Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Relationship Myth Pt1 

The Relationship Myth.

The Eternal Search For Feminine / Masculine Balance.

3D Mindset Transformation Program. Transform your world from the inside-  then watch the outside fall into harmony!

The answer to peace on earth is certainly NOT WHERE YOU THINK THAT IT IS. Otherwise you would already have it now!

So where is it, have you searched everywhere for it, like we have? The books, the personal development options, video’s, DVD’s, seminars, workshops, clairvoyants, gurus, meditation, prayer, churches. synagogues, ashrams, yoga, fitness, health, money, cars, homes, clothes, friends, wives, husbands, babies, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs, businesses, Facebook…….

Where is this elusive thing they call;     Peace-of-mind?

The secret that follows ‘The Secret’ which said that you could have anything you put your mind to, did you try it out? And how long did the application of The Law Of Attraction work for you? before you twanged back like an almighty rubber band, back to where you were in the first place, or worse off?

Because only 3% of the population did ‘The Law Of Attraction’ correctly and it worked for them; big time!

But if you make up the 97% of ‘average’ citizens like we have always been, all our past lives, (the mouse on the treadmill) up until recently when we figured out; ‘The Genius In Me!’

Did you know; you really are the centre of the universe!
Life actually does revolve around you. Were you told as a kid that it was bad to be selfish and self centred? And that it was much better to divide yourself up into little pieces and slowly, painfully give-your-life-away, until you died and went to heaven and eternal peace, if you were really lucky….. Close to ‘God?’ 

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