Sunday 11 January 2015


Everyone's treasure;  'Is' right where they are. In this moment of time is everything each of us has attracted-  perfectly!!!

The moment this dynamic is realised, is the time that new things can be added to the bucket list of more needed things to be valued, appreciated and shared. 

Taking care of everyone and everything that we have, each day, as if it is the most treasured thing we could ever have catapults us on to receiving our visions. 

Step one.   Appreciation of what Is. 
Step two.   Writing new additions down. 
Step three. Reading the vision frequently.
Step four.   Feeling the new thing is    
                  already with you and is as 
                  valuable to you as what you 
                  already possess. 

Whatever you have; or want to have, has contained inherently within it, a seemingly answer / problem correlation. 

Wishing for something, to replace something else is totally and completely counterproductive and will only bring about more of the same; but magnified. 

Hating what is, brings more misery. 
Loving what is, brings more love. 

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