Wednesday 2 April 2014

Love IS All....

I Am That;  I Am.  
'ALL' that I see, do, have & experience; 
Within ME & around ME...... I Am That!!
'MY' whole World IS-  created by ME!!!
My imagination is my whole 'Reality' 
I AM: Prospering abundantly every day.
I AM: Growing in Wealth, Health and Divine One-mind Wisdom every day!! 

I AM healed in body, mind, emotions, and voice as Infinite Mind's revitalizing energy floods my whole being, Divine substance flows in all it's fullness into my consciousness and through me as prosperity into all my Life affairs.

I AM: Loving relationship with Michelle, Friends, Clients, Peers, improving daily. 
I AM living in a perfect, beautiful, joyful, harmonious, loving, safe, sharing World

I AM:   Infinite Wealth, Health and total abundance that increases every day...   In Perfect Ways.   It Is Done!!! 

I AM 'One' within the originating Mind in which I exist;  then, now and forever. 
I AM:  Wherever I am-  Within Spirit! 

- This is a very powerful mini Mediative Mantra.  Dosage:  To be taken auditory several times daily.   For best results-
'Be Consciously present when taken'

People may well be 'aware' of:
What they do want, but never get it. Or, What they don't want, but always keep it, but they do 'NOT' ever change their  life circumstances until they change their 'own' consciousness (their- 'I AM')   and exercise the power of their spiritual nature, because they lack intellectual understanding of its character and of their relation to the originating 'Mind' in which they exist.  (Consciousness)

From Divine Mind; people inherit power over the (imagined) forces of their own mind-  in truth, power over ALL ideas. 
'The Word' of Truth overcomes ALL imaginations of separation & division. 

A person may well have been wealthy, healthy, etc, as their awareness of these benefits of the material world grew;  but if their consciousness was still leveled at poverty, illhealth, etc, they would eventually zero back to their own personal pseudo 'truth.' (Lie)
like a rubber band stretched beyond its natural, comfortable shape, the stress of holding it out to its unnatural shape eventually gives up and it twangs back to its comfort zone again. 

Your outer picture WILL change, when you change your inner consciousness. 
Take your 'awareness' to a whole new level by changing your consciousness..

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