Saturday 29 October 2016

Faith or Fear.

Faith or Fear- We cannot serve two masters. 

One will always demand first place over the other one as this world operates on duality every moment of every day the choice is given to us to serve one master or the other. 

The brain is a servant to Fear.  (Physical)
The heart is a servant to Faith. (Spiritual)

The energy of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the brain. And the heart sends multiple times more energy to the brain than the brain ever sends to the heart. But does the brain listen to the perfect faith of the heart, (connected to ALL-that-IS) or is it listening to the absolute fear of its own (alone) recorded data of "this world" as its reference?

"Faith is the substance of that which is hoped for;  BUT, the evidence of things not yet seen"
That is, not yet 'seen' with the physical eyes, but is seen with the Spiritual inner eyes. 
Because the physical eyes are NOT reality but evidence of  only that which is stored in memory. Our past stories (stored information) subconsciously run our lives on auto pilot up to 85% of  our 24 hour days. We are at best 15% consciously processing information at any given time during our waking time. 

So the question remains-  What is reality?
Is reality that which shows up on our screen of daily life, or is reality that which our faith dictates as real?
It all comes back to whichever story we are feeding. The momentary temporary circumstances of 'this world', or the solid belief in our short, mid and long term vision. 

 "Without a vision the people will perish".  Vision belongs to the heart and in the absence of a solid vision that supports community, the mind brain will revert back to its narcissistic stored self protective references. 

The brain works on the principle of:
Stimulus-   reaction. And has no capacity to create a new thought, but merely to react to its own / alone versions of it's multiple dramatic learned-from-experience 'stories'. 

The heart however is linked to all-that-Is (Omnipresence / Omnipotence) and knows beforehand everything that ever was, Is, or will be. (Omniscience). Heart has intuition, it's the radar that scans all-that-Is. The brains only reference is past personal limited experience. 

So, what are we listening to? 
•  The brain?  Stimulus / response. 
(Never present, always past or future)
•  The heart?  Creating, moment by moment. 
(Always in 'the now' creating all that Is)

Faith or Fear,  Which one will You choose? 

The physical world operates on brain power. 
The Spiritual world operates on heart power. 

Brain is reactionary out of control and under the insane dominance of outside five senses circumstances. See, hear, taste, touch, smell. 
Heart is creation and Omniscient Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Divinity expressing Itself.

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