Wednesday 27 November 2013

'ONE MIND' Transformation. Pt1

1: What IS the…. marketing brand?
2: What IS.....4 Dynamic Phrases?
3What IS

4: What IS ‘ONE MIND’
They are ALL an unfolding of my own awareness incorporated into teaching and healing practical aspects to illustrate the dynamic of the ‘ONENESS’ principle of Divine Intelligence, which expressed in ALL things becomes reality. Duality exists only in the tormented human mind. I talk of ‘Oneness’ being;  ‘ONE’ within the ALL embracing field of ALL possibilities where Chaos becomes Cosmos=  Perfect Homeostasis. 
Some people call this Phenomenon God, and most acknowledge there is a Infinite, Divine Intelligence beyond our little intellectual mind. A few acknowledge the magnificent, simple leverage this Omnipotent energy brings into and through their lives. Atheist’s are the most aware of this field of Divinity as they swear that it ISN”T there, forced to believe it does NOT exist. It is easier in the short term to deny its existence, but those that persevere, develop understanding of true leveraging exponential, expansion into peace, joy and abundance.
ALL things ARE connected by an invisible energy. We like to believe as human ‘Do’ings that we have free will when in fact almost ALL of what we do during our entire life, even while we sleep away one third of it in a total unconscious state, and for the other two thirds, we are almost completely Subconscious, that is, living from memory mind played out into the field of expansiveness. Some of which we are consciously aware, but mostly our behaviour and the subsequent results are triggered automatically from past memory, then half –a second- later, we become consciously aware of what our reaction has created. Then most of the time we are mortified by the outcomes, more often to the degree of not being able to recognise the outcomes as anything like what we set out to achieve hence blame ensues.
How many people are aware they are only ‘victim’ to their own past inherent programming?
In the 3D Mindset, ‘One Mind’ Transformation program we have put together, for dynamic believers of a higher truth, that which educates on how we are “THE CREATOR” of ALL our own Life experiences, the only victims are those still asleep to the perfect truth of The Laws of Attraction, Expansion and Precession, and are still persevering with tired, old, redundant, fundamental Christian, Moslem or Islamic etc beliefs based on other people, places and events create their own Life circumstances for them. This simple mentality creates a bit of a victim mentality, as well meaning people choose to believe that good things happen to them because the God ‘which-art-in-heaven’ loves them (God’s chosen ones). And then bad things happen unexpectedly because there is another ‘God’ of THIS world…..  The Devil – that appears to have all the control down here. This is fundamentally flawed thinking of huge proportions that until addressed, will have people that actually believe this cultist superstition swinging around to whatever breeze of thought blows through at the time.
Victims are simply average (usually angry) people that choose to accept their own lives are governed from anything or everything outside of their own thoughts. Ignorance is NOT bliss!!  Knowledge and its application, equals power and total freedom from the slavery of not being aware of how The Law of Abundance really operates. CREATOR mentality ensures that whatever we feed into the field of ALL possibilities….. then guarantees the outcome that will ultimately benefit ourselves first and foremost, but also be of service to every other human being on the planet through the Law of Precession.
The raw Truth of ALL time immortal that has ever historically set anyone free is that this spiritual Deity we try to say is outside of ourselves, and therefore has to be called upon in prayer, meditation, petition, asking or pleading, is NOT outside ourselves, BUT is within and without, it is everywhere, everyone, everyplace. The five senses only show us the illusion that slowly becomes thought, thought slowly becomes fact, fact slowly becomes experience.  The moment we realise the perfect Deity that WE are, is the moment we change from being victim of outside circumstances, to being Creator of the world we ultimately require to have. Chaos becomes Cosmos.
So my partner Michelle and I have sought vast amounts of knowledge together over several  decades of study from past and present Mentors of Science and Spirituality and combined many ideas of expansiveness into an educational / healing program that past clients have experienced, then notice how;  “Everyone in their life changes into better people.” However as they continue their unfolding journey they realise how their own transition from ‘victim’ to Creator mentality influences ALL those people, places and events around them to greater more harmoniously successful outcomes in relationship and business.
In our overall program which can be experienced personally or remotely, I bring my vast knowledge into play with overall tried and tested vision creating principles and daily application methods of ‘reading’ signs and leads, that taking action upon, produces life-changing, paradigm shifting results based on studying Vision setting techniques and my own hands-on-experience of Life and business. I can very quickly get to the core of human blocks to a healthy mind/body energy flow and once discovered, a new vision is established.
Michelle brings her decades of study and learning of several practical and spiritual healing experiences to patiently lead clients through the troubled waters of self-sabotaging personally destructive thought patterns that no longer serve, but limit a person’s freedom in peace, joy and abundance. The transitions are always dynamic in a very still, calm way.

The Oneness principle is based on the awareness that ALL things are connected within the quantum field of ALL possibilities. Everything feeds into this field constantly and everything draws back from the field that very same intention to which it was originally sent out.               This belief is simply practical and succinctly basic, in fact if anyone wanted to hide the truth from the great masses, they would hide it there right in front of their noses. For this simple elegant truth, once understood will set you free and by natural succession, free ALL those around you in your family, business and friendships as well.                                                                                                                The truth is:  WE ARE ALL CONNECTED AT AN OMNIPOTENT ENERGY LEVEL AS ‘ONE’ DYNAMIC OMNIPRESENT UNLIMITED, UNITED ‘FIELD’ OF OMNISCIENT POWER.

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