Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship Myth.

So what is the R Myth?   (The Relationship Myth)
It’s the myth that relationship is anywhere; outside of yourself!
Relationship is about you, you literally are the centre of the universe. The truth was cleverly hidden inside of you all this time, in fact, for thousands of years, that I know about. But maybe beyond that to a time, when humanity was born free.
It has been said that;  “If you want to hide the truth then look in all the places where it isn’t and then spend enormous amounts of money to make it appear authentically true.”

Where Shall We Hide the Truth;
Where shall we hide the truth from man?
The gods all cried when he was made;
How can we guard our secret now,
They are each of them most afraid.
Hide it in the earth, he will mine it,
Hide it on the mountain, he will climb it;
Even in the sea he will find it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

Quite beside themselves they cried,
This little guy will take our throne;
We have made him far too smart,
Not to claim our heaven home.
Hide it in matter, he’ll analyse it,
Hide it in the water, he’ll crystallize it;
Even in the hell, he surmise it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

They thought of stars in outer space,
Or in the nature of a tree;
But they knew that man could solve,
Each and every mystery;
Hide it in the wind, he’ll pursue it,
Hide it in an act, he will do it;
Even in an atom, he will view it.
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

Then they solved the mystery,
Of how the frightened gods should win;
The wisest said let’s take the truth,
And hide it deep inside of him.
Hide it in his heart, he will doubt it,
Hide it in his soul he’ll live without it;
Even if we should reveal and shout it,
He won’t believe the truth is within him.

Quite literally;  you have been pre-programmed, trained like ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’ to salivate to a clanging bell.   A time clock!!

You were always owned by someone. First it was your Mother that told you when to awaken, then it was your school teacher, now it more than likely is your boss, partner, Kids, or clients that tell you what time to get out-of-bed in the morning, therefore they are also telling you what time to go to bed. What you have to dress in, and worst of all……   how much money, time and freedom you are allowed to have for yourself. Does this sound like fun to you?    
There is a way to be free of THE MATRIX!

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