Wednesday 10 December 2014

Only Love........

There is only Oneness-  Not duality!!!
Only Love-   NOT fear!!
F.E.A.R:  false evidence 'appearing' real. 
That's the only thing that 'appears' to take us from Love-  But NOTHING can take us from Love; only imagination that there could be something 'outside' of Love. 

Even in this illusionary imaginary state of-
false-evidence-appearing-real, we are totally 100% 'in Love' with ourselves and our own protection and self preservation. 
(N.P.D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder) 

Just realizing that we are completely in Love with our own protection / safety; even if it is at the expense of another persons peace-  is the awakening to what Love really IS. 

We can NEVER fall outside of Love, but healthy Love considers ALL that 'IS'.  

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