Tuesday 30 December 2014

Created Thought.

We are 'Beings'....... being lived through.

Question:  Does the brain have any ability to think (create) a new thought?
Answer:    No. 

Why?   Because being 85% fat, 95% water and a tangled mass of electrical connections, its sole purpose is to receive (any) information;  energy-in-motion. Through basic principles of attraction, this information is projected holographically onto the screen of 'Life' 

Either good or bad information, is irrelevant as the source of Life has no opposite. What 'we' think is bad is just an inability to recognize that all things work out for those that believe it does. 

The ego kids itself  that it creates anew and has no idea that Life is living through being; not from self thought. 

As we tune into created thought, Life unfolds naturally, easily and with benefit to all participants. Not merely to suit self. 

Patience is the major step to achieving an intuition that stimulates information flows that opens the channel for merging into all things possible. 

Our Life purpose is to identify the Infinite Dharma that is trying to express itself into Being, and act upon it. 

Then we become silent witnesses of Divinity expressing itself into apparent 'form' that our physical senses perceive as real, but is only a reflection of light. 

Instead- for most of us, we burn energy wastefully, trying to create thought; of things that are already created, but still awaiting recognition and manifestation. 

The wise one waits, for all goodness to flow through the creation that receives and remains open to the opportunity to serve itself, by serving 'others'. 

Monday 29 December 2014

Being Lived.

Humans really think they are living their own lives and that they have free choice, but this is so far from any measure of truth that the notion is laughable. 

Behavioral scientists agree that 85% of a humans thoughts are that which were programmed into them by age seven. 

Seldom are humans ever consciously present enough to be aware of choices. 
Their obsession is;  the status quo!!  
The lifestyle is totally repetitive. 

Personal freedom is the only choice. But how many people do any of us know that have total freedom to do what they want, when they want to. Although not only is this type of freedom possible, it's actually easier to obtain than one could imagine. 

Conscious choice would actually entail giving up almost all that we presently, subconsciously hang on to. 

In actual fact, every human is being lived;
not living their own life. 
Pre-programmed thoughts, planted long before we had the capacity to reason. 
World thought, cultural thought, Universal energy......  Free choice-   Ha!!!!!!!

Sunday 28 December 2014

Life 'IS' Easy.

Life just...... 'IS'.  ('It' is neither good nor bad; but thinking / action makes it so) 

Imagination can be whatever one makes of it. Either good or bad; it's all the same to the unbiasness of Life-  the 'grower' of all things. 

Narcissistic, self interests is the single cause of life's misinterpretations. 
This is when ALL outside good; appears bad, but only to the one with N.P.D. (Narcissic personality disorder) 
Because here,  'self-interest' is the driving force behind ALL motivation. 

NPD is merely inverted love. Love that is turned back within 'self' (interests) 
The one that cheats, steals, murders; simply is more in love with self interest that loving outside of themselves. 

The terrorist to one, is a savage, but to another; a freedom fighter. 

The Golden Rule is never considered when self interest is paramount. 
And Kharma apparently does not exist for the one with NPD. (Good luck with that) 

But the wheels of balance, justice and The Law of Attraction work well; albeit slowly sometimes. And whatever a person sows into Life, must come back as an increase at harvest time. Apple seeds sown, must come back as apple trees, which in the right seaon, produce an abundance of-  apples!!
Whatever we have done to others, must come back, multiplied abundantly. 

The person that suffers at the hand of another, almost never remembers that which they have done in the past because Life is an incubator / magnifier of whatever intention is placed before it. 

Therefore, for most people, blame is a convenience that consolidates their own procrastination to learn and adjust behavioral continuance. 

So, in all, we-  create ALL Life for ourselves. There is no god of vengeance and no devil that causes sin.  'We' are both God and / or devil, depending on how our imagination 'sees' that which IS. 

Saturday 27 December 2014

Desire. Pt 3

You don't  'create'  through hard work, manipulation or borrowed money. (Action) 
You create through focused vibration. 
Then-  your upbeat, anticipating vibration calls action FROM You. 

Hard work is NOT the path to well being.   (It's always just the beginning of MORE hard work) 
Feeling good is the path to the ultimate well being of peace.  

Achieving anything worthwhile, EASILY is completely paradoxically difficult for most of us because.........

When your vibrational energy is a match to the;  NOT-having-it, rather than the;  having-of-it; 
this completely blocks incoming desires manifestation.  So.........

a. Be the Spiritual Beings that You are. Peace. Joy. Harmony. 
b. Give up the demanding intoxication of the manifestation of the desired thing. 
c. Let the conjuring of the real emotion / feeling, 'be' the manifestation that you are looking for.   ('Be'-in-the-now) 

ie.  The 'emotional' manifestation is the actual state that you are trying to create.  NOT the actual person, place, event.  (Desire) 
The actual 'thing' we end up with, has, inherent within it;  it's own problems / answers, to have to manage and solve. 

But the 'emotion' of having the thing wanted, is the feeling needed & desired. 

Friday 26 December 2014

Desire. Pt 2.

 The object of desire can;  ALWAYS be attained by loving what 'IS'.........
(Being;  in the 'now'.) 

In the analogy of upgrading an old worn out car for a shiny new model; the most effective way to do this is simply to focus on which make / model you want, and get into the satisfied feeling of having that new car-   as if you have it;  NOW!!!!!
ie. using your imagination as 'Real'. 
1. Ask.    2. Feel.    3. Receive. 
Ask; for the new thing. 
Feel; that you have it now.  
Receive;  each step to attaining. 

Then get on with loving your old car, maintaining / cleaning  it, and being completely satisfied that it will continue to serve you well until your new car turns up in due time. 
Being satisfied with 'what IS' rather than dissatisfied opens doors to possibilities. 

a. Focus clearly on what you want. 
b. Get into the 'feeling' of ownership; as if you have it now. 
(This will give you confidence and patience to value what you are and have now. 
c. Loving what 'IS'-  Now!!

Your energy must stay with the feeling of impending abundance, (as if you already have it)  NOT, what is missing nor what you don't want.
ie: You don't see the new thing as having turned up yet, so you feel despondent. 
Your energy must stay with expectation, not loss. This is the vital key that opens any door. 

Tuesday 23 December 2014


The object of desire, can NEVER be attained until one loves what- 'IS'!!!!!

Sounds weird doesn't it. 

But the principle of loving what 'IS';  is perhaps the most powerful dynamic of achieving-  what 'isn't' yet seen. 

For example, say you have an old clunker of a car that you are so embarrassed to drive, and only use it when you have to, park it around the corner of any event, never spent a dollar on servicing it, seldom clean it, and if you do, then just throw some water over it. 

You desperately want to upgrade to a sparkling new car that you would be so proud to drive around in. 
You go window shopping to decide which new model would suit you; but the money to buy the new car, is not forth coming. 

Or you consider a loan for the car, which buying brand new, will cost you three times that which the car is worth within three years of ownership, considering depreciation and loan interest. 

The moment you drive it out of the showroom, you instinctively know, you have made a terrible financial mistake. 
But your impatience prompted your compulsive desire to rush it into being. 

Incorporated within the new vehicle is both perceived, and technical obsolescence. In other words, they built it to annoy you so much, that you'll want the next new model they are about to release;  which by the way, doesn't have any glitches. Ha!!

Not really a good idea at all. 
But there is a better, simpler, more fun way to achieve ALL the objects of your desires in amazingly fast time. 
To be continued.......

Monday 22 December 2014


Wouldn't it be fair to say that we have, in this society that we live in;  'A System'
And within this system, we have factions
of thought. ie: the system is broken down into parts. Parts that operate within the overal. Cultures, beliefs, attitudes. All varying degrees of the overall 'truth'. 

All of which is based in a fundamental belief that we are all separate; one from another. Humanity, divided unto itself. 
And this belief in divided, separated, uniqueness is very much cultered by those at the top of the pecking order for the sole reason of perpetuating f.e.a.r. 

False-Evidence-Appearing-Real, is cast upon us in huge doses every moment of every day to keep us very dependant on outside physical power to keep us safe from imaginary enemies- everywhere. 

When in actual fact; "No weapon cast against us shall prosper".  Isaiah. 54:17
And I only quote from an ancient text to illustrate the point that; man/woman has known this issue for thousands of years, yet fails to believe its stark relative truth. 

Within the 'Oneness' principle, there is NO enemy; other than our own imagination to believe that there IS. 
The choice is always ours; to read into every scenario-  Truth or fiction. 

Thursday 18 December 2014

ALL- That You Are.

The principle of 'Oneness' is the simplest way to describe ALL that we are.........

The Ancient Golden Rule explains it all. 
The 'Golden Rule' can be found in the early contributions of Confucianism.    
And this concept's framework appears prominently in many religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism,Taoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and the rest of the world's major religions. 

Do unto others, is a concept that essentially no religion misses entirely.   The Golden Rule can be found in some form in almost every ethical tradition. 

'Life' is but a magnifying mirror reflecting back to us-  that, to which we are.  No more; no less. 

Whatever shows up for us, is the crop that we always sowed somewhere in our past. 
More often than not, we don't recognize others behavior as our own because all things grow and expand abundantly through the laws of abundance and that's why we blame others for our own misfortunes and difficulties rather than accept responsibility and change causes within ourselves. Consequently, most of us live in 'Ground-Hog-day' status quo lives. 

All versions and forms of the proverbial Golden Rule have one aspect in common: they all demand that people treat others in a manner in which they themselves would like to be treated.

Because, the way that we treat others, is entirely the way that we, in turn get treated ourselves. Only difference is-  the treatment is incubated and magnified to the degree that we seldom ever recognize it. 

What comes back to us from the seed of our own behavior sown before, is often barely recognizable because the mirror effect reverses everything.  ie: Right becomes left and left becomes right. 

Behavior from others that hurts and harms us is simply the 'decoy' that eludes the truth of our own causes from ever being exposed. 
Therefore our very own causes stay hidden forever from view, and life goes on as we symbolically travel round and round our own difficult mountains of dysfunctional, inherited patterns of blame, constant accusing others instead of realizing that WE are the only cause of our own life stories. 

Such is the Law of Attraction, everything is incubated and magnified by the time that it gets back from where it originated. 

Life is so simple, the child lives it so freely but through controlled education, the adult forgets who they really are and blunders on through the fog of self denial. Occasionally awakening, but the massive shock of realizing; one's own personal reality, is but self created, anethesises any spontaneous excitement and 'herd' mentality settles in once again; thus avoiding any conflict from those around us that guard the status-quo (latin for- the mess we are in) with their very lives. 

Society is full of self proclaimed, narcissistic  (N.P.D) matriarchs and patriarchs that successfly control the multitudes. Step out of line and they manipulate everyone back. 

To be free is not to stand against society, but simply to understand self, and create a strong desire to build a vision that benefits humanity as a whole. 
Then watch the windows of opportunity open to the huge abundance of mutual satisfaction awaiting. 

Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, and an ethical code or morality that essentially states either of the following:

One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (directive form).
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (cautionary form, also known as the Silver Rule).

This concept describes a "reciprocal", or "two-way", relationship between one's self and others that involves both sides equally, and in a mutual fashion.

This concept can be explained from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, sociology and ancient religion. 

Psychologically, it involves a person empathizing with others. Philosophically, it involves a person perceiving their neighbor as also an "I" or "self". 

Sociologically, this principle is applicable between individuals, between groups, and also between individuals and groups. (For example, a person living by this rule treats all people with consideration, not just members of his or her in-group.) 
Almost all Religions figure prominently in the history of this concept.   

Living in a constant state of 'Oneness'- one begins to merge with 'ALL' that is. 
At the beginning of the Consciousness of being 'One' the feeling of merging with ALL that is, comes and goes almost without any warning or preparation. 

It can happen anywhere, anytime. And as time goes by, these periods of feeling connected with ALL that IS; become more frequent. As if Life is happening 'through' you, not for you. Merging with 'ALL' that IS. 

People, places and events miraculously fall into place without effort. Confusing at times, yes. Because some things you are hanging onto, get taken away quickly, if they are not in your overall alignment. 

But generally speaking, learning that valuable lesson that "Patience is Power", Life generally connects with all Peace, Joy and Happiness abounds, as all illusions of f.e.a.r melt away from those that still tried to subscribe to it. 

Friday 12 December 2014

Unconditional Love......

Unconditional Love:
IS-  without ANY conditions. This is not trying to love person, place, event, WITH the conditions. But actually not being Consciously aware of ANY conditions. 

Perfect Love casts out 'all' F.E.A.R. 
ALL false evidence is released, the very moment a person can look beyond any adverse circumstance, and really feel 'ONE' with the person, place, event. 

How easy it is to have unconditional Love for a little baby.  Whatever they do at any time of the day or night; we are there to put them back together again. 
But wait till they learn to react / respond to your acquired  'personality'. 
(persona, mask, false limiting behaviors) 
Babies are mega incubaters and after time goes by; become major magnifiers of the very issues that adults are trying to hide and keep down from painful view. 

This very natural dynamic is the ongoing process of humanity cleansing itself from past redundant cultural modes, into evolving relevant Agape consciousness. 

But humanities greatest challenge is to RELEASE that, which it no longer requires. We are all creatures of habit, that resists change- at all costs!!!!

Changing Consciousness into ONENESS (Do to others, as you would have done to self) is the ultimate expression of total unconditional Love. This 'IS' freedom!!!!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Only Love........

There is only Oneness-  Not duality!!!
Only Love-   NOT fear!!
F.E.A.R:  false evidence 'appearing' real. 
That's the only thing that 'appears' to take us from Love-  But NOTHING can take us from Love; only imagination that there could be something 'outside' of Love. 

Even in this illusionary imaginary state of-
false-evidence-appearing-real, we are totally 100% 'in Love' with ourselves and our own protection and self preservation. 
(N.P.D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder) 

Just realizing that we are completely in Love with our own protection / safety; even if it is at the expense of another persons peace-  is the awakening to what Love really IS. 

We can NEVER fall outside of Love, but healthy Love considers ALL that 'IS'. 

Sunday 7 December 2014


What we want, need and DO, are mostly a complete and utter mismatch. 
What we WANT is what we 'think' will make us feel and be better off for. 
What we NEED is usually what 'will' be better for us in the long run; but not sought after because its-to-hard. 
And what we DO is generally take the least line of resistance to have instant gratification. 

But when we align what we want, need and do with a strong vision of a definite desired outcome, then apply patience and awareness to corresponding clues to patterns of incoming support from the Infinite Laws of Attraction; then all of creation combines to bring about the very thing envisioned. 

State the vision clearly in written form. 
Taking daily action on intuitive leads, be in gratitude of every daily event and stay in optimistic anticipation of a future vision being a definite outcome that you actually 'feel' the benefits of-   NOW!!!

Tuesday 2 December 2014


Getting into 'The Feeling' of the thing that you want activates The Law of Attraction. 

If something is lost or missing from your life-  that's the message you are sending out to be magnified back again. 

Send out 'The Feeling' of having accomplished your goal and watch the Universe conspire to manifest it for you.