Thursday 18 December 2014

ALL- That You Are.

The principle of 'Oneness' is the simplest way to describe ALL that we are.........

The Ancient Golden Rule explains it all. 
The 'Golden Rule' can be found in the early contributions of Confucianism.    
And this concept's framework appears prominently in many religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism,Taoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and the rest of the world's major religions. 

Do unto others, is a concept that essentially no religion misses entirely.   The Golden Rule can be found in some form in almost every ethical tradition. 

'Life' is but a magnifying mirror reflecting back to us-  that, to which we are.  No more; no less. 

Whatever shows up for us, is the crop that we always sowed somewhere in our past. 
More often than not, we don't recognize others behavior as our own because all things grow and expand abundantly through the laws of abundance and that's why we blame others for our own misfortunes and difficulties rather than accept responsibility and change causes within ourselves. Consequently, most of us live in 'Ground-Hog-day' status quo lives. 

All versions and forms of the proverbial Golden Rule have one aspect in common: they all demand that people treat others in a manner in which they themselves would like to be treated.

Because, the way that we treat others, is entirely the way that we, in turn get treated ourselves. Only difference is-  the treatment is incubated and magnified to the degree that we seldom ever recognize it. 

What comes back to us from the seed of our own behavior sown before, is often barely recognizable because the mirror effect reverses everything.  ie: Right becomes left and left becomes right. 

Behavior from others that hurts and harms us is simply the 'decoy' that eludes the truth of our own causes from ever being exposed. 
Therefore our very own causes stay hidden forever from view, and life goes on as we symbolically travel round and round our own difficult mountains of dysfunctional, inherited patterns of blame, constant accusing others instead of realizing that WE are the only cause of our own life stories. 

Such is the Law of Attraction, everything is incubated and magnified by the time that it gets back from where it originated. 

Life is so simple, the child lives it so freely but through controlled education, the adult forgets who they really are and blunders on through the fog of self denial. Occasionally awakening, but the massive shock of realizing; one's own personal reality, is but self created, anethesises any spontaneous excitement and 'herd' mentality settles in once again; thus avoiding any conflict from those around us that guard the status-quo (latin for- the mess we are in) with their very lives. 

Society is full of self proclaimed, narcissistic  (N.P.D) matriarchs and patriarchs that successfly control the multitudes. Step out of line and they manipulate everyone back. 

To be free is not to stand against society, but simply to understand self, and create a strong desire to build a vision that benefits humanity as a whole. 
Then watch the windows of opportunity open to the huge abundance of mutual satisfaction awaiting. 

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