Sunday 5 January 2014

Spiritual Healing.

The a,b,c's of Spiritual Healing:

a.   Give thanks - (Gratitude) 
I give thanks for (state what is truth relevant to the healing you want). 

e.g. If you are treating for ill health, you would give thanks that Divine Perfection exists in all things and all people at all times. This is REALITY!
Sickness is only an 'appearance' with NO form, shape, substance  nor size. 
Only thought that is appearing real. 

If you were treating for relationship problems, you would give thanks that there is only  'ONE' Mind;  therefore, this  'other'  person is merely mirroring back to me my incorrect use of Spiritual Law. 
So be in Gratitude-  'for the wake up call.'

b.  Unify with  'The Field.'  (One Mind) Spiritual Law always works for You and ALL thought becomes form.
Realize that you ARE The Field of all possibilities.  Objectively Speak The Word.... Subjectively 'SEE' the answer.    (Be The Change You Want To See)

Everyone sends either planned or default  'Objective'  messages into The  'Subjective' Field for instant development, that becomes their life.
As we constantly send messages out into The Field,' of All opportunity anyway,  lets really plan the REAL Consciously desired outcomes. 

c.   Command your request......
Conscious (or Subconscious) Objective Thought is creative power sent out into the subjective field of all opportunities for abundant growth.

Affirming the power of your Word. You would state - I know that my Word (thought) becomes form.
Command your Vision, for 'The Field' must obey, subjective must follow Objective reasoning. 

Speak your command.   e.g. Treating ill health,  you would state MY body is in complete Divine Perfection at all times. 
Only Perfect health, harmony, love and peace exist within me.

Treating for relationship problems - "person and person" are One Mind, therefore no separation or any disharmony exists between them. Only unity, love, peace and harmony exist between them.  

Therefore;  repeat....       It is done, it is done, it is done.

If you're working on yourself state your name as though you're working on a third party.

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