that ‘You
are the field’ (Superconscious Mind) is the step through the door of 3D Mindset Transformation. YOU are
One in God, and all Infinity, The Field or whatever you acknowledge as the
exceptional Infinite Power beyond thoughts and stories.
‘ONE-MIND’ Transforming idea that “YOU-ARE-THE-GENIUS-THAT-IS-ALL-THAT-IS” is
revolutionary, radically different, stunningly simple, yet has been historically
taught for thousands of years by ALL of the past exceptional Spiritual Teachers
that have ever lived.
the ages there have been many wonderful spiritual teachers who have served as a
guide for many people on earth, often at the expense of their own physical
safety. What makes a great spiritual
teacher great, I feel, is a heightened AWARENESS that they are no better, nor
worse than anyone else. They are aware
that we are all one with God and Limitless, Pure Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom and Peace. A spiritual master need not sit high on a
mountain nor flit around in flowing robes nor sport a perpetually beatific
smile. A great spiritual teacher will
exhibit three things in abundance:
Wisdom, Articulation, Compassion.
He or She has no desire to form his / her own religions or cults but only to encourage others to embrace their
own personal inner Spiritual Mastery.
Below is a
list of some of the most influential spiritual masters past and present. This
is by no means a definitive list, but simply some of the most well-known (at
least to myself).
Buddha, Jesus, Krishna Murti, Sidhartha, Mary The Virgin, Mohammed, Confucious,
Deganawida, Hiawatha, Lao-Tse, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, etc.

3D Mindset Transformation (DMT) is the vast knowledge based ‘Oneness’ program to synergise and combine three ‘human’ aspects of Omniscient Mind into a focused dynamic personal Vision. 3D Mind explains cause & effect.

3D Mindset Transformation (DMT) is the vast knowledge based ‘Oneness’ program to synergise and combine three ‘human’ aspects of Omniscient Mind into a focused dynamic personal Vision. 3D Mind explains cause & effect.
‘One-Mind’ Transformation Procedure (OMT) is the intimacy of healing energy and music coming together through the experience of Nature’s wonderment of Theta/Alpha brain rhythm whole-brain state focus of ‘Oneness.’ The Healing principle works on the basis of ALL things are perfect in the Spiritual realm that all Humans, places and events naturally are. It is only our separated thoughts of duality that would have us believe that anything other than perfection could be possible.
These above four complementary brand modalities combine decades of Michelle’s, and my own Life experiences through personally evolving vast levels of understanding.
These above four complementary brand modalities combine decades of Michelle’s, and my own Life experiences through personally evolving vast levels of understanding.
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