Friday 14 March 2014

You ARE Love!!

At a Sub Atomic Particle level You are:
Stardust, from ancient planetary massive explosions that Created your unique expression of Spiritual Perfection. 

An Idea that was created in the beginning of 'time' of YOU.....  just as You are!!

At the Atom level of the matter that appears to the five senses as 'You' 
is actually ONLY 1% of what we 'see.'

99% of your Be-ing is in Reality 'Aether.'  The Spiritual Substance that fills ALL space. 
YOU were always an idea in Creation, whose time has arrived. You are 'IT.'

There was never another ONE like YOU. And there will never be another ONE like YOU. As you ARE Spirit expressing itself within Indivudualzed 'Form.' 

There never was a birth of YOU, and there never will be a death of You.
You were created as an idea at the beginning of 'time' for eternity. 

And there will come a 'time' of your awakening awareness of your true nature

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