Monday 13 February 2017

You are that; you are.

CE-ZERO. Daily Vision Activator:

   'G'iveing  'O'ness  'D'estiny. 


The Power of-  I AM THAT;  I AM. 

•Imagine vividly what you really want-

to Be. Do. Have. Make 'it' meaningful. 

•Repeat the words "I Am" ('that') and expand self into that new possibility. 

•Breathe out;  I Am (that) >>>>>>>>

•Breathe in;    I Am (now) <<<<<<<<

This Self Actualising Process-

Centres. Engages. Manifests. Magnifies




This is the imagined vision. 

'Feeling' is the key to unlocking IT.  


Creates new neural pathways to a new idea. Taking ongoing positive action on intuition-  This IS guided thought. 


('Out'>>>>I Am That-  to 'In'<<<< I Am)

Conscious breathing creates-in-the-moment-Infinite-Consciousness. 

This connects our own projection onto people, places and events back to within ourselves for transmuting healing-  WIN / WIN!!

This action creates Peace and Oneness


Spiritual Man is-   I Am. 

Manifest Man is-  I Will. 

It is the I Am 'man' that is Spirit. 

And the I Will man that is reflection. 

I Am is the Divine Word of Omniscience

I will is the 'Adam' (& Eve)

It is the- I Am man- that forms and breathes into the I Will man, the breathe of Life. When 'we' are in the realm of THE IDEAL,  we are-  I AM. 

When we are expressing those ideals in thought and act, we are-  I WILL. 

When the 'I Will' becomes so absorbed in the realm of expression that it loses sight of the ideal and centres all it's attention on the manifested,  then this Becomes the limited 'Adam' listening to ego and hiding from the-  I Am. Adam breaks away to be absorbed in the manifest object of his desire, he identifies with what 'is' rather than what could 'be'.  Rather than staying on the train, he gets off at the station. Locked away in Subconscious conditioned stagnating cyclic patterns. 

This breaks the connection between Spirit and manifestation (the thinker and the thought) and man loses the connection with Divine Consciousness of harmony which is his under Divine Law, separated to 'work' by the sweat of his brow...........

It is not the words that make this effective, it is the Consciousness of actually BEING THE THING which makes IT effective. 

When you are saying "I AM", you are declaring yourself to BE-  the word within the statement;  I am that; I am indicates-that-which-you-would-be

The second I AM in the quotation;  is the cry of victory. 

My claim:

I am now that which I want to be; will remove the veil of human darkness and reveal my claim- perfectly.  I Am- That!!

IT IS DONE.......   THANK YOU!!  

I Am Health. I Am Wealth. I Am Love. 


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