Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship MYTH. Pt5

The War Within;   Masculine / Feminine Energy.
It was said in the Tao Te Ching that he who reacts, puts up the first act of war. Neural science has found that humans burn, up to 80% of their energy in fight or flight reactionary, defensive life patterns of ‘stimulus’….. to which we automatically respond. 
We are wired through Subconscious memory mind to respond to ‘outside’ stimulus, then react!  Up to half a second before we are Consciously aware of what we are reacting to. It all happens in a heartbeat on auto-pilot.  Free will?   You have to be joking! 
We are our programmed thoughts, this all happened long before we were mentally developed to know any difference.
Consciousness shapes our reality. An artist always holds the original of any work of art within their unique Consciousness.
A musician will go into a zone of Consciousness while the music flows through them, often they look amazed at their own mystic.
Combining Consciousness with active imagination as a focused discipline…..  then it ‘appears’ out there in the world of senses.
And we have inner tools to achieve the unending stream of possibilities that make up our lives as we proceed through it.
From an early age we are taught to think rationally and tangibly. This is a very left brain method of education and it has more harmful effects than it’s given credit for. An extremely left brain way to think, but a perfect model for controlling others, male dominance, but basically a suppression of the feminine energy.

The brain is made up of two hemispheres;
The right brain, which is fundamentally creative, and the left brain which is fundamentally logic. The right brain is referred to as our female energy and the left brain is referred to as male. Every person has masculine and feminine qualities.  This has nothing to do with male / female physiology. In fact we all begin our journey in the womb, ‘female’ and after a few days a ‘male’ begins their unique physical transformation. Male breaks away!
This is the second fatal flaw in our past programming and training that by the time we are adults,  it’s almost unworkable and we cyclically travel through life win / lose; lose / win, like a game of ping pong. The game of backwards and forwards, two things always make up our world of duality! We become divided.
But synergising left and right brain, male and female energy we come home to true relationship within ourselves, then in the outside world of people, places and events we begin to notice harmony taking place of disruption. Peace replacing torment. Love (for self, and others) replacing like. Joy replacing fun.

The left and right brain represent duality yin / yang, light / dark, good / bad and every other form of duality, until enlightenment!

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