Monday 29 December 2014

Being Lived.

Humans really think they are living their own lives and that they have free choice, but this is so far from any measure of truth that the notion is laughable. 

Behavioral scientists agree that 85% of a humans thoughts are that which were programmed into them by age seven. 

Seldom are humans ever consciously present enough to be aware of choices. 
Their obsession is;  the status quo!!  
The lifestyle is totally repetitive. 

Personal freedom is the only choice. But how many people do any of us know that have total freedom to do what they want, when they want to. Although not only is this type of freedom possible, it's actually easier to obtain than one could imagine. 

Conscious choice would actually entail giving up almost all that we presently, subconsciously hang on to. 

In actual fact, every human is being lived;
not living their own life. 
Pre-programmed thoughts, planted long before we had the capacity to reason. 
World thought, cultural thought, Universal energy......  Free choice-   Ha!!!!!!!

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