Friday 8 November 2013

Meaning of Relationship.

Science/Spiritual of: Mind, Body, Soul.

We see abundance in the Universe. We cannot count the grains of sand on a single beach. The earth contains untold riches, and the very air is vibrant with power. Why then is man weak, poor and afraid? The science of Mind deals with these questions. The divine plan is one of freedom; bondage is not Infinite-Spirit-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All of us instinctively feel this. The truth points to freedom, under law. Thus the inherent nature of man is forever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom. We do well to listen to this inner voice, for it tells us of a life wonderful in its scope; of a love beyond our fondest dreams; of a freedom which the soul craves.
But the great love of the Universe must be one with the great law of its own being, and we approach love through the law. This then is the teaching: LOVE and LAW. As the love of Infinite Spirit is perfect, so the law of Infinity also is perfect. We MUST understand both.  
Whatever the nature of any principle may be – insofar as it is understood by anyone – it may be understood by all who take the time to investigate. This does not require an unusual degree of intelligence, but rather, a practical application of what we now know in order that we may increase our knowledge. The study of Science and Spirituality is a study of the first cause, and then the ultimate lasting effect, or that invisible essence, that ultimate stuff and intelligence from which everything comes, the power behind creation – the Thing Itself!!

We accept this “THING” and believe in it. What we desire is to know more about it, and how to use it. From proof alone, we know we are dealing with a definite principle. If one (through the Conscious use of his knowledge) can produce a certain result, he must know with what he is dealing. It may seem as though, in dealing with metaphysics, we are dealing with something to abstract. But what is tangible other than results? Principles are forever hidden from our eyes. We accept the deductions of science, insofar as they are proved, and we recognize that they are built upon immutable, but invisible principles. 

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