Wednesday 4 December 2013

'ONE-MIND' Transformation. Pt 4

But the four basic levels of learning for us all to Spiritually move forward are: 

1: Ignorance; to the truth of Oneness, but the desire to acquire its liberating effects is the beginning of a transition from separation, too connection with our own ultimate BE-ing. How anyone can deny the presence of a perfect Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence intelligence, greater than their own pea-brained awareness baffles me. Even when I was a child, I revelled in the awesome relevance of a world far beyond anything that I lived in and could ever have conceived possible from a human stand-point. As life has continued to pass by me as a kaleidoscope of complete wonderment, there is not one scrap of doubt left that there has to be an essence of truth that connects all things perceived at the sensory level of existence, beyond where most people’s imagination can stretch. 

This area of imagination is lost to even the most zealot Christian or religious person from ANY cultist ‘spiritual’ gatherings because it paradoxically leaves them completely alone in the spiritual void of ‘nothingness’ where few human DO-ings can ever venture. This lofty realm of complete isolation from personality, stories and pseudo relationship fundamentally based on a constant narcissistic personal view that the little ‘I’ that I am must be appeased. Without knowledge of: “I AM THAT; I AM,” (All that I see, hear, taste, touch and smell; ‘I’ AM,) life continues to be disconnected, surges and withdraws and never appears to remain at all consistent.
Ignorance is NOT a safe place to live, everything and everyone appears to be separate and apart from who WE are. Life happens to us, NOT from us and whatever we do is never permanent as we struggle to maintain homeostasis. At this level of existence we long to come home to a greater truth that most people finally cease resisting near, or on their death-beds and concede; “God help me…. Save me from the pit of hell that I will surely end up in if I don’t accept you as my saviour and divine maker of myself and ALL things.”
Albeit that history shows us that most humans have already lived much of their lives in a hellish environment of confusion, harassment and detachment, separated from the very BE-ing they continually denied. The fundamental denial of a Superconscious realm that lives through us is strongly denied by humans because it would imply that the human DO-ing would not be free to make up their own mind and be free to live according to their own intellectual decision making system. This very desire to be free to have personal choice has paradoxically been denied EVERY human for so many thousands of years that none of us truly knows what personal freedom is any more. In fact, when we express our true freedom of speech, opinion, or lifestyle some other ‘separated’ person/s judges us as radical.

2: Knowledge; Studying to learn how to recognise the difference between Oneness and duality, and how duality separates us from the freedom of our ONE natural, spiritual birthright to explore our own personal expression of abundant creation which is individual ‘IDEA’ at a vibration level ‘in human form,’ only experienced through our five senses. At this stage of unfolding interest in something ‘outside’ of ourselves, we begin to accept that there is a Divinity greater than our own tiny concept of what IS. But this level of awareness keeps the truth of a altruistic presence somewhere far and distanced from us, even in some heaven way out in the Galaxies where no living man, woman or child can ever prove its existence, nor argue its relevance. But at least at this level of awareness we are open to a power greater than ourselves. Most people come to this place either by being brain-washed from cultural dogma, or through some chronic misfortune in their lives they seek solace in the lofty realms of the invisible saviour of all humanity denying their own true identity; that is actually this very Divinity that has always lived through them and can never be found anywhere but everywhere, within, without, in the Galaxies, on earth, the stars, every plant, creature, rock, pebble, grain of sand; in fact everywhere-at-once-living-everything, Omnipresence.

3: Wisdom; is the practise of this acquired knowledge which through continuous experience, brings unfolding quiet peace, harmony, joy, abundance and equality in ALL things. Wealth and Health principles are developing at this vibrant level of LIFE as we practise the awakening from ignorance into the knowledge of ‘ONENESS.’ However, it is the practise of our acquired knowledge that begins to set us free. As we start to live the truth of BE-ing the presence of a living altruistic Divinity that constantly expresses itself through ALL things perceived by the sensory BE-ing, the true essence of who and what we are begins to permeate through us to ALL things around us. Life begins to express itself naturally as we get led to act according to the Divine Will over our lives to serve each other in the most delightful way possible. At this stage of evolution, we begin to realise that what was a often boring drudgery in the past, becomes a pleasurable, vibrant, peaceful experience to live.

4: Understanding; The penny begins to drop at this lofty level of awareness. This final destination of our journey through life to explore all of its possibilities, delivers to us the satisfaction of ‘knowing’ we ARE ‘ONE’ with ALL life. The exhilarating desire to spread the message either in quiet meditation or in the classroom of life defies logic, truth beams out of us as a joyful radiance of light energy, a confidence, enthusiasm, acceptance of all that is LOVE! 
‘WE’- becomes ONE!! The thing we were seeking from other people, places and events or even from the heavens, we now know IS living from us and through US!! 
 Keep tuned into this segment as my own Understanding continues to grow and develop.

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