Wednesday 24 February 2016


You don't  'create'  through hard work, manipulation or borrowed money. (Action) 
You create through vibration. 
Then-  your vibration calls action FROM You. 

Hard work is NOT the path to well being.   (It's always just the beginning of MORE hard work) 
Feeling good is the path to the ultimate well being of peace.  

Achieving anything worthwhile is completely paradoxically difficult for most of us because.........

When your vibrational energy is a match to the;  NOT-having-it, rather than the;  having-of-it; 
this completely blocks incoming desires manifestation.  So.........

a. Be the Spiritual Beings that You are. Peace. Joy. Harmony. 
b. Give up the demanding intoxication of the manifestation of the desired thing. 
c. Let the conjuring of the real emotion / feeling, 'be' the manifestation that you are looking for.   ('Be'-in-the-now) 

ie.  The 'emotional' manifestation is the actual state that you are trying to create.  NOT the actual person, place, event.  (Desire)  

I'm Sorry.....

The 4 statements to transmute disturbing appearances.

When presented with disturbing situations:
e.g. Being abused, criticized  or anything that distresses you, start saying the 4 statements to yourself. 

The other person does not need to know you are doing the four statements in your mind. 

These are the statements and the understanding behind them....

* I'm sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you
* I love you.

The process is done from the understanding that we create our experience of the world through what we hold in our consciousness.........
What we think, feel and speak - a lot of it is subconscious or hidden from our conscious awareness.

When we say  'I'M SORRY'  we are taking personal responsibility for the situation that is presenting before us.  We alone create our own world of circumstances. The 'other' person, place or event is merely the decoy to place blame for our own projection. 

We acknowledge that it is impossible for this present situation to be happening without us first having the belief or thought pattern for its very existence. 

We have innate within us the power to mould the Infinite Universal substance (quantum field) into whatever form we hold in thought. Quantum physicists tell us this is a fact that is observable at the atomic level (of Atoms, protons, electrons, quarks and bosons,etc).

So, if we have a disturbing situation presenting, then prior to this moment we have held the thought pattern or belief in this kind of behavior. Somewhere in our consciousness we have believed in the possibility or focused on this kind of situation.

We say  'PLEASE FORGIVE ME'  to affirm silently to the other person that our thought pattern is causing this disturbance between us. 
Our thought pattern is drawing this behavior into form.

We say   'THANK YOU'   for the reminder of what we are still holding in our consciousness. 
This situation could not be happening unless we held the belief in it, or held the consciousness for it. 

We thank this person or situation for the opportunity/ reminder to transmute our consciousness to Love and Peace.

In reality there is only our thoughts and mind constantly creating our every day experience of the world.

Lastly we say  'I LOVE YOU'  because in behind all appearances there is a place of Peace and Love, a presence that connects all in Love. 

We are saying 'I love you' to connect with, focus on, and therefore bring into our experience the Love within this person or situation.   
We are saying 'I love you' to the True essence of the person or situation. 

What we focus on will soon appear in form.   It is so important to use discipline of Mind to focus on the Love that is the Truth within everything - 
to focus on what we really DO want to experience in form.

Remember, what we think about, speak about or keep in our feelings will soon show up in form in our life.

This process helps us to take 100% responsibility for what is showing up in our life, and then transmuting it through focusing on the Truth behind the appearance. 
That Truth is that Love and Peace are ever present within all of Life.

Thursday 11 February 2016


Emerson and Carlyle.  
Two of the greatest philosophers-

Emerson loved the good, and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. His legacy of quiet wisdom inspired others. 

Carlyle hated the bad with a passion and his life was a record of perpetual discord and constant ongoing inharmony. 

Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law, the other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. 

It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even "the bad". 
Because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by constantly entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing "the wind" and in return shall reap-   the whirlwind. 

"Learn to keep the door shut, keep out of your mind, out of your office, and out of your World, every element that seeks admittance with no definite helpful end in view". 
                    George Mathews Adams. 

The imagination gathers up the material by which the mind weaves the fabric in which your future is to be clothed. 
Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience. 
Imagination is the constructive form of thought which must precede every constructive form of action.