Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship MYTH. Pt5

The War Within;   Masculine / Feminine Energy.
It was said in the Tao Te Ching that he who reacts, puts up the first act of war. Neural science has found that humans burn, up to 80% of their energy in fight or flight reactionary, defensive life patterns of ‘stimulus’….. to which we automatically respond. 
We are wired through Subconscious memory mind to respond to ‘outside’ stimulus, then react!  Up to half a second before we are Consciously aware of what we are reacting to. It all happens in a heartbeat on auto-pilot.  Free will?   You have to be joking! 
We are our programmed thoughts, this all happened long before we were mentally developed to know any difference.
Consciousness shapes our reality. An artist always holds the original of any work of art within their unique Consciousness.
A musician will go into a zone of Consciousness while the music flows through them, often they look amazed at their own mystic.
Combining Consciousness with active imagination as a focused discipline…..  then it ‘appears’ out there in the world of senses.
And we have inner tools to achieve the unending stream of possibilities that make up our lives as we proceed through it.
From an early age we are taught to think rationally and tangibly. This is a very left brain method of education and it has more harmful effects than it’s given credit for. An extremely left brain way to think, but a perfect model for controlling others, male dominance, but basically a suppression of the feminine energy.

The brain is made up of two hemispheres;
The right brain, which is fundamentally creative, and the left brain which is fundamentally logic. The right brain is referred to as our female energy and the left brain is referred to as male. Every person has masculine and feminine qualities.  This has nothing to do with male / female physiology. In fact we all begin our journey in the womb, ‘female’ and after a few days a ‘male’ begins their unique physical transformation. Male breaks away!
This is the second fatal flaw in our past programming and training that by the time we are adults,  it’s almost unworkable and we cyclically travel through life win / lose; lose / win, like a game of ping pong. The game of backwards and forwards, two things always make up our world of duality! We become divided.
But synergising left and right brain, male and female energy we come home to true relationship within ourselves, then in the outside world of people, places and events we begin to notice harmony taking place of disruption. Peace replacing torment. Love (for self, and others) replacing like. Joy replacing fun.

The left and right brain represent duality yin / yang, light / dark, good / bad and every other form of duality, until enlightenment!

Monday, 19 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship Myth. Pt4

The 3D Mindset Transformation Program teaches you:
“How To Be A Teacher.” The teacher is the student, and the student is the teacher. We learn to live naturally with others.
As you learn where your own seat of power comes from, you will automatically begin to set everyone else around you free.
When you come on board ‘The Program’ you will grow to understand that you have been-a-house-divided-unto-itself.
You will come home;  to manage your external life from within, you will realize how unintelligent it is to try to manage and manipulate other people, places and events to the way that you want life to be. All of this will naturally take place inside of your own mind, then it will present itself perfectly in your outside world of appearances. Your true desires will begin to manifest.
Illusion and Reality:
From birth we have been trained to ‘view’ the world through our physical senses; sight, sound, touch, taste, smell; Limitation!
This is the first huge mistake because just when you think that the physical sense world is stable,  it will shift completely again.
The daily life we perceive through our five senses, is not reality!
The science of Quantum Physics has proven to us that space and time are illusions of perception, that only exists as thought!  
Therefore what we ‘see’ can only be an illusion if it occupies the space.  Ernest Rutherford blew the lid off conventional scientific thinking when he performed an experiment that revealed the shape of an atom, scientist’s the world over were shocked when they saw that ‘an atom’ was almost entirely empty space.
The question become;  how could this empty atom possibly make up the world around us. Our true Consciousness does not exist in our brain or in our bodies……  Where we believe it is.
But the illusion of our individual bodies along with the misinformation of our true origins, has manifest the idea that we all think independently from one another.
With this understanding, it would seem impossible to scientifically explain telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums and other spiritual phenomenon’s….  communication that happens without any physical means to make it happen.
But when you understand that there is a common spiritual bond between all things in the universe, and that we are all part of the one Divine Intelligence, no phenomenon is unexplainable.
75% of the world believes in a spiritual realm higher than ‘Self.’
Therefore most of us agree that there is at least ONE spiritual being, A God. The question begs;  does this apply to all of us?
This simple understanding fills all the holes in modern religion, it explains reincarnation, déjà vu, prediction of the future and literally every event occurring phenomenally, or experienced.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. The Relationship Myth.

So what is the R Myth?   (The Relationship Myth)
It’s the myth that relationship is anywhere; outside of yourself!
Relationship is about you, you literally are the centre of the universe. The truth was cleverly hidden inside of you all this time, in fact, for thousands of years, that I know about. But maybe beyond that to a time, when humanity was born free.
It has been said that;  “If you want to hide the truth then look in all the places where it isn’t and then spend enormous amounts of money to make it appear authentically true.”

Where Shall We Hide the Truth;
Where shall we hide the truth from man?
The gods all cried when he was made;
How can we guard our secret now,
They are each of them most afraid.
Hide it in the earth, he will mine it,
Hide it on the mountain, he will climb it;
Even in the sea he will find it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

Quite beside themselves they cried,
This little guy will take our throne;
We have made him far too smart,
Not to claim our heaven home.
Hide it in matter, he’ll analyse it,
Hide it in the water, he’ll crystallize it;
Even in the hell, he surmise it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

They thought of stars in outer space,
Or in the nature of a tree;
But they knew that man could solve,
Each and every mystery;
Hide it in the wind, he’ll pursue it,
Hide it in an act, he will do it;
Even in an atom, he will view it.
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

Then they solved the mystery,
Of how the frightened gods should win;
The wisest said let’s take the truth,
And hide it deep inside of him.
Hide it in his heart, he will doubt it,
Hide it in his soul he’ll live without it;
Even if we should reveal and shout it,
He won’t believe the truth is within him.

Quite literally;  you have been pre-programmed, trained like ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’ to salivate to a clanging bell.   A time clock!!

You were always owned by someone. First it was your Mother that told you when to awaken, then it was your school teacher, now it more than likely is your boss, partner, Kids, or clients that tell you what time to get out-of-bed in the morning, therefore they are also telling you what time to go to bed. What you have to dress in, and worst of all……   how much money, time and freedom you are allowed to have for yourself. Does this sound like fun to you?    
There is a way to be free of THE MATRIX!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The Power Of The Mind. Mass Education.

Where Do You Hide The Truth?

If man was ever to be really free,
where would he find truth to be...

Would he lift up every stone,
or realize the acres of  diamonds in his own sweet loving home?

The truth was never far to find,
In fact it was always in his mind.

But to access that little 40 bit
per second Pre-Frontal Cortex 
Conscious mind, would take more energy than an athlete so fit. 

Who could do that for long he cried,
not I, I would rather wait until I died.

2% think, 3% think they think, 
and 95% would not give a blink!

The answer lays in the left and
right hemispheres of Male/Female
ingenuity seldom seen thru fears. 

To find your peace in the sublime, 
in life, look  within the most obvious place of all, 
that most amazing, but totally divided Male / Female mind. 

The intuitive (right) mind is a sacred gift.
The rational (left) mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant....
But has forgotten the gift!            Albert Einstein. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

The Relationship Myth. Pt 2

So what is the R Myth? (The Relationship Myth)

It’s the myth that relationship is anywhere; outside of yourself!

Relationship is about you, you literally are the centre of the universe. The truth was cleverly hidden inside of you all this time, in fact, for thousands of years, that I know about. But maybe beyond that to a time, when humanity was originally born free.

It has been said that; “If you want to hide the truth then look in all the places where it isn’t and then spend enormous amounts of money to make it appear authentically true.”

Where Shall We Hide the Truth;

Where shall we hide the truth from man?
The gods all cried when he was made;
How can we guard our secret now,
They are each of them most afraid.
Hide it in the earth, he will mine it,
Hide it on the mountain, he will climb it;
Even in the sea he will find it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

Quite beside themselves they cried,
This little guy will take our throne;
We have made him far too smart,
Not to claim our heaven home.
Hide it in matter, he’ll analyse it,
Hide it in the water, he’ll crystallize it;
Even in the hell, he surmise it,
Where shall we hide the truth from man?

To be continued.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Relationship Myth Pt1 

The Relationship Myth.

The Eternal Search For Feminine / Masculine Balance.

3D Mindset Transformation Program. Transform your world from the inside-  then watch the outside fall into harmony!

The answer to peace on earth is certainly NOT WHERE YOU THINK THAT IT IS. Otherwise you would already have it now!

So where is it, have you searched everywhere for it, like we have? The books, the personal development options, video’s, DVD’s, seminars, workshops, clairvoyants, gurus, meditation, prayer, churches. synagogues, ashrams, yoga, fitness, health, money, cars, homes, clothes, friends, wives, husbands, babies, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs, businesses, Facebook…….

Where is this elusive thing they call;     Peace-of-mind?

The secret that follows ‘The Secret’ which said that you could have anything you put your mind to, did you try it out? And how long did the application of The Law Of Attraction work for you? before you twanged back like an almighty rubber band, back to where you were in the first place, or worse off?

Because only 3% of the population did ‘The Law Of Attraction’ correctly and it worked for them; big time!

But if you make up the 97% of ‘average’ citizens like we have always been, all our past lives, (the mouse on the treadmill) up until recently when we figured out; ‘The Genius In Me!’

Did you know; you really are the centre of the universe!
Life actually does revolve around you. Were you told as a kid that it was bad to be selfish and self centred? And that it was much better to divide yourself up into little pieces and slowly, painfully give-your-life-away, until you died and went to heaven and eternal peace, if you were really lucky….. Close to ‘God?’ 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A Quantum Shift.

Hello Friend.

Are you wanting to make a Quantum shift in your life but it all seems too big to handle on your own? The good news is - we are now offering a 6 month program which includes 20 one-on-one coaching sessions to help you make the paradigm shift necessary to step into the life you know you are capable of living! You'll also receive access to our weekly online webinar where you can further discuss and work through the changes occurring in your life. We know that people need personal support when making major change in their lives and our new program offers just that!

There's much much more added into the program. See below for the list of inclusions.

Join us NOW to begin your Life Change!

Learn how to really manage the 3 layers of your Mind. Discover how your mind currently operates on pre-programmed auto-pilot and how to use this powerful processor to create the life of your dreams. Conscious, SubConscious, SuperConscious 3D Mind Power!

This is the Most Exciting Revolution within the Personal Development Industry in Decades!

* Free up 80% of your energy currently used for Self defending reactionary behavior.

* Create real goals, in real time, that catapult you into your ideal lifestyle.

* Clear limiting beliefs that could be sabotaging your success.

* Within 3 months, watch your life free up noticeably.

* Within 6 months, you will experience a complete Paradigm shift that will astound those around you.

Start, stop, start the program any time, or complete the 6 month program in weekly installments.

The 6 month 3D Mindset Transformation Program can be purchased through this link:

For a $2995 Investment into living your dream life.

Payment can be made monthly in advance if required. 6 x $550 = $3,300

Here's what is included...

* Comprehensive step by step, 3D Mindset Transformation manual

* Stage One: Setting Active Conscious In-Real-Time Goals for dynamic effect.

* Stage Two: Undoing and Reframing any limiting Sub Conscious beliefs.

* Stage Three: Leveraging infinite possibilities through the SuperConscious field / Mind.

* 20 x 1 hr Coaching sessions. Sessions can be stopped and started anytime.

* 3D Mindset Transformation eBook explaining your evolving Transformation.

* Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Mind eBook. Basic steps for freeing your mind.

* Relationship Mastery eBook. Insights into empowering ALL your relationships.

* Facebook 3D Mindset community page for group support.

* Mind Change information pack for personal one-on-one coaching sessions.

* Bonus weekly online webinar. Valued at $97 per month = $582 sign up gift to you

* Daily informational Blogs from Sam and Michelle on: The Power of The Mind

Coaching can be obtained via: Phone, Skype, or In Person.

Extra coaching sessions are always available for $150 per session.

For non-course participants:

Standard Coaching Sessions: $200. Not including travel time and travel expenses.

Weekly ‘Online’ Support Webinars are available for Q & A’s, interacting within an online group, or anonymously. $97 per month, pre-paid.

Take action now! Learn to synergize that most spectacular of all of your given attributes - Your most wonderful 3 Dimensional Mind Processor. Get in touch with your Genius!

You will be astounded at the results within a short period of time. Your family, friends and colleagues will notice the difference in how you react / respond to their behaviour and events in your life in a much more peaceful, calm way. Find your way back to your true nature.

Women: Invest in this 3D Mind Program for your partner’s wellbeing.

Men: Invest in this 3D Mind Program for your partner’s wellbeing.

Enjoy partners, friends, family, colleagues in a way that you have never experienced before. Relationship with others will take on a whole new dimension for you!
Incorporating ce=zero Clear, Erase= ZERO LIMITS! Instant mind change tool that you can carry with you for constant in-the-moment mind reframing action.     

Friday, 2 August 2013

Right V/S Left Brain.

3D Mindset Transformation Program.

Human beings have two brains -- the left brain and the right brain. They both have their distinct functions and job descriptions. Research shows that we tend to prefer one brain over the other and because of this conflicts arise not only within us but also in society. We virtually have male and female energy at war, within our very own head, 24/7! And we have the audacity to blame our spouses for our troubles.......

Are you left brain or right brain? Are you a mix of both? Or, you simply don't know ... try this video.

You think you have a problem with another person? As we are naturally objective with others and subjective with ourselves, the way that we have been programmed to react through our physical five senses, we believe our disputes involve the person we are 'looking' at through our senses.

But this blog page is here to tell you this is the furthermost thing from the truth and this is the very reason we humans attack our problems with each other through the duality mode of fight or flight. Because we think our disputes are on the outside of ourselves. So when we fight / flight with a fool..... there are 'two' fools fighting or flighting.

If you can grasp this most awesome truth, you will NEVER have another dispute with any man, woman, child, or creature ever again. In fact you will live in a paradise of safety, security, peace, joy, love and abundance. You become a creator of your own creation, paint your own life picture!