Friday, 13 November 2015

You Are One.

There is not 'many' of us-

There is but ONE Life;  experiencing itself in apparent form or shape which actually is-  the illusion. 

At the sub atomic level there is only energy vibrating giving off the illusion of 'self'.  

Know that whatever the apparently separate 'you' thinks, speaks of and acts out;  will appear-  as you!!!!

Clear thoughts=   Clear Life. 
Dull thoughts=      Dull Life. 

Very simple!!!!!

Sunday, 8 November 2015


Ideas become thoughts. 
Thoughts become words. 
Words become actions. 
Actions become our Life. 
Life becomes what we are. 
What we are becomes what others are. 
What others are becomes who we are. 

We only ever have;  what we are.......

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Conscious acts......

Nearly all of 'this world' operates- 
unconsciously.  Divided and separate. 
Totally based on narcissistic 'self love'. 
(Complete love of self at others expense)

And this unconscious behaviour is what 'appears' to keep humanity separated. 

Conscious presence is Oneness, United, and completely focused on the golden rule: "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself".
Or, The Silver Rule:  "Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you." 

Conscious Precense is Agape Love.......
Unconscious 'story' is narcissistic 'self'. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

All That Is Good.

If you want to see something clearly-
Look in the opposite direction.  Zen

Don't look to your negative thoughts and feelings for your own answers-

Look to all-that-is-good, for them. 

Sunday, 1 November 2015


Life-  actually is Eternal; it never began, and it certainly never ends;  it just "IS". 

But fussing and fighting only makes slaves of us;  to that which we give our focus onto. 

So therefore, if our attention is on that which is 'wrong' in this world, then we ARE that which is wrong also. We are always that, which we give our thoughts, feelings, words and actions up to. 

There is nothing wrong in a perfect evolution in the progression of Eternity. 

Appearances of wrong behaviour are just that;  appearances, illusions, decoys and circumstances that cannot be seen as real, until time releases the entire story. 

Appearances; just appearing as real as what you want to make of it all.........