within, and in turn (if we can change) change within, will always change that which we experience in the person, place, event- on the 'outside'. 

•By not running away from the ongoing downside of relationship with 'others' but get the lesson ourselves, we then elevate the quality of the relationship toward ourselves and there also comes the increasing improvement outwardly.  

  • Soul:

•The inherited story of our life which the soul that we are- Is, is only a composite of all that which we were, not that which we truly are- now. 

  • Heart: 

•The dichotomy is-   I AM; That I Am. 

•The combined Spirit  (Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence) of all that Is-   is the only abstract total reality of all limited human existence. (Memory)

I Am; That I Am.......... (The 'I' that I am, is the same 'I' that everything IS.)

  • Expression. 

We can never 'get' a partner, neither can we 'lose' a partner because the partner we are seeking is within ourselves and to the degree that we RELEASE the person, place or event that we desire-  that very measure the Universe of all things will, in time,  incubate, magnify and beam back to us-   ALL that 'WE' are..........

We hide from a partner, but we cannot hide-that-which-we-are-  from ourself. 

'Partners' (our own reflections) come and partners go, but the ONE 'partner' that 'WE ARE' remains a firm constant. 

Anything other than what WE on the so-called outside of us are, (partner) is an Achilles heel to cause us to always look within for our outward answers. 

  • The Science:

All things at a sub-atomic level are energy-  vibration appearing as reality. 

The five senses pick up this energy and create 'mind pictures' according to our own past inherited recorded life story. 

The Law of Attraction guarantees that whatever goes out; must return with its own energetic equivalent in hand.  

As we develop 'Spirituality' we elevate from mindless mind chatter-  to Heart energy, that can never be depleted. 

Heart energy is 5,000 times greater than mind (memory) stress energy.  

Heart intuition energy is the Oneness of all that "IS". It's WHO-WE-REALLY-ARE.

  • Epilogue:

'Partners' do not come and go through our life. A partner can never leave us or die. Because the real partner is always evolving within ourselves, and will always express itself-in-the-without. 

This is obvious with agoraphobic folk, they become terrified to step 'outside' for fear of finding-  THEMSELVES;) 

It is only the illusion of a partner on-the-outside that we experience-in-form, it is merely our own 'story' seen. 




Sunday 27 November 2016



Like a wave in the ocean, we believe that we are separate from the ocean. 

Separation Consciousness is the root cause of all fear based thought. 

As you can only be in fear if you believe that something is separate. 

This fear spawns thought programs such as victim and victimised perception, all inferior and superior perception and many more forms of thoughts that promotes separation. 

There is nothing to fear, but everything to Love.........

Separation Consciousness creates a destructive way of being. A way of being that promotes a comparison of your identity in reference to other identities. It is the source of feeling betrayal, sadness, fear, fights and endless cycles of suffering. 

It also generates behaviour such as trying to be better than others, trying to obtain more labels, more possessions, more recognition. 

It's not that these are wrong, it's just in place of separation instead of unity consciousness, these motives originate the need to fill the endless unconscious void of the unsatisfied finite identity.  (Instead of the Infinite Eternal Love that Is all things) 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed-  It Is One!!

Within the One Life, nothing can be lost or gained. When this is seen, the doors of Infinite Abundance that were once unknown, are now open. 


Monday 14 November 2016


85% programmed 'brain' by age 7!!
Quote:   Dr Bruce Lipton. Cellular Biologist. 

The Now.

We live in the-   Now!!

But the dichotomy is that we experience-  'it'   (now)  through the past and the future. 
Even though the past and the future don't exist......