Tuesday 18 February 2014

Love- Mediative Mantra.

Love  πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œ
Say Your own Name-  lives in Divine Love.....

I will fear NO evil for Divinity is with me. Today Divine Love and Infinite, Loving tenderness sustain me-  As Always‼️
In order that I shall not separate myself from this love, I endeavor to see it reflected in everyone and everything.

I shall permit only that which is loving, kind and true to find entrance or exit through my consciousness.
Thus I shall be assured that I am bathed in the warm glow of that Love which casts out ALL fear.  πŸŒŸ

Today I bestow the essence of love upon everything.    Everyone shall be lovely to me.
My Soul meets the Soul of the Universe in everyone. πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜‡

Nothing is ugly; everything is beautiful, everything is meaningful. ⭕️❗️
This Love is a healing power touching everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of my past experiences with its Divine balm.   πŸ’–
I know that this Love Essence, the very substance of Life, the creative principle back of everything, flows through my whole being, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.

It flows in transcendent loveliness into my World of thought and form, ever renewing, vitalizing, bringing joy and harmony and blessing to everything and everyone it touches.  πŸ’¨✔️

It Is Done.  I Accept.  I Believe.  I Know!

Spiritual Treatment is 'FOR'
another person, or self......
Not 'TO' another person,  or self.
eg: The treatment is 'for' the Healer, and the way in which the Healer
'sees' the client-  as Divinity.

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