Tuesday 14 January 2014

One Mind Power.

Is there but One Mind??
How can there be only One Mind when there is 7 billion 'brains' kicking all sorts of good and bad ideas around out there in 'The Real World.' Most of what people are living is NOT Reality, but merely facts.

One Omniscient Mind creates through ALL Humans, Animals, Mammals, Insects, Plants, etc.....

How can this be true??   Spirit creates-  Body uses the creation.

Because there is absolutely nothing scientifically, medically, physically within the brain that can create anything. The brain is BEING Thought through.

Spirit is the Objective Creator of Thought, brain is Subjective applier of that thought. Therefore, humans are being thought through 24/7 with most of the time, not really aware of what actually is happening until after it has happened. Ask anyone that drives the same route every morning and night to and from work if they can remember very much at all about the trip.

We are reactionary beings, something stimulates our reaction, through us every moment of every day.

A bit humbling you may say, but when you begin to get used to the idea its kinda fun just sitting back and enjoying the ride with most things nicely slotting into place, as this amazing Omniscient Mind already knows what (It) we need long before we realize that we need anything.

Its really only when we misunderstand what comes along (as mostly we Humans do) and don't recognize that all things created for us have an element of goodness within it.

Difficult to comprehend when you are to broke to pay the rent, or people around you are dying in horrific circumstances?
Yes life with all its questions can be difficult to comprehend at times, I know this from my own history of 'losing' 13 people from my inner circle of family and friends by the young age of 15.

However as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said in one of her many poems on death:
"When you miss me and I'm gone;  see me in the eyes of others, and give me away."

The essence of this statement is that everyone is still here, no-one went anywhere, we just don't have the capacity to 'see' that with our highly limited sensory perception.

The great thing about this wonderful principle is that we can learn to live more abundantly with this ancient concept that manages whatever we ask it to deliver.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Spiritual Healing.

The a,b,c's of Spiritual Healing:

a.   Give thanks - (Gratitude) 
I give thanks for (state what is truth relevant to the healing you want). 

e.g. If you are treating for ill health, you would give thanks that Divine Perfection exists in all things and all people at all times. This is REALITY!
Sickness is only an 'appearance' with NO form, shape, substance  nor size. 
Only thought that is appearing real. 

If you were treating for relationship problems, you would give thanks that there is only  'ONE' Mind;  therefore, this  'other'  person is merely mirroring back to me my incorrect use of Spiritual Law. 
So be in Gratitude-  'for the wake up call.'

b.  Unify with  'The Field.'  (One Mind) Spiritual Law always works for You and ALL thought becomes form.
Realize that you ARE The Field of all possibilities.  Objectively Speak The Word.... Subjectively 'SEE' the answer.    (Be The Change You Want To See)

Everyone sends either planned or default  'Objective'  messages into The  'Subjective' Field for instant development, that becomes their life.
As we constantly send messages out into The Field,' of All opportunity anyway,  lets really plan the REAL Consciously desired outcomes. 

c.   Command your request......
Conscious (or Subconscious) Objective Thought is creative power sent out into the subjective field of all opportunities for abundant growth.

Affirming the power of your Word. You would state - I know that my Word (thought) becomes form.
Command your Vision, for 'The Field' must obey, subjective must follow Objective reasoning. 

Speak your command.   e.g. Treating ill health,  you would state MY body is in complete Divine Perfection at all times. 
Only Perfect health, harmony, love and peace exist within me.

Treating for relationship problems - "person and person" are One Mind, therefore no separation or any disharmony exists between them. Only unity, love, peace and harmony exist between them.  

Therefore;  repeat....       It is done, it is done, it is done.

If you're working on yourself state your name as though you're working on a third party.