Wednesday 16 September 2015

A letter to a friend.

I thought about your statement about being to blame for what happened to you and maybe it needs more clarification on cause and effect. 

We are NOT to blame for our life's outcomes;  but we are responsible for our own interpretations and results of the information given to us-  from before we were old enough to reason truth. 

In 'this world' there are only ever two options for any human condition:
Angry.        Happy
Sick.           Well
Confused.  Clarity. 
Good.         Bad
Poverty.      Prosperous. 
Attack.       Defend
etc.             etc.  

But within the reality of pure Love, there is but a third option:   Grace!!
This word speaks of deliverance from enemies, affliction, or adversity. It also denotes enablement, daily guidance, forgiveness & preservation

So if we are not being attacked: then we have learnt from our attackers-  how to attack........

For example: From my fairly traumatic  childhood, I was a bullied child in the first few years of school. 
Then one day, I was invited out into the bush behind our school to play with all my school peers. 

This was a new novelty for me as not only was I never invited to anything, but had only ever been picked on, threatened, intimidated by these kids

Well the next thing I knew was that I was in the middle of a circle of maybe 10 to 20 kids and the strongest of the bullies walked into the circle to belt me up. His name was Kelvin Streat. But the leader of the 'gang' Jimmy Humm put him up to it all. 

Well, to this day I have zero ideas on just what or how what happened next, happened. 

But here was Kelvin Streat standing there right in front of me;  in the middle of the circle of startled kids, with massive amounts of blood pouring from his smashed up nose. 

Somehow, all the anger and hidden rage that had welled up inside of me over the previous maybe 8 or 9 years 
(Not sure how old I was) come lashing out on poor ole Kelvin. 

I king hit him fair on his nose, with blood pouring all over himself, he ran home and the band of boys and girls disbanded and I walked back with Jimmy Humm and he and I became best mates.  Funny eh, the bullied became 'the bully' because until recent years, I remained a covert bully in all my relationships. 

But throughout my remaining years through school and high school, there were three more events that I faced challenges from stronger males and each time the 'king-hit' occurred and my bloodied attacker ran off, seemingly frightened of me. 
But it happened through me;  not from me. I never planned to hit anyone, but totally out of the blue, came;  whammo!!!!!

I do not know if this same dynamic happens to wife beaters because I have never been prompted to beat a woman. 

However, I have been goaded by more than one female to get angry enough to lash out. But each time I think deep down that my own fundamental love of the opposite sex has lead me to take my anger out on something else; rather than the nurturing female. 

So is it our fault that these things happened to us???

Semantics are sooo powerful insomuch as, 'self-talk' is everything. 

We are NOT to blame for what happened to us. But we are totally responsible for our life outcomes because of how we INTERPRET events and influences "ON" our life. 

For example, if girls grew up with a subtle influence from their primary care givers (probably mothers, aunties, etc) to watch out for men because they only want one thing (sex) and to "TAKE" from us. 
And if they don't get that peacefully then men may take it forcefully. 

Then although that girl had a very peaceful loving Father, she grows up with an inherent deep fear that ALL men "could" attack her and 'always' the very determined subconscious mind will eventually cause that very event to happen. GAURANTEED!!!!

The subconscious mind secretly manages up to 95% of our lives-  on auto pitot. 
And it is 95% pre-programmed by age 7 by seemingly well intentioned care-givers. 

The subconscious mind is a million times more powerful processor than the very small capacity of the conscious mind. 

So, 'FEAR" of violence-  always attracts much more violence than it asked for. 

We can only have in life; that which we attract;  nothing more; nothing less, either consciously (knowingly)  or unconsciously.   (Unknowingly which is usually the case, as why would we keep on knowingly attract something which is bad for us, and also for our children / grandchildren, in the long term.) 

But as grown ups; we like to believe that we have 100% of our lives under OUR own management. 
But this is far from true reality!!!!!!

At best we may have 10% of our lives under our own management. 
The rest is managed by our pre-programmed inner subconscious society albeit, family belief system that manages all of our days- subconsciously on auto pilot.  And fed daily by a greedy unscrupulous media system that relies on fear to keep their listeners / watchers of audiences of unassuming "followers" asleep-at-the-wheel of their own lives. We are followers of fear;  not Faith. (Unless we learn otherwise) 

At least until we finally realise this terrible automatic out-of-control cause / effect lifestyle and learn to claw back some measure of independence from-the-system, perhaps for the first time in our lives. 

But this can only be done one way-

•. Love
•. Peace
•. Joy
•. Harmony
•. Grace
•. Mercy
•. Forgiveness 
•. Compassion
•. Empathy for others, 
NOT sympathy!!!!  (Empathy heals, sympathy feeds the problem)  

So if we are feeding ourselves every morning and night on the (bad) news of "THIS WORLD" and it is firing us up to-take-action-against-something-or-someone,  then this must be a sure sign that WE have NOT healed something WITHIN-  "ourselves". 

And it will just keep showing up in our lives, and the lives of those that WE have much influence over- our own children, for example. As I have had such past negative influence over my children, but fortunately two out of three have mostly broken away from the negative influences of Marion and myself, as very limited, PAST 'damaged' parents, and they now live quite functional lives with their own families. 

But my total life goal and purpose is to now heal my family lineage of any outstanding curses and fears that will prevent my future family generations from living their lives in anything other than love, peace, harmony and joy. 
And being an example of not buying into the seemingly negative evolution of humanity's growth pains, by showing them how to manage how they 'feel' about what is happening around them in 'this world'. 

As Jesus said:  "Being in this world, but NOT of this world". "My peace I give to You".   GRACE.......

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