Suddenly, in
a burst of excitement, laughter and amazement, the words came together from
Life, Cells, Excelling….. to LIFExcells.
Then a young graphic artist under my pedantic
direction and countless attempts over many weeks, created the logo from the two
words into ONE. Inviting duality to come together in “Oneness” Life,
(spirit) with Cells, (body) with the dynamic contouring background curve
to indicate an opening arc, equalling awakening
‘Female,’ Yin energy. The contour begins its ‘mono’ Male Yang arc at the
narrow end, then as it expands to truth as Yang “MEETS” Yin, widens its
awareness and appeal to its own (One) SELF and its own magnificence, ultimately
continuing to unlimited possibilities in the energetic field where Female Yin
is unified with its harmonic Male Yang energy into balance.
is the energy behind all that Michelle and I personally live for.
Every second becomes an
opportunity for us both individually, and also in our intimate and business
relationship to learn from experiences of duality, and apply Oneness Life
Every day we
are challenged by our own countless limiting thoughts that with self
discipline, we gain experience to reframe thought into unlimited possibilities
of new visions of lofty plans to eventually conquer our own world of duality to
BE in peace, joy and ‘ONE” Love.
Dynamic Phrases are our awakening of: All my life’s results are the ultimate culmination
of ALL my hidden/exposed thoughts, appearing to me in the Energetic Universal Field
of ALL equally enhancing possibilities. The Law of Attraction in effect. I AM the creator of this. (situation)
I AM 100% responsible for this. (outcome)
I AM also the answer in this. (response)
I AM grateful for this. (opportunity)
CE=ZERO discreates the cause of ALL problems. It is the third option to fight or flight!! Based on the
ancient tribal method of reconciliation and forgiveness, ‘Ho’oponopono,’ which
was refined into ‘Self Identity’ by a Hawaiian Kahuna (elder).
The four
statements of Self Identity are:
1: I am sorry. 2: Please
forgive me. 3: Thank You. 4: I
love You. CE=ZERO is a less
emotive, more dynamic teaching of personal responsibility of who ‘I’ AM.
call for me in mid-life was that I was NOT a victim of parents, the education
system, partners and all the other stuff that happens to us. I actually get to
choose from the realms of duality what I will think about circumstances, therefore I am always the CAUSE and not
VICTIM of outside effects. Whatever
happens, I get to decide whether to react and put up the first act of war,
or immediately seek a Win / Win
outcome. The Golden Rule of life: “Hurt not others with that which pains
yourself.” brings Peace to ALL. I AM my
own CREATOR in MY world! Other people
are always my kind, loving, perfect teacher to guide me through the realms of
my hidden inner beliefs about how I ‘SEE’ life according to ME.
3D Mindset Transformation evolved from the understanding that
at the human level, we have a Pre-frontal Cortex Conscious Mind, a Subconscious
Memory Mind, and an unlimited Superconscious field of ALL possibilities that
takes thought and memory, incubates, then magnifies it all through the Laws of
Attraction, Expansion and Precession. Learning to manage this most amazing Spiritual
operating system is an ongoing life study, practice, perseverance and
experience. But after lots of practise, the rewards and ongoing consequent success
in affairs experienced from trial and
error are well worth the sacrifice and separation of so-called worldly pleasure-to-pain,
replaced by a transition to peace, joy and inner harmony that then expresses
itself in the world of form, shape and experiences. Our reality shifts
dynamically from control to absolute freedom.
Man and Woman
are merely a culmination of all their years of memories of stored past information
awaiting triggers from outside circumstances of persons, places, activities and
events. These ‘outside’ triggers immediately recreate reference points that
Subconscious memory relates to and reacts from. Half-a-second later, Conscious
mind is aware we are ‘victim’ of just another behavioural pattern managed by
‘auto-mind.’ When Consciousness (the observer) awakens to
the now passed event, it ‘sees’ person, place or event from the vantage point
of the senses eg: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, and anchors’ the reaction
to the ‘outside’ person, place or event.
Consequently we NEVER think for one moment that we have just created our
circumstances because what we always CONSCIOUSLY witness is:
a: Always in the past, by half a second
minimum. (Not in present time)
b: Anchored to what we see, hear, touch, smell,
taste. Sensory but on-the-outside of us.
c: Therefore, nothing to do with(in) ourselves. So
we relinquish any responsibility.
d: Caused by someone, something, some place,
on-the-outside of ourselves.
e: Nothing ever to do with us,
but CAUSED by something or someone external to self.
ALL Superconscious possibilities does not know the difference between fact or
fiction, imagination or Conscious vision. The Field of abundance will always
incubate and magnify every last little
detail of whatever it is given to work with. Therefore this dynamic multiplier
of ALL IDEAS is completely indiscriminate as to whatever it sends back to us,
be it our worst nightmare or our fondest desire, it is a faithful servant to
the extreme.
The average person has an
altruistic view on life, even hardened criminals when interviewed, had some
good intention to help someone, even if that someone was themselves. None of us
set off to destroy the quality of our life, but when it happens, we totally blame
outside circumstances, never going within to find the latent causes within
ourselves. When you finally understand the exact law of multiplication within
your own mind you will cease to regard yourself as the impotent blind tool of
circumstances and become the strong and ‘seeing’ master of ALL of your life’s
positive outcomes according to what you really need, not what haphazardly turns
up, usually when you least expect it. This is an exact science, Between birth
and death we either plan, (thinking) or run on default, (memory) but the
outcome is always the same. The guarantee is;
WE get back exactly what WE send out!!
Until we
leave the world of sensory appeal and enter into the ethereal realm of ideas, we
will never see that WE alone are The Creator of ALL our life’s circumstances.
(Not victim) Leaving the world of pre-programmed rote-routine stimulus /
reaction, to learning how to manage our awesome mind software is a
revolutionary idea that few have embarked on. But over history this idea of
‘Creator Mentality’ has been emerging and snuffed out again on constant accounts of documented evidence that
we-are-the-sum-total-of-our-thoughts. Therefore we can also easily change our
thoughts, change our minds, rewrite the software of our ‘program’ and move
ahead again to create a whole new story for our unfolding life. So this is 3D Mindset
Transforming the mind to rewrite the software programming to what we REALLY
NEED, rather than what we thought was just a good idea based on someone else’s
perception of what OUR life should have been. Maybe OK for them, NOT good for
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