Saturday 31 January 2015

Financial Wellbeing.

The constant stream of abundance flows ever generously.  And it is right for you to receive your share. 

This will be easy to do and it does not take much effort, because you are already well on the way. 

There is much power in the words you are reading. And in time your resistance will subside and your allowing will begin. 

The way to speed up your own wealth manifestation-  is to slow down resistance to what you don't want. 

As your resistance is replaced with allowing and doubt is replaced with belief, your abundance will become evident. 

When that emotional shift occurs, immediate financial benefits will be the evidence of that shift. 

These words will help shift your belief in money from doubt and disbelief, to eagerness and fun. 

The way to financial abundance is simply an emotional pathway. 

When the success of another makes your heart sing, your own resistance is gone and your personal success soars ahead. 

You are never deprived when someone else gains, because 
abundance always expands proportionately to match desires. 

Your life will continue to attract abundant things; the majority of that work is already done by the powerful, natural Law of Attraction. 

In your absence of resistance, everything you have ever asked for is already on its way to you. 

So Identify the desire and achieve a positive vibration that matches it. 

There is never a 'N0' in the Universe as there is only ever an emphatic 'Yes' in the overal abundance of all things.  

So by saying we 'don't' have something produces more lack (YES) of the very thing we do desire. 

The fastest way to improving a financial condition is appreciating that-  which you already Have!

For in the seeking and finding of that which is already working now in your life, more success will come, and it will come very quickly

While your life will continue to call more abundance to you, the majority of that work is already done. 

Financial abundance does not occur in ones life because of hard work alone, financial abundance is the Worlds response to your own consistent feelings of abundance. 

When you are able to accomplish the feeling of abundance, the evidence of that abundance must eventually come, so long as you maintain.......
 'The Feeling'-  of abundance. 

In your 'absence' of resistance the Worlds abundance makes its way toward you naturally, consistently. 

Your vibrational frequency will begin to change over time until there is a definite tipping point. 

For a while the only evidence of your financial progress will be your improved state of emotional being. 

And if you let that be enough, taking NO score of any financial progress;  the anticipated financial improvement will show up..........

Each time you focus / meditate on these words, your own resistance becomes smaller and your new allowance becomes greater.

Sunday 11 January 2015


Everyone's treasure;  'Is' right where they are. In this moment of time is everything each of us has attracted-  perfectly!!!

The moment this dynamic is realised, is the time that new things can be added to the bucket list of more needed things to be valued, appreciated and shared. 

Taking care of everyone and everything that we have, each day, as if it is the most treasured thing we could ever have catapults us on to receiving our visions. 

Step one.   Appreciation of what Is. 
Step two.   Writing new additions down. 
Step three. Reading the vision frequently.
Step four.   Feeling the new thing is    
                  already with you and is as 
                  valuable to you as what you 
                  already possess. 

Whatever you have; or want to have, has contained inherently within it, a seemingly answer / problem correlation. 

Wishing for something, to replace something else is totally and completely counterproductive and will only bring about more of the same; but magnified. 

Hating what is, brings more misery. 
Loving what is, brings more love. 

Wednesday 7 January 2015


That which we give our attention to........
Is 'that' which we become!!!

The endless amounts of information stored within our electrical fields of data become; who we are. 
Our lives are lived through us, by what is held captive by past events, kept alive. 

How is this changed? Assuming one would even want to change just what has become-  our life. 

Free will. Isn't that the right of every living creature to live spontaneously, creatively able to create happiness, joy, harmony? 

But how can free will be possible when we are living a pre-programmed life existence, 85% of it all placed there by perhaps well-meaning folk that had zero idea how we may choose to live. 

Free will to choose each day, the path to personal freedom of choice is possible. 
Difficult;  yes!!  But possible. 

• Sit quietly still each morning for 15 minutes.  Consciously breathe your body with deep breaths, slowly in through the nose, hold, then slowly out through pursed lips.  Follow your thoughts. 
• Take time to contemplate each thing in your life with total appreciation. 'See' each thing you have and say how much you love that thing. 
• Journel (write down) step by step, all the things that you would love to do, if time, money and effort was not a barrier. 

Use your imagination more to design and create that which you would rather live, really get into just how that imagined thing would feel (if you had it, now) 
Stop the endless memory tapes running on loop, controlling your destiny.