Tuesday 30 December 2014

Created Thought.

We are 'Beings'....... being lived through.

Question:  Does the brain have any ability to think (create) a new thought?
Answer:    No. 

Why?   Because being 85% fat, 95% water and a tangled mass of electrical connections, its sole purpose is to receive (any) information;  energy-in-motion. Through basic principles of attraction, this information is projected holographically onto the screen of 'Life' 

Either good or bad information, is irrelevant as the source of Life has no opposite. What 'we' think is bad is just an inability to recognize that all things work out for those that believe it does. 

The ego kids itself  that it creates anew and has no idea that Life is living through being; not from self thought. 

As we tune into created thought, Life unfolds naturally, easily and with benefit to all participants. Not merely to suit self. 

Patience is the major step to achieving an intuition that stimulates information flows that opens the channel for merging into all things possible. 

Our Life purpose is to identify the Infinite Dharma that is trying to express itself into Being, and act upon it. 

Then we become silent witnesses of Divinity expressing itself into apparent 'form' that our physical senses perceive as real, but is only a reflection of light. 

Instead- for most of us, we burn energy wastefully, trying to create thought; of things that are already created, but still awaiting recognition and manifestation. 

The wise one waits, for all goodness to flow through the creation that receives and remains open to the opportunity to serve itself, by serving 'others'. 

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