Tuesday 18 March 2014


Humans 'ARE' BE-ing at any given time, that's why we are called human beings. 

We are given this  generic name which describes our species, but what do we actually have in common that all of us are given the same descriptive title. 

Well the Spiritulists say that we are Spirit just having a human experience and quantum physics may support this idea as it has been proven scientifically over the past one hundred years that the atom, which is the base material humans (and every other thing on the planet, including the planet) is constructed of, is only in fact 1% solid, barely enough to reflect light, to alert the optic thalamus there is something out there. 

The rest of the 99% is aether, (gas) the stuff that fills the void and which appears to be the imagined idea of who we came here to be, perhaps to give ourselves away to serve each other in loving ways.

But most people would agree that 'we' human beings are a little bit different from each other in some ways. And those of us with huge ego's would swear they are completely different from the rest of us. 

Eight years ago I was introduced to an idea by my beautiful partner, Michelle. 
She quietly informed me that because I was born in September, I was a Virgo and this therefore, put me into the female energy category of human beings.

Intellectually, I thought this idea a little crazy, but at a deeper level something was confirming the truth of this weird suggestion that a 'tough' ex farm boy male man could in fact be female. 

As the past eight years have unfolded, I have studied history and observed male and female energy and what these titles actually mean, apart from our practical physical gender. 

Well as it turns out, this simple practical guide to human nature has helped me define a persons character better than any other personality guide that I have ever studied and practiced throughout my business career in understanding other peoples temperament and what and where they are best suited to work in within my business. 

As it turned out, Michelle is an Aquarian which ironically places her in the male energy category. So I have had first hand experience to study female energy in the male body, and male energy in the female body. 

I always knew as a child that there was something different about me from some of the other kids in the country locality we grew up in. For a start, I abhorred any physically violent contact sport like football or fighting, preferring outdoor adventure type sports and recreation, like cycling, kayaking, swimming, exploring. 

And I was drawn naturally to creating and growing new things which I went on to create and grow many properties and businesses over my entrepreneurial days.

As time has gone by living, working and playing with Michelle, our strengths and weaknesses have complimented each other in so many ways that it seems we have zero stress in our lives because we only do half the stuff we used to have to do before we met.  And we appear to enjoy doing what the other one doesn't like to do. We cover for each other. 

I am still fundamentally a man....
Michelle is fundamentally a woman. 

Virgo is an earth element, earth nurtures the seed (idea) that is placed in it. 
Aquarian is an air element. Informing, communicating, connecting all things. 

Physically, I value being a real man and I can 'tough' it with the best of them.
But the real value is understanding the sensitivity of my 'female' feelings toward my fellow earth creatures has changed my life completely. Feelings that were locked up in my past because it wasn't cool 'for a boy to cry' are now free to explore emotion, empathy and true love.

Physically Michelle loves her femininity, she values dressing up and being the real 'lady' but given a horse, cycle, kayak, bush-walking or working in her garden;  she can be a bit of a tom-boy. 

So what is the difference between male and female-  apart from physiology? 

And does either gender need to be confined into a male / female body?
I think my point to this blog is:
Male / female 'energy' can and is expressed through a man or woman. 

Basically, female energy prefers the second-in-command role and you will find these men and woman loyally working in support industries, or following behind strong male energy. 
Male energy is invariably found working at the-front-line of commerce. They take leadership naturally and willingly. 

Both energies completely need and rely on each other and makes no difference whether it comes in a female or male suit.

I invite you to explore your real strengths and weaknesses, and live with your true, given gender, have the innate value of both masculine / feminine energy from within, without being forced to put yourself in a closet, sexually by trying to change your gender-  physically. 

It's a really liberating idea to embrace one's given gender, but harness the incredible power of both male / female.

Sure its just as possible for a male to be born into a 'male' energy element.
And a female to be born into a 'female' energy element. 
Life probably could be simpler in some ways for these mono focused be-ings.
But having become aware now of the cross-over dynamics, it takes all of us to complete the overall picture of humanity.

The four Elements. 
Air:  Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.      Male. 
Water: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Female. 
Earth: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.  Female. 
Fire: Sagitarius, Leo, Aries.          Male.

Sam.   www.lifexcells.com. 

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