Monday 19 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship Myth. Pt4

The 3D Mindset Transformation Program teaches you:
“How To Be A Teacher.” The teacher is the student, and the student is the teacher. We learn to live naturally with others.
As you learn where your own seat of power comes from, you will automatically begin to set everyone else around you free.
When you come on board ‘The Program’ you will grow to understand that you have been-a-house-divided-unto-itself.
You will come home;  to manage your external life from within, you will realize how unintelligent it is to try to manage and manipulate other people, places and events to the way that you want life to be. All of this will naturally take place inside of your own mind, then it will present itself perfectly in your outside world of appearances. Your true desires will begin to manifest.
Illusion and Reality:
From birth we have been trained to ‘view’ the world through our physical senses; sight, sound, touch, taste, smell; Limitation!
This is the first huge mistake because just when you think that the physical sense world is stable,  it will shift completely again.
The daily life we perceive through our five senses, is not reality!
The science of Quantum Physics has proven to us that space and time are illusions of perception, that only exists as thought!  
Therefore what we ‘see’ can only be an illusion if it occupies the space.  Ernest Rutherford blew the lid off conventional scientific thinking when he performed an experiment that revealed the shape of an atom, scientist’s the world over were shocked when they saw that ‘an atom’ was almost entirely empty space.
The question become;  how could this empty atom possibly make up the world around us. Our true Consciousness does not exist in our brain or in our bodies……  Where we believe it is.
But the illusion of our individual bodies along with the misinformation of our true origins, has manifest the idea that we all think independently from one another.
With this understanding, it would seem impossible to scientifically explain telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums and other spiritual phenomenon’s….  communication that happens without any physical means to make it happen.
But when you understand that there is a common spiritual bond between all things in the universe, and that we are all part of the one Divine Intelligence, no phenomenon is unexplainable.
75% of the world believes in a spiritual realm higher than ‘Self.’
Therefore most of us agree that there is at least ONE spiritual being, A God. The question begs;  does this apply to all of us?
This simple understanding fills all the holes in modern religion, it explains reincarnation, déjà vu, prediction of the future and literally every event occurring phenomenally, or experienced.

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