Friday 29 November 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt2

'One Mind' Transformation:  (OMT)

"Physician Heal Thyself"!!!      The 'Illusion' is within yourself! 

A Healing Method Of Self ;  Then watch the illusion in others shift.

By Exposing That Very Thing That I 'SEE' in other People,  Places and Events.  

I then release the flip side of the illusion of appearance that I have been hiding / hoarding within myself. 
 If the illusion is:
Poverty;    release Wealth.
Sickness;  release Health. 
Low self esteem;  release confidence
Bullying;   release divine protection.
Ignorance;  release intelligence.
Female imbalance;  release Male.
Male imbalance;  release Female. etc.

Whatever YOU are experiencing in others....    YOU are the cause!!!! 

ie:  The best thing for a sick child is a Parentectomy.  (The cause)  
Parents simply release the vision of perfect health from within themselves and do everything to support child wellness. 
(This also applies to our own 'ill-health. We take 'The Sick Child' within ourselves into the safe place of the 'Presence;' (present time) to expose the illusion of sickness: 
1: apply Gratitude that we have come this far, 
2:  release the Divine (spiritual) health we have hidden from view.  
3:  It IS Done!!!

A Conscious act of transformation of stuck energy between: Self (&).......  Person, Place or Event.  

Whatever I 'SEE' in another which may be any discord at all, is only stuck energy in myself and I can never be truly free until ALL I experience within myself and other people, places and events is free also. 

The illusion of circumstance is:   The 'Seabirds' which indicate 'The land' (IS Near)
Don't hide that which has come to us as a 'lead' to guide us onto freedom!! 

When we Consciously EXPOSE the circumstance that presents itself to us from ourself, another person, another place, or another event that we 'see' with our sensory perception, the appearance or illusion vaporizes. 

For example:  If  this person, place or event is presenting an illusion of poverty, sickness or fear,  I would release the wealth, health and faith that I am withholding from myself. 

Whatever is showing up on my radar (in another person, place or event) is the very thing that I myself am stuck in.  
Otherwise I would not ever be witnessing it at all in the First Place.

What we are releasing is the flip-side-of-the-coin of what we 'SEE'......
If I am witnessing poverty;    release Wealth.
If I am witnessing sickness;  release Health.
If I witness fear in another;   release Faith. 

Saying the statement: 
"I release  'ALL'  that I Am" to the name of the person, place or event, releases ALL that 'You' have been withholding from this person, place or event.

The person, place or event will come into your mind as a 'lead'  when you make the time each day to be in a 'ONE MIND' (OMT)  receptive state. 

Begin the process by being Grateful to some One, or  Place or Event. 
(Maybe your current circumstances) 

Then as you begin to release ALL that you are; the cause of the disharmony in the other person, place, event will come to you in another 'lead' to act upon. 

The ONLY lack that YOU ever experience is the lack that 'YOU' withhold from person, place or event.

When YOU release what YOU are holding onto, the person, place, event will release what they are holding onto also.       Abundance must prevail!!

Abundance can be either fear or faith.   The Superconscious  Field incubates & magnifies anything given to it by your Subconscious stories or Conscious belief / Vision. 

If the apparent LACK is of: health, wealth, peace, joy, etc, watch ALL the 'lack' vaporize immediately in others circumstances;  then your own;  and Homeostasis fills the void. 

I release ALL that 'I' Am to......  (name of person, place or event that comes into your mind as a lead)  ie:  I release abundance, safety, wealth, health, confidence, self esteem, joy, peace, harmony, dignity, morality, honesty, courtesy,.....

First Step:
'Gratitude' is the KEY that opens the shut door of illusion / appearance!!

Second Step:
Releasing the flip-side of illusion opens the door to Infinite Answer!! 

Third Step: 
Anticipating A Successful Outcome.
Repeat. "It Is Done." Until you 'SEE IT" with your finite sensory perception. 

ie:  "I am so Grateful for this person, place or event."  (Mirroring Myself)
"I Release  (either)  Peace, Joy, Love, Wealth, Health, Faith, Abundance, etc." (to the other; Now)  I stand in Infinite Faith that:  "It IS Done"!!!

If Man / Woman ever wanted to hide the Truth of their own Be-ing.....
They would never hide it in the skies, the oceans, the mountains, outer Space or in other people, as Man / Woman would eventually explore those places and eventually find IT there. 
They would hide it in their own Soul;  that way they would never find it because that is the last place man / woman will ever look, as Soul is the persons own Subconscious memory.  (Pain-Body) 
Within our own Soul is where ALL Truth resides. Release your Truth NOW;  set yourself and others Free!

For example, if a man was angry with other 'Alpha Males' attracting his wife, he would immediately release the 'alpha' male from within himself. He would release the hidden alpha male within his own Soul and connect with and acknowledge the 'alpha' male qualities flowing out from himself.
(And being Grateful for the event reminding him of his own 'hidden' perfect Alpha status within himself) 

For a woman who is not receiving the love she wants from her husband, she would start releasing all the hidden love within her own soul (that she is) from within herself.   She would connect with, and experience that all love is already within her and it is full to overflowing.
(And being Grateful for the event reminding her of her own 'hidden' Love status within herself.) 

This is ALL I have learnt from:
Joel Goldsmith
Wallace Wattles
James Allen
Ernest Holmes
Florence Scovel Shin
 Byron Katie 
Eckhart Tolle.
And put into as simple a process that I can, for the everyday use of every person that cares for themselves and other people, places and events.

We Are ALL The Healer!!  (which IS Within) 

This IS the vital Truth of our BE-ing!! 

Espavo.     Sam.   

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