Tuesday 15 September 2015

We Are One.

A letter to a friend...........
Thank You for sharing parts of your life with me that obviously are still very sensitive for You. 
It perhaps would have been good had we been able to have a full discussion on this matter,  as I believe that whatever got into us when we were younger, has to come 'out' of us, sooner or later as we awaken to the miserable fact that we continue to attract that which we secretly hate in our life. 

Nothing can show up in your life that you are not already a vibrational match for.  
ie:  Fear attracts fearful things. 


I also believe that as we get to our autumn years in life an overwhelming desire emerges to be emotionally free to just slip into a more peaceful, joyful, harmonious existence.  So we are drawn harder, into that which we love and also, that which we hate must show up for clearing out. 

However paradoxically, those that we have continually attracted to come along with us in this life, seem to delight in pushing our old emotional buttons-  just because they can........ 


This video of Esther Hicks talks about The Law of Attraction and how we don't get that which we want, but we get that which we secretly fear, or not that which we ask for, but that which we 'feel'.  

So if we attract abuse from the opposite sex, (which both you and I and most others to varying degrees have done in the past) then that; from childhood, must be our secret fear. Perhaps some well meaning parent, or person of meaningful significance influence warned us to watch out for men / women, (fear) etc, etc. 


My Father always said to watch out for 'women' "Love them all;  but marry none". 
He, by the way was bullied by the Nuns in a catholic school, and a brutal dominating Scottish mother that lorded over his weaker father and  two boys, his sister was pampered and went on to have a wonderful life. 


So guess what, I became a defensive  commitment phobic weak male also. Until I seeked knowledge on this most interesting human dynamic, then freed myself of it. 

But this male brutality that has controlled our physical world; 
Joel Goldsmith often said that mankind has not much raised above the animal level.  Male predominant left brain is a basic robotic, logic simple fetch-and-carry automaton existence. 


Female left / right brain logic and also emotive action is, I believe, more sophisticated;  but sadly, knowingly or unknowingly often used against mans weakness, to the point whereby he finally "reacts" physically , because this is his only 'known defence' to manipulations of female 'nest' control. 


Anyway,  these are only my thoughts
I really appreciate your openness and honesty.  It would be nice to find peace in all the storms of "this human world" wouldn't it. 

Hope this helps, as it surely has helped me find peace with Michelle and the "crazies" (terrorists, etc, of 'this world'.

All this information from my past studies, endeavouring to set myself free of past brainwashing patterns that I have spoken of has all been on the ' Mind'. 

But the 'body' is a whole other story:
Males are turbocharged physically with testosterone from as early as 13 weeks of gestation;  in the womb. 
At birth the boy baby has the testosterone levels of a 21 year old man, then subsides through childhood until puberty where it rises dramatically again until midlife.  

This is their 'power trip'  hormone, and for many men, once activated, they cannot come 'down' off it. 

Females predominantly operate on their major hormone;  progesterone. 
The 'happy'  hormone.  Hence the peace a female experiences while pregnant. But crashes emotionally, mentally and physically after given birth with post-natal-depression. 

The uterus produces 360 times more progesterone while the mother is making a baby than before or after, so without such large amounts of their 'peaceful' hormone the mother crashes pre and post birth for sometimes up to two years after. 

But then a strange ironic thing happens as we age-
Men slow down on producing their 'war' hormone and women slow right down on producing their 'peace' hormone. So often the tables get turned as oestrogen takes over in both;  men 'retire' and women seek revenge for years of neglect or abuse. 

Fundamentally,  men take on more female life patterns with age, and females become more male in attitude, to put it into a nutshell. 

Also our modern food substitutes are super laced with oestrogen mimicking hormones that have bought this natural phenomenon earlier to many people eating low quality 'food' from supermarkets and takeaway shops.   

And then, to counteract this crazy situation, with fluoride and many other man-made mimicking dumb-out 'drugs' most of our western society is just simply mellowing out; suspended so to speak, on the conveyor belt of 'Life'.  Occasionally some people wake up, like a bear with an empty belly after hibernation, pretty angry!!!

Forgot to say that if male and female energy is functioning correctly then there's an old scripture that says:
"One can put a thousand to flight; but 'two' will put TEN thousand to flight". 

The female energy is the 'neck' that steers the male energy head 'logic' 
(Also an olde Scripture) 

Therefore, behind every great male; 
is an even greater female that is steering the family to success, peace and harmony, from behind the scenes with her natural influential powers. 

But out of whack, female 'convert' negative emotive energy fuels the 'overt' male physical force. 

ie:  Overt male physical force is seen; covert female emotive force goes unnoticed by all; often even unknown to the female guilty of this practice. 

With an ironic twist of fate:  all things must eventually balance themselves and men and women clang and bang together without ever really knowing just what's happening 'to them'. 

Basically we are all automatons wired, triggered, detonated; according to our pre-programmed 'story'. (Belief system) 

Nothing can show up in your life that you are not already a vibrational match for.  
ie:  Fear attracts fearful things. 
     Peace attracts peaceful things. 

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