Sunday 23 March 2014

The Word of Faith.

Speaking 'The Word' over life's fickle circumstances is extremely important and completely life-changing. 

What is 'The Word?'  It is a very simple affirmation of something that would be of benefit to you, and all of mankind, based on Faith. ( not fear) 

So something has happened that you find distasteful, dishonest or disapproving and you can feel the desire to react, get annoyed, or rebel;   not necessary...... 

You simply; speak the word of truth over 'The Decoy' of behavior and affirm reality over these mere facts-of-life, which only APPEARS real, but as there is ONLY Good in this World, the continually changing illusion of shifting, waivering 'facts' can, and will change from moment to moment, day to day as you buy into them. Real Truth however remains a loyal constant throughout the illusion of any tempory appearance. 

Faith is:  "The Substance Of Things Hoped For, And The Evidence Of Things Not Yet Seen." 

It's not:  "I'll Believe It When I See It."
But it's   "I'll 'See' IT when I 'believe' IT. 

Imaginative, Creative Faith IS True Power!

Saturday 22 March 2014


An Invitation To Rest Deeply.

Here’s some very good news.

Right here, right now, in this moment, you don’t have to ‘figure out’ the rest of your life, no matter what anyone says.

You don’t need all the answers. They will come, in time, or not, or perhaps the unncecessary questions will fall away.

There is no rush. Life is not in a hurry. Be like the seasons. Winter is not trying to become summer. Spring does not rush towards autumn. The grass grows at its own pace.

The choices that will be made will be made, and you’ve no choice about that. The decisions that will happen will happen, events will unfold, but right now perhaps you don’t need to know the solutions or the outcomes or how best to proceed. Perhaps not knowing is a welcome guest at life’s banquet. Perhaps openness to possibility is a beloved friend. Perhaps even confusion can come to rest here.

And so, instead of trying to ‘fix’ our lives, instead of trying to neatly resolve the unresolveable and quickly complete the epic story of a fictitious ‘me’, we simply relax into utter not knowing, unravelling in the warm embrace of mystery, sinking deeply into the moment, savouring it fully, in all its uniqueness and wonder.

And then, perhaps without any effort, without any struggle or stress, without ‘you’ being involved at all, the true answers will emerge in their own sweet time.

 There is nothing wrong with you.

Friend, from the very beginning, you were not broken.

You were not born into sin. You were not destined for the spiritual garbage heap. There was never anything fundamentally missing from your life.

You just thought that there was. Others tried to convince you that you were not good enough, because they too felt not good enough. In your innocence, and with no evidence to the contrary, you believed them. So you spent all those years trying to fix, purify and perfect yourself. You sought power, wealth, fame and even enlightenment to prove your worth as a ‘me’. You compared yourself to other versions of ‘me’, and always felt inferior or superior, and it all became so exhausting, trying to reach those unreachable goals, trying to live up to some image that you didn’t even fully believe in anyway, and you longed for the deep rest of yourself. 

But you were always perfect, you see, from the very beginning. Perfect in your total imperfection. Your imperfections, your quirks, your flaws, your weirdnesses, your unique and irreplaceable flavours, were what made you so loveable, so human, so real, so relatable. Even in your imperfection, you were always a perfect expression of life, a beloved child of the universe, a complete work of art, unique in all the world and deserving of all the riches of life. 

It was never about being a perfect ‘me’. It was always about being perfectly Here, perfectly yourself, in all your divine strangeness.  

“Forget your perfect offering”, Leonard Cohen sings. “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

 Enlightenment is Not A Destination.

There is no fixed path to enlightenment.

Enlightenment is not a goal, the resting place at the end of a long journey -that’s the mind’s version of enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the lighting up of where you are right now.  

This is very good news. It means that nobody is the authority on your path – no teacher, no guru, no religious leader. It means that nobody can tell you the right ‘way’ for you. It means that you cannot go wrong, even if you think you’ve gone wrong. It means that nothing that happens can ever lead you off the path, for the path is whatever happens, without exception. Nothing can take you away from the miracle of life, or bring you closer to it for that matter, since the miracle is all around, already shining brightly, as every thought, sensation, image, feeling, smell, sound, and as the deeper miracle of the one who is aware of all of this. 

Be the awareness, shining on the moment, whatever its contents. Doubt, fear, sadness, anger, intense confusion – maybe, just maybe, these are neither enemies nor blocks to enlightenment, but expressions of a deeper intelligence, the same incomprehensibly vast and awake intelligence that gives birth to stars and moves the ocean tides and sends each and every living thing off on its paradoxical journey towards its own being. 

Come out of the story of time and space and progress towards a future goal, and trust a sacred moment. Take any moment. Any moment at all. This moment. For any moment is the access point.  

There are never any blocks – only access points.

You are not some separate entity on a long journey towards a future completion.  

You are pure poetry.

 With love,

Jeff Foster. 
> Read more of Jeff writings in The Wordless Library



Tuesday 18 March 2014


Humans 'ARE' BE-ing at any given time, that's why we are called human beings. 

We are given this  generic name which describes our species, but what do we actually have in common that all of us are given the same descriptive title. 

Well the Spiritulists say that we are Spirit just having a human experience and quantum physics may support this idea as it has been proven scientifically over the past one hundred years that the atom, which is the base material humans (and every other thing on the planet, including the planet) is constructed of, is only in fact 1% solid, barely enough to reflect light, to alert the optic thalamus there is something out there. 

The rest of the 99% is aether, (gas) the stuff that fills the void and which appears to be the imagined idea of who we came here to be, perhaps to give ourselves away to serve each other in loving ways.

But most people would agree that 'we' human beings are a little bit different from each other in some ways. And those of us with huge ego's would swear they are completely different from the rest of us. 

Eight years ago I was introduced to an idea by my beautiful partner, Michelle. 
She quietly informed me that because I was born in September, I was a Virgo and this therefore, put me into the female energy category of human beings.

Intellectually, I thought this idea a little crazy, but at a deeper level something was confirming the truth of this weird suggestion that a 'tough' ex farm boy male man could in fact be female. 

As the past eight years have unfolded, I have studied history and observed male and female energy and what these titles actually mean, apart from our practical physical gender. 

Well as it turns out, this simple practical guide to human nature has helped me define a persons character better than any other personality guide that I have ever studied and practiced throughout my business career in understanding other peoples temperament and what and where they are best suited to work in within my business. 

As it turned out, Michelle is an Aquarian which ironically places her in the male energy category. So I have had first hand experience to study female energy in the male body, and male energy in the female body. 

I always knew as a child that there was something different about me from some of the other kids in the country locality we grew up in. For a start, I abhorred any physically violent contact sport like football or fighting, preferring outdoor adventure type sports and recreation, like cycling, kayaking, swimming, exploring. 

And I was drawn naturally to creating and growing new things which I went on to create and grow many properties and businesses over my entrepreneurial days.

As time has gone by living, working and playing with Michelle, our strengths and weaknesses have complimented each other in so many ways that it seems we have zero stress in our lives because we only do half the stuff we used to have to do before we met.  And we appear to enjoy doing what the other one doesn't like to do. We cover for each other. 

I am still fundamentally a man....
Michelle is fundamentally a woman. 

Virgo is an earth element, earth nurtures the seed (idea) that is placed in it. 
Aquarian is an air element. Informing, communicating, connecting all things. 

Physically, I value being a real man and I can 'tough' it with the best of them.
But the real value is understanding the sensitivity of my 'female' feelings toward my fellow earth creatures has changed my life completely. Feelings that were locked up in my past because it wasn't cool 'for a boy to cry' are now free to explore emotion, empathy and true love.

Physically Michelle loves her femininity, she values dressing up and being the real 'lady' but given a horse, cycle, kayak, bush-walking or working in her garden;  she can be a bit of a tom-boy. 

So what is the difference between male and female-  apart from physiology? 

And does either gender need to be confined into a male / female body?
I think my point to this blog is:
Male / female 'energy' can and is expressed through a man or woman. 

Basically, female energy prefers the second-in-command role and you will find these men and woman loyally working in support industries, or following behind strong male energy. 
Male energy is invariably found working at the-front-line of commerce. They take leadership naturally and willingly. 

Both energies completely need and rely on each other and makes no difference whether it comes in a female or male suit.

I invite you to explore your real strengths and weaknesses, and live with your true, given gender, have the innate value of both masculine / feminine energy from within, without being forced to put yourself in a closet, sexually by trying to change your gender-  physically. 

It's a really liberating idea to embrace one's given gender, but harness the incredible power of both male / female.

Sure its just as possible for a male to be born into a 'male' energy element.
And a female to be born into a 'female' energy element. 
Life probably could be simpler in some ways for these mono focused be-ings.
But having become aware now of the cross-over dynamics, it takes all of us to complete the overall picture of humanity.

The four Elements. 
Air:  Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.      Male. 
Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Female. 
Earth: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.  Female. 
Fire: Sagitarius, Leo, Aries.          Male.


Monday 17 March 2014

Male / Female.

Masculine / Feminine energy certainly has had a massive amount of historic division. But only because they have not understood their 'own' continually evolving uniquely Male or Female individual attributes.   

Consequently, what people don't understand, THEY FEAR!!!
What they fear, they fight / flight. 
What they fight / flight, they destroy.

Such is Human nature..... in the fast lane of society and 'status-quo race-belief. 
(Check out the statistics on the levels of surviving happy, joyful, loving, sharing, harmonious, long term Male / Female relationships. 

Women and Men that understand their individualized power, gravitate together knowing they require "their other half" to truly succeed in a successful life plan. 

Males have up until recent times held the dominant position lording 'OVERTLY' over Females obviously because of their physical strength and single minded left brain focus to concentrate on one thing at a time without distraction. Females only defense has been their 'COVERT' manipulation of families  endeavoring to maintain homeostasis within the home.

But in this last century, our foods have been so chemically altered, that humanity is being 'genetically engineered' to bring Male / Female hormonal activity into ONE body. Chemicals in our foods, home and personal care products, mimic our natural hormones, leaving people not sure about their true gender, hence we now have Males living, working, playing as Females, and vice-versa. 
Confusing isn't it? 

There is both good and bad behavioral patterns attached to the Male, left brain mental, emotional and physical attributes that medical science has tracked back to the initial cause, created within the nine month gestation period where Mothers release certain hormones that react to testosterone and apparently, amongst other things, numb out right brain. 

A girl baby remains in a nine month incubating bliss, oblivious to testestorone related activity that leaves a boy baby turbo blasted with as much testestorone related energy as a 21 year old man, at birth. What with half-a-brain and numbed out anethesised 'outer shell' oblivious to emotional distress signals, our ancient Man hunter / gatherer coped well with protection, provision and breeding. 

But in a modern world; well things ARE changeing, and now WE must learn to adapt to a new exciting evolution of Masculine / Feminine mutually, beneficial empowering integration. 

Amongst the physically chaotic reactions that occur for a Male baby is an apparent anethesised right brain. The Female, who freely operates the link (which is 23% thicker than a Males) between left and right brain, is referred historically as "The neck (Female intuitive energy) which steers the head." (Male physical energy)

Right brain, enables greater clarity on overall perception, left brain copes very well with application of that sensory plan.

So long as Female / Male unity and synergy is operating successfully, it has been stated in ancient scriptures that Man or Woman operating alone will; 
"Put a thousand to flight."  
But Man / Woman synergising together; "They will put TEN thousand to flight." 

"To flight" would have to refer to energy.
The power of Man / Woman synergising is their overall abilities, including Female radar scanning intuition to protect Man from his lack of overal judgement. And Male physical power to produce what the Female requires to manage a strong family, Spiritually protective environment. 

A Man MUST stay completely focused on the mutually agreed upon family plan through good and tough times, never waivering by laser, left brain, mono focus. 

A man's life is fairly simple in the fast lane of the left brain, mono focused lifestyle. 
The simplicity of one-thing-at-a-time is a wonderful way to live.   BUT......

A Female's life of left / right brain can seriously disrupt a mans ability of mono focus and if he is not educated to handle the difference, disruption will follow. 

However, if Masculine / Feminine energy can be 'harnessed' to synergise talents unique to Male / Female, life can, and is extremely wonderful, and always flows remarkably smoothly for these families. 

Out-of-balance; Men find Woman chaotic
and Woman can find Man dangerous......

It is very possible to live in complete peace with both those Masculine and Feminine 'opposites' that really enhance our own unique individualism. 

Sunday 16 March 2014


You ARE that Mighty Be-ing that flows through ALL things. 
There is NO separation from 'IT.' 

You ARE 'That;'   You Are!!!! 

Imagination will take you from 'IT'
or Imagination will take you to 'IT'
But practise will take you through 'IT' 

And Reality prevails-  You Are It; You Are.


One Mind.

There is but One Mind. And this One Mind recognizes itself, whatever 'self' is. 
'IT' knows itself and will always deliver back to itself; exactly that which IT Is. 

Think your havin a tough time?
Think your havin a good time? 
IT cannot be any other way!!! 
(Unless you imagine 'IT' to be) 


Saturday 15 March 2014

Soul Mate.

Would it be fair to say that most people would consider 'The Soul' to be our real Spiritual Nature? 
In Reality, the Soul nature is just our past generational historic 'story' recorded in our own subconscious memory that makes up the sum total of who we think we are. Our true Spiritual nature is far removed from our Soul 'story.' 

Change /improve the memory story, and the soul is set free from limiting beliefs that confine Spiritual Reality, Joy / Peace. 

A 'Soul Mate' is simply another person that resonates with your own Soul story. But a true, honest, ethical, mature Soul mate will give you such honest feedback that you will be astounded by how accurately they 'know' you. You are completely transparent to your real Soul mate. 

If you don't have a real Soul mate in your life, you havn't awoken to your Soul story yet. As your Soul mate is the perfect reflection to you.  
Until you awaken to your Soul story, you are imprisoned in limiting past belief. 

Friday 14 March 2014

You ARE Love!!

At a Sub Atomic Particle level You are:
Stardust, from ancient planetary massive explosions that Created your unique expression of Spiritual Perfection. 

An Idea that was created in the beginning of 'time' of YOU.....  just as You are!!

At the Atom level of the matter that appears to the five senses as 'You' 
is actually ONLY 1% of what we 'see.'

99% of your Be-ing is in Reality 'Aether.'  The Spiritual Substance that fills ALL space. 
YOU were always an idea in Creation, whose time has arrived. You are 'IT.'

There was never another ONE like YOU. And there will never be another ONE like YOU. As you ARE Spirit expressing itself within Indivudualzed 'Form.' 

There never was a birth of YOU, and there never will be a death of You.
You were created as an idea at the beginning of 'time' for eternity. 

And there will come a 'time' of your awakening awareness of your true nature

Thursday 13 March 2014

You ARE Love‼️

You ARE Love‼️
You ARE Loved‼️
You ARE Lovable‼️
You ARE Loveing‼️
Your Lover.....  Life Itself. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014


It would probably be fair to say most people go through life seeking Love, Acceptance and Approval......

It has been estimated that the average person uses up to 80% of their energy in self defending daily activities like trying to prove themselves or reacting to others. 

This is nuts because there is simply no 'other' person out there but a mere reflection (mirror image) of SELF!!!

People choose one of two automatic reactions to events within their day......
They either fight or flight.

Both these two reactions are the FIRST act of war.    Reaction is a defense mechanism against illusionary mirroring effects perpetrated by ourselves onto unsuspecting 'others.' 

WE create our own personal World and when we take responsibility for this; 
the way that we 'see' the World begins 
to improve enormously. 

Gratitude is the 3rd option to ALL events in our personal World. Thanking others around us always for reflecting back to us just where our level of Spiritual growth and awareness to Truth we really are at. 

As we grow to this Spiritual Awareness, we begin to experience True Love often for the first time. The kind of Agape Love that has NO needs from the outside, but comes to us complete-  from within!! 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

I'm NOT Normal.

What's 'normal' anyway??
There is NOT two things in the entire Universe that were created the same. 

Each thing is uniquely different.
Yet each thing is parodoxically still just a different aspect of 'Oneness.'

So there is NO separation from anything.
Just different expressions of the same Life that is lived through each 'Thing.'

Separation, Rejection, Abandonment are just fazes of individual expression being pushed out of the status quo to grow.

It was never our worst behavior that separated us.......
It was our best idea being given LIFE!!

Sunday 9 March 2014


You THINK you are free friend?????
Well think again.......
Any person that pays a third of their income in payroll tax. 
And another third of their income in purchase tax.
Then is left with only ONE third of their income for themselves and family-

Screwed by insane price hikes, bled by tunnel visioned bureaucrats and nutter, greedy, immature, reckless politicians.
You are also funding vast armies of young men and women to fight, so insanely senile, bored old men can create useless wars that no one can possibly 'win'  just because they can. 

Well-  You are NOT free when you slave until July before YOU get any money for yourself and your family. 
And- they won't even let you claim for your travel-to-work, clothing expenses!!!


The most frustratingly painful thing a Human Be-ing will ever face in its entire lifetime will be the pain of refusing to let go of a redundant life pattern.
And blocking out a new refreshing idea that would completely revolutionize our currently 'stagnantly' stuck life. 
This Human fear of change and the inate dread of moving forward thwarts most people often many times throughout their lifetime.  Ring any bells for You⁉️

Saturday 8 March 2014

Animals know.

Animals acknowledge and understand their 'Oneness' with each other. 
They have absolutely no concept of 'self'
Animals (apart from Chimpanzees and Arangatans) look in a mirror and see another animal, not themself, as their pre-frontal cortex mind (self conscious mind) is less developed than humans.

So fundamentally they do not know how to separate themselves from each other- as Humans most frequently do. 

Animals respond so devotedly to Love. Their loyalty to each other and to Humans could easily teach us many things about consistant relationship. 

That's obviously why so many people choose to live with animals and birds, (pets) rather than the inconsistant Love of Human Be-ings. 

Friday 7 March 2014


As a child I appeared to instinctively repel govern-mental 'education' by rebelling against the status quo ( Latin for, "The mess we are in.") this in itself caused me tremendous anguish that lasted decades into my adult life because at school, I was considered a disruptive, slow learner
I was branded, like an outsider. Until I realized there are many others out there that escaped the thuggery of forced 'concentration' classroom delusion.

I infer insanity within our government education system because in hindsight, that's exactly what it is......
To take a small child (now with working mothers; from as young as a few months old) when the child actually IS the very epitome of Omniscience (All Intelligence) and institutionalize these preciously, highly creative beings is-  in my opinion, a crime on humanity. 

We see tiny babies dropped off to spend their entire days often from 7am until 6pm locked away from nature, sunshine, breezes, clouds, animals but especially freedom to explore their own unique expression of Omnipotence (All Life.) 

Fortunately I escaped this extreme intellectual brutality by 'playing the wag' and going bush where I languished in natures bliss for long periods of time.

This incredibly meditative state became my number one favourite childhood pastime, where hours would pass in the blink of an eye.
Occasionally I got extra lucky and invited one of many friends to join me. The sheer delight of experiencing their freedom also was a complete bonus to my already completely exciting full day. 

But alone or with the company of friends I was always connected to the World of ideas, creativity and ALL life fulfilled.

The incredible freedom experienced on these truant-from-school days (which became more frequent the older I became) was the imagination of my own Omnpresence  (being everywhere at one time) 
My highly creative imagination allowed and seemed to encourage me to explore the Universe of possibilities.

There was never any need to go out and make a nuisance of myself in society which many young people need to do these days out of boredom and perhaps the inability to think freely without judgement, because my days were full and complete with many countless adventures into, and beyond imagination.

No-  there was not any repetitive 'many different questions, with the same boring answers (tested on for compliance) for me. Strangely I formally exited the education system when invited to by the Headmaster when I was 14 years old to enter the commercial world, fully equipped with everything, physically, intellectually, attiude and aptitude to always boost me into positions of responsibility and leadership. Developing on to owning my own home and business by 20 years of age.
All this I was born with to share outwardly

Home school your precious children, cut through the legal requirements within a fraction of the time it takes at 'school' then set your children free for the rest of 'THEIR' day to explore their own world in their own time. This way 'Life' flows through them freely and abundantly, in peace, harmony and joyful imaginative freedom. Witness their excitement, it is infectious and will reignite your own passion for life's adventures. 

I have a friend who's daughter was evaluated 'A slow learner' in grade 8.
She home schooled her daughter right through high school. Homeschooling is more time efficient so the girl was able to learn (how to learn) and also work. The daughter set a goal to buy a brand new Mazda 2 by the time she got her drivers license and also go to University.
She paid cash for her brand new car at 17 years old and then was accepted into University to study Social Science to help other young 'slow learners.' 

Slow learners are merely spiritually advanced indigo children rebelling against a punch-and-grow insane govern-'mental' brain-poisioning system that creates the bully's or bullied. 

Self Centered.

The Universe revolves around YOU‼️

When you really get the revelation of this powerful dynamic peace will reign forever.
You are the centre of the Universe which is 'Oneness' personified. 

Whatever you do for yourself- 
you do for everyone else......  Simple‼️

Thursday 6 March 2014

Slow Dance.

Slow Dance...,,.,,

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a 

butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the 
fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores 

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child, 

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

See his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die 

Cause you never had time 

To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last..

When you run 
so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry 
through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Life Partners.

If you can find a person that is:
a. Your exciting lover
b. Your loyal best friend
c. Your wise business partner
d. Your designated driver home 
e. Your co-kitchen hand
f. Your housework helper
g. Your garden helper
h. Your quiet confidant 
i. Your finance whizz 
j. Your fitness buddy
k. Your intimate friend
l. Your soul-mate
m. Your shoulder-to-cry-on
n. Your source of inspiration 
o. Your co-sense-of-humour
p. Your intelligent being
q. Your intuitive radar
r. Your power balance 
s. Your feminine balance
t. Your strength when you have none
u. Your learned teacher
v. Your willing student
w. Your class-mate in life
x. Your eyes to your blind-spot
y. Your nurturer / protector
z. Your life companion
Then I would say that you have found what I have found in my loving Michelle.
We compliment each other in every way.
After 8 years of close contact of growth, harmony, love, peace, joy and bliss. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Monday 3 March 2014


There's your business,
There's world business,
And there's MY business.
Life is so simple minding 
MY own business‼️


As I got older I realized my kids had taken on the syntax of the lives of their own Mother and Father.

So do I like that which I am moving away from within myself❓

NO‼️   However, I can honor, respect and truly appreciate the inherited burden they still carry.


Sunday 2 March 2014


The Golden Rule:

"Hurt not others with that which pains yourself."



To lose balance for love, 

is part of living a balanced life‼️ Ketut. 



Have you noticed how change initiates intense confrontation around us. 

Life (yours) runs at a particular energy; if you start to alter that energy you will notice "All Hell" begins to break loose. 

People, Places, Events will do everything to hold you in familiar patterns.

To shift paradigms one needs to have a rock solid formula to stand against the ego's need to maintain its status quo.

The ego must first feel validated, and second it must feel that it is going to be better off with the required changes. And thirdly, these changes must be locked in solidly.

Your ego is firmly entrenched in past protection systems. 

Change means letting go of these very redundant outdated patterns that no longer serve us, or those around us.