Sunday 8 May 2016

Soul Mate

Soul Mate. 
My thoughts on attracting the perfect partner are-

Write a list of all the ideal attributes one loves to have in a Life partner. 
Keep the list handy and re-read it frequently. 

Then go out into the community sharing heart and soul, serving others in all that we love to do......

It is always there (within that which we love to do- our Dharma) that our soul mate inhabits space and time because the Law of Attraction ensures that we must attract that which we are and that which we do.  

Patience is power because it is within the waiting of attracting that ideal soul, that we ourselves become the values and qualities that we wished for-   in the unique partner that we need for our growth and completion. 

But having said all this-
The person we attract will always magnify and reflect back to us;  all that we ourselves are. 
Both the good and the bad. Which is perfect because it motivates and stimulates our own growth and personal development. 

I found my own Life Partner and Soul Mate this way as after much trial and error in many previous relationships learning about intimacy, she turned up at the perfect time and place. 

And more recently my very own 'new' Saab Vector Sport, within a week of selling my business and including my Business Jeep 4x4 vehicle in the sale

ie:   By using this visioning dynamic  3 years ago I had previously printed several pictures of a silver Vector Sport 2L Turbo with sunroof and hung them above my desk at home. 

Three years later April 2016 I flew down to Sydney to buy my very own immaculate 1 owner Saab with very low K's for an amazing price. Yay!!!!!
Patience is Power!!

Finding a soul mate is #1 for many people. Personally, I believe you have a lot of chances to do so. 
Your soul mate might not necessarily just be one person. But often people have more than one soul mate.  
(But live with one of them of course) 

There’s a reincarnation based belief that I’ve always been fond of. 
That belief is that when you die, your soul shatters and breaks into pieces. Those pieces are randomly brought together with pieces of many other souls to form new souls and new people. 

So when you meet someone that you so strongly click with or find that person who is so clearly your soul mate, you’re really finding pieces of your own soul in them, and they’re finding pieces of their soul within you

(Oneness Principle. There Is-   One!!
We 'see' many others through the five physical senses but in fact there Is;  but one 
* Omniscience. 
* Omnipotence. 
* Omnipresence.                     
Spirit expressed through countless ideas of 'Being' expressed as multiple people, places and events. 
Neat huh? 

No matter how it happens, these are 20 signs you’ve found your soul mate.
• Your soul mate is endlessly loyal to you.
• Your soul mate is always supportive of you.
 • Your soul mate has a similar guiding compass.
• Your soul mate sparks an intense passion in you.
• You can communicate comfortably with your soul mate.
• Your soul mate makes you feel special.
• Your soulmate transcends spiritual boundaries with you.
• Your soul mate appreciates your affection. 
• Your soul mate thinks you’re just irresistible.
• Your soul mate helps you feel safe.
• You feel like you can completely trust your soul mate.
• You don’t just experience their endless love, you feel it.
• You’re spiritually connected more so to your soul mate than anyone else.
• You can spend time sitting in silence but know what your soul mate is thinking.
• Even in times of tragedy, you find strength in your soul mate.
• Your soul mate turns to you with all their secrets, hopes and dreams.
• Your soul mate has the same ideas about business as you.
• Your soul mate always includes you in major and minor life decisions.
• Your soul mate pushes you to be better and you return that favor.

As people, in terms of being happy and successful, you and your soul mate always thrive together through constant never ending challenging growth and development. 

But!!!  Remember this;  that when You are confronted by your Soul Mate, and You will be, often. 
The first one to 'react' to any / every confrontation, is the person that puts up the FIRST act of war.  (Not the one that is first confronting)