Sunday 15 December 2013

The Power Of The Mind.

The Following Extract is From The Book. The Science of the Mind. By Ernest Holmes. 
THE TIME HAS COME TO KNOW THE TRUTH! (And the truth will set YOU free) The hour of freedom has struck, the bell of Liberty is ringing, and “Let them that are thirsty come.” Let us then, plunge more deeply into our own natures and into the nature of the Universe and see if we shall not find treasures undreamed of, possibilities NEVER imagined and opportunities which the fond thought- yearning for freedom- has often, in our vision of the greater life, given us. “PROVE ME NOW, HEREWITH, SAID THE DIVINE OMNISCIENCENT INTELLIGENCE, IF I WILL NOT OPEN YOU THE WINDOW OF THE UNIVERSE, AND POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING THAT THERE SHALL NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT.”

A WONDERFUL EXPERIMENT. It would be a wonderful experiment for anyone to make to begin to live as if this promise were true; to talk, think, and act as though there were a Limitless Power attending him on his journey through life; as though his every act were directed and guided into expression of peace, health, happiness and harmony. It is surely worthwhile, and understanding will make the way so clear before us that we shall someday come to see the logic of it; indeed, shall we really begin to live it totally. Our lives, fortunes and happiness are in OUR own hands to mold as WE will- provided we FIRST obey The (Spiritual) Law and learn how to make Conscious use of it. “With ALL your getting, get understanding” – an old adage- but today, as true as ever. It has been the teaching of all times that man reproduces the Divine Nature; and if he does, we shall expect to find in his nature the same qualities that we suppose must be in the Nature of Life itself.

WHAT PSYCHOLOGY TEACHES ABOUT MAN’S NATURE. A study of the psychological nature of man verifies the belief in “The Trinity” running through ALL of life. Man is Self-Conscious; of this we are sure, for he can say: “I AM.” This fact alone proves his claim to immortality and greatness. However, until man can get to the Omnipotent place of being able to say: “I AM THAT; I AM,” he will never understand his great Oneness principle of his own Divine BE-ing and remain feeling separated from The Whole. In psychology we learn that man is threefold in his nature; that is, he has a: Self-Conscious mind, b: Sub-Conscious mind and c: Body. In metaphysics we learn that the three are but different attributes of the same life. Man’s Self-Conscious mind is the power with which he knows; it is, one with the Spirit of Omniscience; it is, indeed, his ONLY guarantee of conscious being.

THE SELF KNOWING MIND. It is from this self-knowing mind that man is able to realize his relationship with the WHOLE; for without it he would be unhuman and most certainly not Divine; but since he has it, he must be Divine. It is the self-knowing mind alone that constitutes reality, personality and individuality. It is the “Image of Creation,” the essence of sonship, and the “Personification of the Infinite.”

MAN’S UNITY WITH THE WHOLE. We recognize, then, in man’s self-knowing mind his Unity with the Whole. For while a drop of water is not the ocean, yet it does contain within itself ALL the attributes of the limitless deep. Man’s self-knowing mind is the instrument which perceives reality, and cognizes or realizes Truth. All illumination, inspiration, and realization must come through the self-knowing mind in order to manifest in man. Vision, intuition and revelation proclaim themselves through man’s self-knowing mind, and the Saints, Sages, Saviours, Christs, Prophets, Seers, the Wise and Learned, have ALL consciously perceived and proclaimed this fact. Every evidence of human experience, all acts of kindness and mercy, have interpreted themselves through man’s self-knowing mind. ALL that we know, say or think, feel or believe, hope or long for, fear or doubt, is some action of the self-knowing mind. Subjective (Subconscious) memories we have, and inner, unexpressed emotions we feel; but to the self-knowing mind alone does realization come. Without this capacity to consciously know, man would not exist as an expressed being; and, so far as we are concerned, would not exist at all. The self-knowing mind of man proclaims itself in every thought, deed or act, and is truly the ONLY guarantee of his individuality.

MAN A CENTRE OF GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS. With this vast array of facts at our disposal it would be foolish to suppose that man’s self-knowing mind is any other than it’s perception of Reality. It is his unity with the Whole, or God, on the conscious side of life, and is an absolute guarantee that he is a Centre of God-Consciousness in the Vast Whole. (A drop in the whole ocean of abundant health, wealth, peace and harmony)

UNITY WITH (SPIRITUAL) LAW. We will say, that in Spirit man is One with God. But what of the great Law of the Universe? If we are really One with the Whole, we must be One with the (Spiritual) Law of the Whole, as well as One with the Spirit. Again psychology has determined the fact to be more than a fancy. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Subconscious mind of man determine his Subjective Unity with the Universe of Life, Law and Action.

The SUBJECTIVE (Subconscious Mind) OBEYS THE OBJECTIVE (Conscious Mind). In the Subjective Mind of man we find a law obeying HIS word, the servant of his individualized Spirit (thoughts /memory). Suggestion has proved that the subconscious mind acts upon our thought without question or doubt. It is the mental law of our being and the creative factor within us. It is unnecessary, at this point, to go into all the details of the subconscious / subjective mind and its mode of action; it is enough to say that within us is a mental law, working out the will and purposes of our conscious and subconscious thoughts. Subconscious Mind is the ‘fertile Soil’ that all thought / memory grows within.


Marvelous as the concept may be, it is none the less true that man has at his disposal, in what he calls his subjective / subconscious mind, a power that seems to be limitless. This is because he is ONE with the WHOLE, on the subjective side of life. Man’s thought / memory, falling into his subjective mind, merges with the Universal Subjective Mind and becomes the law of his life, through THE ONE GREAT LAW OF ALL LIFE.

There are not two subjective minds. There is but one subjective mind; and what we call OUR subjective / subconscious mind is really only THE USE THAT WE ARE MAKING OF THE ONE SPIRITUAL LAW. Each individual maintains his identity in Spiritual Law through his personal use of it; and each is drawing from life what HE THINKS INTO IT. TO LEARN HOW TO THINK CORRECTLT IS TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE, for our conscious thoughts and subconscious memory go into a Medium that is Infinite in its ability to do and to be. MAN, BY THINKING, CAN BRING INTO HIS EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER HE DESIRES, IF HE TENDS TO HIS PAST MEMORY AND THINKS CORRECTLY THEN HE WILL BECOME A LIVING EMBODIMENT OF HIS NEW CULTERED, FOCUSED THOUGHTS.

This is NOT done by holding thoughts, but by knowing The Truth.

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