Friday 16 December 2016

Attract Intimate Relationship

Attract Intimate Relationship. 

  • Questions:

•Are you trying to attract an amazing life partner or are you sick and tired of your old partner, maybe you'd just like to spice up the relationship that you've been in for a very long time. 

•Is there something, anything, or almost everything that you'd like to change with your current partner? 

•Has your partner done-the-dirty-on-You and you are blaming them for it all

•Planning to be alone for the rest of your life because it's-just-to-damn-hard to live in a monogamous situation. 

•Are you gay or thinking about how easy it would be to live in a same sex relationship rather than the intricacies of a heterosexual relationship?

These are Questions that most people ask of themselves some time during their lives, or everyday. 

  • Answers:

•To think about changing anything about your current partner is insane. 

•The only change that can come about in your life is from within yourself.  

•Change things on the inside and change on the outside is instantly recognisable in all things around you. 

•The fundamental 'idea' of intimate relationship or 'marriage' is based on the weird concept of relationship with someone-outside-of-ourselves. 

•When in fact the outside relationship displays all that we are on the inside. 

•The reality is that we are experiencing 'the relationship' on the inside of ourselves.  Then, it experiences 'itself' (in form) on the outside of us. 

•Truth is that there is no inside and there is no outside-  it is all one thing. 

  • Explanation:  

•The idea emerges in our own thoughts about the possibility of merging our life with another 'perfect partner' person. (Although most folk these days choose a dog or cat to have their intimacy with as an animal just suffers US in total loyal silence- although it's food they really want from You, not your crap life attitudes and pseudo life choices of settling for a species lower than self. 

Even a dog knows that if it suffers the 'Top Dogs' bad behavioural issues long enough in total submission, then it'll get the scraps off the masters table.)

•We release the idea of relationship out into the Universe of all potentiality through thought, talk and actions. 

•This Universe of all ideas- (in form) that which surely abhors a vacuum, immediately sets about to complete all these possibilities by manifesting that which IS (from mind).

•Therefore, all that we have achieved by attracting our partner is to create a mirror 'double' version of-  ourselves. 

That which is hidden AND obvious. 

And as we don't ever 'see' ourselves, but at best a mirror reflection, (in a mirror) we really have very little conceptual awareness of who and what THE WE THAT WE ARE-  actually is. 

•In the quantum field of all ideas, Yin and Yang is always complete within itself. Oneness personified........

•Mind cannot plan a 'new' thing, neither can it think a new thought. Therefore mind can only reinvent an old idea. 

•Mind can only store information based on past experience. Then regurgitate it into future similar circumstances- given an appropriate signal. 

•So, it can only attract that-which-it-is. 

Therefore as hard as we try to attract someone or something 'better'-  

we always attract that of which we are. 

  • Vision:

Release that which is held onto within by building a strong plan of the partner of your desires 'without'. This plan can only be totally in line with that which you already are, right now. Although I have proven that it is possible to Faith it-until-You-make-it to achieve success

The only partner we can ever attract is the partner that we are now- ourselves. 

Whatever hidden belief still held within (ourself) will broadcast itself through everything on the screen of people, place and event. 

We may be astounded at our partners behaviour, but their outward behaviour has originated from our inward fears.  

We ARE our partner, everything that we hate, like and love, it's all that hidden fear which we have kept hidden within ourselves. 

  • Lessons:  

Whatever we attract in a person, place or event, either that which we find pleasingly agreeable or totally irritating, is merely that which we have attracted to give ourselves choice to either maintain the Status Quo or to effect change within, and in turn (if we can change) change within, will always change that which we experience in the person, place, event- on the 'outside'. 

•By not running away from the ongoing downside of relationship with 'others' but get the lesson ourselves, we then elevate the quality of the relationship toward ourselves and there also comes the increasing improvement outwardly.  

  • Soul:

•The inherited story of our life which the soul that we are- Is, is only a composite of all that which we were, not that which we truly are- now. 

  • Heart: 

•The dichotomy is-   I AM; That I Am. 

•The combined Spirit  (Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence) of all that Is-   is the only abstract total reality of all limited human existence. (Memory)

I Am; That I Am.......... (The 'I' that I am, is the same 'I' that everything IS.)

  • Expression. 

We can never 'get' a partner, neither can we 'lose' a partner because the partner we are seeking is within ourselves and to the degree that we RELEASE the person, place or event that we desire-  that very measure the Universe of all things will, in time,  incubate, magnify and beam back to us-   ALL that 'WE' are..........

We hide from a partner, but we cannot hide-that-which-we-are-  from ourself. 

'Partners' (our own reflections) come and partners go, but the ONE 'partner' that 'WE ARE' remains a firm constant. 

Anything other than what WE on the so-called outside of us are, (partner) is an Achilles heel to cause us to always look within for our outward answers. 

  • The Science:

All things at a sub-atomic level are energy-  vibration appearing as reality. 

The five senses pick up this energy and create 'mind pictures' according to our own past inherited recorded life story. 

The Law of Attraction guarantees that whatever goes out; must return with its own energetic equivalent in hand.  

As we develop 'Spirituality' we elevate from mindless mind chatter-  to Heart energy, that can never be depleted. 

Heart energy is 5,000 times greater than mind (memory) stress energy.  

Heart intuition energy is the Oneness of all that "IS". It's WHO-WE-REALLY-ARE.

  • Epilogue:

'Partners' do not come and go through our life. A partner can never leave us or die. Because the real partner is always evolving within ourselves, and will always express itself-in-the-without. 

This is obvious with agoraphobic folk, they become terrified to step 'outside' for fear of finding-  THEMSELVES;) 

It is only the illusion of a partner on-the-outside that we experience-in-form, it is merely our own 'story' seen. 



Sunday 27 November 2016



Like a wave in the ocean, we believe that we are separate from the ocean. 

Separation Consciousness is the root cause of all fear based thought. 

As you can only be in fear if you believe that something is separate. 

This fear spawns thought programs such as victim and victimised perception, all inferior and superior perception and many more forms of thoughts that promotes separation. 

There is nothing to fear, but everything to Love.........

Separation Consciousness creates a destructive way of being. A way of being that promotes a comparison of your identity in reference to other identities. It is the source of feeling betrayal, sadness, fear, fights and endless cycles of suffering. 

It also generates behaviour such as trying to be better than others, trying to obtain more labels, more possessions, more recognition. 

It's not that these are wrong, it's just in place of separation instead of unity consciousness, these motives originate the need to fill the endless unconscious void of the unsatisfied finite identity.  (Instead of the Infinite Eternal Love that Is all things) 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed-  It Is One!!

Within the One Life, nothing can be lost or gained. When this is seen, the doors of Infinite Abundance that were once unknown, are now open. 


Monday 14 November 2016


85% programmed 'brain' by age 7!!
Quote:   Dr Bruce Lipton. Cellular Biologist. 

The Now.

We live in the-   Now!!

But the dichotomy is that we experience-  'it'   (now)  through the past and the future. 
Even though the past and the future don't exist......

Saturday 29 October 2016

Faith or Fear.

Faith or Fear- We cannot serve two masters. 

One will always demand first place over the other one as this world operates on duality every moment of every day the choice is given to us to serve one master or the other. 

The brain is a servant to Fear.  (Physical)
The heart is a servant to Faith. (Spiritual)

The energy of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the brain. And the heart sends multiple times more energy to the brain than the brain ever sends to the heart. But does the brain listen to the perfect faith of the heart, (connected to ALL-that-IS) or is it listening to the absolute fear of its own (alone) recorded data of "this world" as its reference?

"Faith is the substance of that which is hoped for;  BUT, the evidence of things not yet seen"
That is, not yet 'seen' with the physical eyes, but is seen with the Spiritual inner eyes. 
Because the physical eyes are NOT reality but evidence of  only that which is stored in memory. Our past stories (stored information) subconsciously run our lives on auto pilot up to 85% of  our 24 hour days. We are at best 15% consciously processing information at any given time during our waking time. 

So the question remains-  What is reality?
Is reality that which shows up on our screen of daily life, or is reality that which our faith dictates as real?
It all comes back to whichever story we are feeding. The momentary temporary circumstances of 'this world', or the solid belief in our short, mid and long term vision. 

 "Without a vision the people will perish".  Vision belongs to the heart and in the absence of a solid vision that supports community, the mind brain will revert back to its narcissistic stored self protective references. 

The brain works on the principle of:
Stimulus-   reaction. And has no capacity to create a new thought, but merely to react to its own / alone versions of it's multiple dramatic learned-from-experience 'stories'. 

The heart however is linked to all-that-Is (Omnipresence / Omnipotence) and knows beforehand everything that ever was, Is, or will be. (Omniscience). Heart has intuition, it's the radar that scans all-that-Is. The brains only reference is past personal limited experience. 

So, what are we listening to? 
•  The brain?  Stimulus / response. 
(Never present, always past or future)
•  The heart?  Creating, moment by moment. 
(Always in 'the now' creating all that Is)

Faith or Fear,  Which one will You choose? 

The physical world operates on brain power. 
The Spiritual world operates on heart power. 

Brain is reactionary out of control and under the insane dominance of outside five senses circumstances. See, hear, taste, touch, smell. 
Heart is creation and Omniscient Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Divinity expressing Itself.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Sunday 2 October 2016

Singularity is near (now)

Singularity is now appearing as a catch phrase for the term-  Oneness. 
Oneness denotes 'One Life' lived through multiple portels of seeming existence. 

Omniscience.   One ultimate intelligence. 
Omnipotence.   One ultimate Life. 
Omnipresence. One ultimate experience. 

-  Experienced all at One time, place, event. 

In  other words;  Imagination experienced as apparent form, BUT in effect; no actual form!
(The 5 senses 'story' appearance of 'form' ie: energy vibrating within the Quantum field)

All played out within the Omniscient 'mind' of Divinity in the Quantum Field of ALL abundant possibilities. 

Omniscient intelligence dancing through the field of all ideas and endless possibilities.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Relationship Truth!!

The real truth of relationship is that 'You' only attract that;  which You are......  
(BUT it's all Magnified out big time onto the outer screen of Life, people, places, events, in fact so big that You don't even recognise your own inner self / story anymore. You think and believe falsely that-   Its THEM!!!)

But, that which You are is made up of 'story' And this story which we are is permeated  within our dna by age 7. 
This 'story' that we become by age 7;  creates our future life story and 'it' attracts all that the 'story' requires to fulfil itself, including and especially within the male / female balance. 

Therefore, want to change the conditions of relationship, then change the 'story' which created your partner, friend, colleague, peer in the first place.........

Change your mind (story) change your Life!!!

Saturday 3 September 2016


Fear comes through an awareness of personal separation.  Oneness is Peace. Joy. Harmony. Love. Grace. Mercy. Forgiveness. Patience. 
It's a knowledge of all that Is-  is One.

Thursday 1 September 2016

One thing.......

It's-   All One........
Friend. Enemy. Circumstances. Events. Places. All projected out onto the holograph of "Life".


The power of One.  Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. All is One. All is perfect. All is done. 
All is complete........... 

Omniscience-      One Divine Intelligence. 
Omnipresence-    Everywhere at one time. 
Omnipotence-      All Life everywhere. 


Saturday 20 August 2016


Smart phone blogging is soooo fast, convenient, effective and efficient.  

Blogging-on-the-run, when inspiration dictates written action not only assists in advanced personal learning techniques, but also broadcasts out on the net to other like minded souls to benefit from. 

This blogspot site has generated over 10,000 logins since its conception a short time ago and also added a small income from Adsense ads.  

Thank You Google and

Sunday 8 May 2016

Soul Mate

Soul Mate. 
My thoughts on attracting the perfect partner are-

Write a list of all the ideal attributes one loves to have in a Life partner. 
Keep the list handy and re-read it frequently. 

Then go out into the community sharing heart and soul, serving others in all that we love to do......

It is always there (within that which we love to do- our Dharma) that our soul mate inhabits space and time because the Law of Attraction ensures that we must attract that which we are and that which we do.  

Patience is power because it is within the waiting of attracting that ideal soul, that we ourselves become the values and qualities that we wished for-   in the unique partner that we need for our growth and completion. 

But having said all this-
The person we attract will always magnify and reflect back to us;  all that we ourselves are. 
Both the good and the bad. Which is perfect because it motivates and stimulates our own growth and personal development. 

I found my own Life Partner and Soul Mate this way as after much trial and error in many previous relationships learning about intimacy, she turned up at the perfect time and place. 

And more recently my very own 'new' Saab Vector Sport, within a week of selling my business and including my Business Jeep 4x4 vehicle in the sale

ie:   By using this visioning dynamic  3 years ago I had previously printed several pictures of a silver Vector Sport 2L Turbo with sunroof and hung them above my desk at home. 

Three years later April 2016 I flew down to Sydney to buy my very own immaculate 1 owner Saab with very low K's for an amazing price. Yay!!!!!
Patience is Power!!

Finding a soul mate is #1 for many people. Personally, I believe you have a lot of chances to do so. 
Your soul mate might not necessarily just be one person. But often people have more than one soul mate.  
(But live with one of them of course) 

There’s a reincarnation based belief that I’ve always been fond of. 
That belief is that when you die, your soul shatters and breaks into pieces. Those pieces are randomly brought together with pieces of many other souls to form new souls and new people. 

So when you meet someone that you so strongly click with or find that person who is so clearly your soul mate, you’re really finding pieces of your own soul in them, and they’re finding pieces of their soul within you

(Oneness Principle. There Is-   One!!
We 'see' many others through the five physical senses but in fact there Is;  but one 
* Omniscience. 
* Omnipotence. 
* Omnipresence.                     
Spirit expressed through countless ideas of 'Being' expressed as multiple people, places and events. 
Neat huh? 

No matter how it happens, these are 20 signs you’ve found your soul mate.
• Your soul mate is endlessly loyal to you.
• Your soul mate is always supportive of you.
 • Your soul mate has a similar guiding compass.
• Your soul mate sparks an intense passion in you.
• You can communicate comfortably with your soul mate.
• Your soul mate makes you feel special.
• Your soulmate transcends spiritual boundaries with you.
• Your soul mate appreciates your affection. 
• Your soul mate thinks you’re just irresistible.
• Your soul mate helps you feel safe.
• You feel like you can completely trust your soul mate.
• You don’t just experience their endless love, you feel it.
• You’re spiritually connected more so to your soul mate than anyone else.
• You can spend time sitting in silence but know what your soul mate is thinking.
• Even in times of tragedy, you find strength in your soul mate.
• Your soul mate turns to you with all their secrets, hopes and dreams.
• Your soul mate has the same ideas about business as you.
• Your soul mate always includes you in major and minor life decisions.
• Your soul mate pushes you to be better and you return that favor.

As people, in terms of being happy and successful, you and your soul mate always thrive together through constant never ending challenging growth and development. 

But!!!  Remember this;  that when You are confronted by your Soul Mate, and You will be, often. 
The first one to 'react' to any / every confrontation, is the person that puts up the FIRST act of war.  (Not the one that is first confronting)

Thursday 31 March 2016


•Thought is the means by which You tune into an alternative reality state. 
•The thought is like the hand that turns the dial to tune You into a different frequency. 
•Use your memory of a past good feeling state. 
•Use thought to tune into a vibratory state that You enjoy. 
'Feeling' brings it into reality-   for You. 

You;  are the Creator of your Universe. 

Sunday 27 March 2016

My business.

What others think of me is none of my business..........

Always Remember....                      
How you're treated=  Their Karma. 
How you react=          Your Karma. 

Although I am always open to any rational, polite discussion on how to improve that-which-is. 

Saturday 26 March 2016

Karma notes.

12 Laws of Karma-
That will change your life. 

1: The Law of cause and effect. 
What you sow, is what you reap. 
2: The Law of Creation. 
What we focus on is what we create. 
3: The Law of Humility. 
Accept what is, let go of what was, and make changes towards what will be. 
4: The Law of Growth. 
Our own growth can happen over any circumstances. 
5: The Law of Responsibility. 
Our lives are of our own doing, nothing else. 
7: The Law of Focus. 
One cannot direct attention beyond a single task. 
8: The Law of Hospitality and Giving. 
Demonstrating selflessness shows our true intentions. 
9: The Law of Change. 
History repeats itself unless changed 
10: The Law of Here and Now. 
The present moment is all we have.  
11: The Law of Patience and Reward. 
A patient mindset will reap the highest reward. 
12: The Law of Significance and Inspiration. 

The best reward is one that makes an impact. 
•Always Remember....                      
How you're treated=  Their Karma. 
How you react=  Your Karma. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Sunday 20 March 2016

Finding Love........

Looking for Love in all the wrong places?
• People
• Places
• Events
• Consumerism 
• Consumption 
• etc.......
Find Love within, then all others and other 'things' will validate that Love of Yourself for ever more. 

Tuesday 15 March 2016


The reason we think we are always right is because of The Law of Attraction is always validating the beliefs we hold. 

You are not the discoverer of Truth, You are the Creator of that which You are.

It's not a matter of right and wrong, it's a matter of validation of the fact we hold. 

It's not a about right & wrong, it's 
simply focus and validation. 
The fact that things exist as evidence doesn't necessarily make it true.

Wednesday 24 February 2016


You don't  'create'  through hard work, manipulation or borrowed money. (Action) 
You create through vibration. 
Then-  your vibration calls action FROM You. 

Hard work is NOT the path to well being.   (It's always just the beginning of MORE hard work) 
Feeling good is the path to the ultimate well being of peace.  

Achieving anything worthwhile is completely paradoxically difficult for most of us because.........

When your vibrational energy is a match to the;  NOT-having-it, rather than the;  having-of-it; 
this completely blocks incoming desires manifestation.  So.........

a. Be the Spiritual Beings that You are. Peace. Joy. Harmony. 
b. Give up the demanding intoxication of the manifestation of the desired thing. 
c. Let the conjuring of the real emotion / feeling, 'be' the manifestation that you are looking for.   ('Be'-in-the-now) 

ie.  The 'emotional' manifestation is the actual state that you are trying to create.  NOT the actual person, place, event.  (Desire)  

I'm Sorry.....

The 4 statements to transmute disturbing appearances.

When presented with disturbing situations:
e.g. Being abused, criticized  or anything that distresses you, start saying the 4 statements to yourself. 

The other person does not need to know you are doing the four statements in your mind. 

These are the statements and the understanding behind them....

* I'm sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you
* I love you.

The process is done from the understanding that we create our experience of the world through what we hold in our consciousness.........
What we think, feel and speak - a lot of it is subconscious or hidden from our conscious awareness.

When we say  'I'M SORRY'  we are taking personal responsibility for the situation that is presenting before us.  We alone create our own world of circumstances. The 'other' person, place or event is merely the decoy to place blame for our own projection. 

We acknowledge that it is impossible for this present situation to be happening without us first having the belief or thought pattern for its very existence. 

We have innate within us the power to mould the Infinite Universal substance (quantum field) into whatever form we hold in thought. Quantum physicists tell us this is a fact that is observable at the atomic level (of Atoms, protons, electrons, quarks and bosons,etc).

So, if we have a disturbing situation presenting, then prior to this moment we have held the thought pattern or belief in this kind of behavior. Somewhere in our consciousness we have believed in the possibility or focused on this kind of situation.

We say  'PLEASE FORGIVE ME'  to affirm silently to the other person that our thought pattern is causing this disturbance between us. 
Our thought pattern is drawing this behavior into form.

We say   'THANK YOU'   for the reminder of what we are still holding in our consciousness. 
This situation could not be happening unless we held the belief in it, or held the consciousness for it. 

We thank this person or situation for the opportunity/ reminder to transmute our consciousness to Love and Peace.

In reality there is only our thoughts and mind constantly creating our every day experience of the world.

Lastly we say  'I LOVE YOU'  because in behind all appearances there is a place of Peace and Love, a presence that connects all in Love. 

We are saying 'I love you' to connect with, focus on, and therefore bring into our experience the Love within this person or situation.   
We are saying 'I love you' to the True essence of the person or situation. 

What we focus on will soon appear in form.   It is so important to use discipline of Mind to focus on the Love that is the Truth within everything - 
to focus on what we really DO want to experience in form.

Remember, what we think about, speak about or keep in our feelings will soon show up in form in our life.

This process helps us to take 100% responsibility for what is showing up in our life, and then transmuting it through focusing on the Truth behind the appearance. 
That Truth is that Love and Peace are ever present within all of Life.

Thursday 11 February 2016


Emerson and Carlyle.  
Two of the greatest philosophers-

Emerson loved the good, and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. His legacy of quiet wisdom inspired others. 

Carlyle hated the bad with a passion and his life was a record of perpetual discord and constant ongoing inharmony. 

Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law, the other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. 

It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even "the bad". 
Because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by constantly entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing "the wind" and in return shall reap-   the whirlwind. 

"Learn to keep the door shut, keep out of your mind, out of your office, and out of your World, every element that seeks admittance with no definite helpful end in view". 
                    George Mathews Adams. 

The imagination gathers up the material by which the mind weaves the fabric in which your future is to be clothed. 
Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience. 
Imagination is the constructive form of thought which must precede every constructive form of action.