Friday 7 March 2014


As a child I appeared to instinctively repel govern-mental 'education' by rebelling against the status quo ( Latin for, "The mess we are in.") this in itself caused me tremendous anguish that lasted decades into my adult life because at school, I was considered a disruptive, slow learner
I was branded, like an outsider. Until I realized there are many others out there that escaped the thuggery of forced 'concentration' classroom delusion.

I infer insanity within our government education system because in hindsight, that's exactly what it is......
To take a small child (now with working mothers; from as young as a few months old) when the child actually IS the very epitome of Omniscience (All Intelligence) and institutionalize these preciously, highly creative beings is-  in my opinion, a crime on humanity. 

We see tiny babies dropped off to spend their entire days often from 7am until 6pm locked away from nature, sunshine, breezes, clouds, animals but especially freedom to explore their own unique expression of Omnipotence (All Life.) 

Fortunately I escaped this extreme intellectual brutality by 'playing the wag' and going bush where I languished in natures bliss for long periods of time.

This incredibly meditative state became my number one favourite childhood pastime, where hours would pass in the blink of an eye.
Occasionally I got extra lucky and invited one of many friends to join me. The sheer delight of experiencing their freedom also was a complete bonus to my already completely exciting full day. 

But alone or with the company of friends I was always connected to the World of ideas, creativity and ALL life fulfilled.

The incredible freedom experienced on these truant-from-school days (which became more frequent the older I became) was the imagination of my own Omnpresence  (being everywhere at one time) 
My highly creative imagination allowed and seemed to encourage me to explore the Universe of possibilities.

There was never any need to go out and make a nuisance of myself in society which many young people need to do these days out of boredom and perhaps the inability to think freely without judgement, because my days were full and complete with many countless adventures into, and beyond imagination.

No-  there was not any repetitive 'many different questions, with the same boring answers (tested on for compliance) for me. Strangely I formally exited the education system when invited to by the Headmaster when I was 14 years old to enter the commercial world, fully equipped with everything, physically, intellectually, attiude and aptitude to always boost me into positions of responsibility and leadership. Developing on to owning my own home and business by 20 years of age.
All this I was born with to share outwardly

Home school your precious children, cut through the legal requirements within a fraction of the time it takes at 'school' then set your children free for the rest of 'THEIR' day to explore their own world in their own time. This way 'Life' flows through them freely and abundantly, in peace, harmony and joyful imaginative freedom. Witness their excitement, it is infectious and will reignite your own passion for life's adventures. 

I have a friend who's daughter was evaluated 'A slow learner' in grade 8.
She home schooled her daughter right through high school. Homeschooling is more time efficient so the girl was able to learn (how to learn) and also work. The daughter set a goal to buy a brand new Mazda 2 by the time she got her drivers license and also go to University.
She paid cash for her brand new car at 17 years old and then was accepted into University to study Social Science to help other young 'slow learners.' 

Slow learners are merely spiritually advanced indigo children rebelling against a punch-and-grow insane govern-'mental' brain-poisioning system that creates the bully's or bullied. 

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