Monday 17 March 2014

Male / Female.

Masculine / Feminine energy certainly has had a massive amount of historic division. But only because they have not understood their 'own' continually evolving uniquely Male or Female individual attributes.   

Consequently, what people don't understand, THEY FEAR!!!
What they fear, they fight / flight. 
What they fight / flight, they destroy.

Such is Human nature..... in the fast lane of society and 'status-quo race-belief. 
(Check out the statistics on the levels of surviving happy, joyful, loving, sharing, harmonious, long term Male / Female relationships. 

Women and Men that understand their individualized power, gravitate together knowing they require "their other half" to truly succeed in a successful life plan. 

Males have up until recent times held the dominant position lording 'OVERTLY' over Females obviously because of their physical strength and single minded left brain focus to concentrate on one thing at a time without distraction. Females only defense has been their 'COVERT' manipulation of families  endeavoring to maintain homeostasis within the home.

But in this last century, our foods have been so chemically altered, that humanity is being 'genetically engineered' to bring Male / Female hormonal activity into ONE body. Chemicals in our foods, home and personal care products, mimic our natural hormones, leaving people not sure about their true gender, hence we now have Males living, working, playing as Females, and vice-versa. 
Confusing isn't it? 

There is both good and bad behavioral patterns attached to the Male, left brain mental, emotional and physical attributes that medical science has tracked back to the initial cause, created within the nine month gestation period where Mothers release certain hormones that react to testosterone and apparently, amongst other things, numb out right brain. 

A girl baby remains in a nine month incubating bliss, oblivious to testestorone related activity that leaves a boy baby turbo blasted with as much testestorone related energy as a 21 year old man, at birth. What with half-a-brain and numbed out anethesised 'outer shell' oblivious to emotional distress signals, our ancient Man hunter / gatherer coped well with protection, provision and breeding. 

But in a modern world; well things ARE changeing, and now WE must learn to adapt to a new exciting evolution of Masculine / Feminine mutually, beneficial empowering integration. 

Amongst the physically chaotic reactions that occur for a Male baby is an apparent anethesised right brain. The Female, who freely operates the link (which is 23% thicker than a Males) between left and right brain, is referred historically as "The neck (Female intuitive energy) which steers the head." (Male physical energy)

Right brain, enables greater clarity on overall perception, left brain copes very well with application of that sensory plan.

So long as Female / Male unity and synergy is operating successfully, it has been stated in ancient scriptures that Man or Woman operating alone will; 
"Put a thousand to flight."  
But Man / Woman synergising together; "They will put TEN thousand to flight." 

"To flight" would have to refer to energy.
The power of Man / Woman synergising is their overall abilities, including Female radar scanning intuition to protect Man from his lack of overal judgement. And Male physical power to produce what the Female requires to manage a strong family, Spiritually protective environment. 

A Man MUST stay completely focused on the mutually agreed upon family plan through good and tough times, never waivering by laser, left brain, mono focus. 

A man's life is fairly simple in the fast lane of the left brain, mono focused lifestyle. 
The simplicity of one-thing-at-a-time is a wonderful way to live.   BUT......

A Female's life of left / right brain can seriously disrupt a mans ability of mono focus and if he is not educated to handle the difference, disruption will follow. 

However, if Masculine / Feminine energy can be 'harnessed' to synergise talents unique to Male / Female, life can, and is extremely wonderful, and always flows remarkably smoothly for these families. 

Out-of-balance; Men find Woman chaotic
and Woman can find Man dangerous......

It is very possible to live in complete peace with both those Masculine and Feminine 'opposites' that really enhance our own unique individualism. 

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