Tuesday 8 December 2015

Life & Death.

Life & Death are seen as two opposite polarities of Life. But that is so far from the truth that begs the old cliche.......

"If the lie is big enough; the people will believe it"......   And they sure do!!!!

Death is the opposite to 'birth' NOT life. 

The 'LIFE' which IS- us, is eternal and was never born, nor will 'it' ever die. Only THE STORY was born, and when we, or others are tired of 'the story', then the story is terminated, or ended. But in reality 'story' is the continued reality of society and just slowly evolves within the limited, inhibited Matrix of this World. 

The interesting paradoxical situation is that death of the body does NOT end our 'story' ('life') which is the glue that holds us in the Matrix-  the code that all of our lives is bound in place by is picked up with each following generation; like a batton in a relay race. Death of the individual cannot end that story which we live each and every day. 

The wonderful opportunity we all have is to 'die daily' to our story that ego holds firmly in place to maximise identity, personality-  persona=. mask!!!

Dying to the inherited story liberates soul to express itself freely without inhibition, restriction, control or separation. 

So don't wait until you have no choice but 'to die' physically. Let go now, today and be free to fly into true  soul 'form' that You really are-  Omnipresence!!!!  

Friday 13 November 2015

You Are One.

There is not 'many' of us-

There is but ONE Life;  experiencing itself in apparent form or shape which actually is-  the illusion. 

At the sub atomic level there is only energy vibrating giving off the illusion of 'self'.  

Know that whatever the apparently separate 'you' thinks, speaks of and acts out;  will appear-  as you!!!!

Clear thoughts=   Clear Life. 
Dull thoughts=      Dull Life. 

Very simple!!!!!

Sunday 8 November 2015


Ideas become thoughts. 
Thoughts become words. 
Words become actions. 
Actions become our Life. 
Life becomes what we are. 
What we are becomes what others are. 
What others are becomes who we are. 

We only ever have;  what we are.......

Thursday 5 November 2015

Conscious acts......

Nearly all of 'this world' operates- 
unconsciously.  Divided and separate. 
Totally based on narcissistic 'self love'. 
(Complete love of self at others expense)

And this unconscious behaviour is what 'appears' to keep humanity separated. 

Conscious presence is Oneness, United, and completely focused on the golden rule: "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself".
Or, The Silver Rule:  "Do not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you." 

Conscious Precense is Agape Love.......
Unconscious 'story' is narcissistic 'self'. 

Monday 2 November 2015

All That Is Good.

If you want to see something clearly-
Look in the opposite direction.  Zen

Don't look to your negative thoughts and feelings for your own answers-

Look to all-that-is-good, for them. 

Sunday 1 November 2015


Life-  actually is Eternal; it never began, and it certainly never ends;  it just "IS". 

But fussing and fighting only makes slaves of us;  to that which we give our focus onto. 

So therefore, if our attention is on that which is 'wrong' in this world, then we ARE that which is wrong also. We are always that, which we give our thoughts, feelings, words and actions up to. 

There is nothing wrong in a perfect evolution in the progression of Eternity. 

Appearances of wrong behaviour are just that;  appearances, illusions, decoys and circumstances that cannot be seen as real, until time releases the entire story. 

Appearances; just appearing as real as what you want to make of it all.........

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Energy in 'Form'.

We live in a sea of swirling energy and the only thing that causes it to take 'form' is us holding the thought / feeling for a certain period of time. 
Then-  imagination creates the image. 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Life's a Blessing.

"Nothing real can be threatened;
Nothing unreal exists. 
Herein lays the peace of God."
Quote:   The Course of Miracles. 

(Nothing real in God-  has any form)

The meaning of Goodbye is-
"I'll see you again". 

Whenever death occurs, whenever a life form dissolves;  God the formless, the unmanifested-  shines through the opening left by the 'manifested' form. 

Monday 12 October 2015

Quantum Physics.

Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.

Nothing is solid.
This is the scientific world of Quantum Physics.

They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.

So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?

Think of a movie reel.

A movie is a collection of about 24 frames a second.   Each frame is separated by a gap.   However, because of the speed at which one frame replaces another, our eyes get cheated into thinking that we see a continuous and moving picture.

Think of television.

A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, creating the illusion of form and motion.

This is what all objects are anyway. You have 5 physical senses; sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. 
Each of these senses has a specific spectrum; for example, a dog hears a different range of sound than you do; a snake sees a different spectrum of light than you do and so on. 

In other words, your set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certain limited standpoint and makes up an image from that.

It is not complete, nor is it accurate, it is just an interpretation.

All of our interpretations are solely based on the ‘internal map’ of reality that we have, and not the real truth. Our ‘map’ is a result of our personal life’s collective experiences.

Our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy forms. 
Your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life.

Look around you.

Everything you see in our physical world started as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical object through a  number of steps.

You literally become what you think about most.

Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.

The world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience, in the physical plane that; what you hold as your truth ….....  until you change it.

Quantum physics shows us that the world is not the hard and totally unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fluid place continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts.

What we think is true is really an illusion, almost like a magic trick.

Fortunately we have begun to uncover the illusion and most importantly, how to change it.

What is your body made of?

Nine systems comprise the human body including Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine, Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive, Respiratory, Skeletal, and Urinary.

What are those made up of?

Tissues and organs.

What are tissues & organs made of?


What are cells made of?


What are molecules made of?


What are atoms made of?

Sub-atomic particles.

What are subatomic particles made of?


You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. Energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface and you control it all with your powerful mind.

You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being. 

If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would see that you are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons & so on.

So is everything else around you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it.

An object does not exist independently of its observer! 
So, as you can see, your observation, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that thing.

This is scientific and proven.

Your world is made of spirit, mind and body.

Each of those three, spirit, mind and body, has a function that is unique to it and not shared with the other. What you see with your eyes and experience with your body is the physical world, which we shall call Body. Body is an effect, created by a cause.

This cause is Thought.

Body cannot create. It can only experience and be experienced … that is its unique function.

Thought cannot experience … ....
it can only make up, create and interpret.  It needs a world of relativity (the physical world, Body) to experience itself.

Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body.

Body has no power to create, although it gives the illusion of power to do so. This illusion is the cause of much frustration. Body is purely an effect and has no power to cause or create.

The key with all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now so that you can manifest everything you truly desire.
Source: John Assaraf

"You are the Universe; expressing itself as a (so-called) human being, for a little while".       Elkhart Tolle.

The person of religion cannot accept this notion as they are ruled by ego, and ego cannot die
It must live on forever in heaven or hell;  according to them. 
Although the body is gone, the soul (ego) lives on in some obscure spiritual realm as their own personal, individual identity;  for seemingly eternity....

The atheist / agnostic ego cannot bare the thought of no-body in the;
therefore they disregard any notion of eternal life whatsoever. 
To them, they are body, brain and material stuff and are here for a good time; not a long time. 
No body, brain & brawn;  no Life. 

Neither realises that  'they'  are really Universal Source expressing itself-  
As; 'IS'. (All that Is)

Monday 5 October 2015

Love The Good.

Emerson and Carlyle.  
Two of the greatest philosophers. 
Emerson loved the good, and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. His legacy of quiet wisdom inspired others. 

Carlyle hated the bad with a passion and his life was a record of perpetual discord and constant ongoing inharmony. 

Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law, the other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. 

It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even "the bad". 
Because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing to- "the wind" and in return shall reap-   
the whirlwind. 

"Learn to keep the door shut, keep out of your mind, out of your office, and out of your World, every element that seeks admittance with no definite helpful end in view". 
                    George Mathews Adams. 

The imagination gathers up the material by which the mind weaves the fabric in which your future is to be clothed. 
Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience. 
Imagination is the constructive form of thought which must precede every constructive form of action. 

Friday 2 October 2015


Isn't it a strange thing-

We "think" that-   We are We.......
Personalised individualised separate. 

We are always conscious of-   
the personal  "self"- 
ie:  persona, (mask)  identity, story, etc......    through the five physical sensory perceptions. 
ie: taste touch sight sound smell. 

But mostly always unconscious to Subconsciousness- 
Which Is 'our' true nature. 
ie: Source, Spirit, God. 

When we physically sleep- Subconsciousness  is always there-  awake!!!
When consciousness. (of our 'self') dies, then Subconsciousness still lives on;  eternally!!     And the "We" returns back into "It's" natural state. 

When I die-
I release my 'idea' of separateness-
And return to;  "All That IS". 
The place where "ALL" things exist. 
I Am That;  I Am. 
But until then........
The laws of the material world do not apply to me in the presence of the God realized.   Grace!!!

"You are the Universe; expressing itself as a human being, for a little while".       Elkhart Tolle. 

Sunday 27 September 2015


Isn't it a strange thing-

We are always conscious of-  
the personal  "self"- 
ie:  persona, (mask)  identity, story, etc......    through the five physical sensory perceptions. 
ie: taste touch sight sound smell. 

But mostly always unconscious to Subconsciousness- 
Which Is 'our' true nature. 
ie: Source, Spirit, God. 

When we physically sleep- Subconsciousness  is always there-  awake!!!
When consciousness. (of our 'self') dies, then Subconsciousness still lives on;  eternally..........  

Wednesday 16 September 2015

A letter to a friend.

I thought about your statement about being to blame for what happened to you and maybe it needs more clarification on cause and effect. 

We are NOT to blame for our life's outcomes;  but we are responsible for our own interpretations and results of the information given to us-  from before we were old enough to reason truth. 

In 'this world' there are only ever two options for any human condition:
Angry.        Happy
Sick.           Well
Confused.  Clarity. 
Good.         Bad
Poverty.      Prosperous. 
Attack.       Defend
etc.             etc.  

But within the reality of pure Love, there is but a third option:   Grace!!
This word speaks of deliverance from enemies, affliction, or adversity. It also denotes enablement, daily guidance, forgiveness & preservation

So if we are not being attacked: then we have learnt from our attackers-  how to attack........

For example: From my fairly traumatic  childhood, I was a bullied child in the first few years of school. 
Then one day, I was invited out into the bush behind our school to play with all my school peers. 

This was a new novelty for me as not only was I never invited to anything, but had only ever been picked on, threatened, intimidated by these kids

Well the next thing I knew was that I was in the middle of a circle of maybe 10 to 20 kids and the strongest of the bullies walked into the circle to belt me up. His name was Kelvin Streat. But the leader of the 'gang' Jimmy Humm put him up to it all. 

Well, to this day I have zero ideas on just what or how what happened next, happened. 

But here was Kelvin Streat standing there right in front of me;  in the middle of the circle of startled kids, with massive amounts of blood pouring from his smashed up nose. 

Somehow, all the anger and hidden rage that had welled up inside of me over the previous maybe 8 or 9 years 
(Not sure how old I was) come lashing out on poor ole Kelvin. 

I king hit him fair on his nose, with blood pouring all over himself, he ran home and the band of boys and girls disbanded and I walked back with Jimmy Humm and he and I became best mates.  Funny eh, the bullied became 'the bully' because until recent years, I remained a covert bully in all my relationships. 

But throughout my remaining years through school and high school, there were three more events that I faced challenges from stronger males and each time the 'king-hit' occurred and my bloodied attacker ran off, seemingly frightened of me. 
But it happened through me;  not from me. I never planned to hit anyone, but totally out of the blue, came;  whammo!!!!!

I do not know if this same dynamic happens to wife beaters because I have never been prompted to beat a woman. 

However, I have been goaded by more than one female to get angry enough to lash out. But each time I think deep down that my own fundamental love of the opposite sex has lead me to take my anger out on something else; rather than the nurturing female. 

So is it our fault that these things happened to us???

Semantics are sooo powerful insomuch as, 'self-talk' is everything. 

We are NOT to blame for what happened to us. But we are totally responsible for our life outcomes because of how we INTERPRET events and influences "ON" our life. 

For example, if girls grew up with a subtle influence from their primary care givers (probably mothers, aunties, etc) to watch out for men because they only want one thing (sex) and to "TAKE" from us. 
And if they don't get that peacefully then men may take it forcefully. 

Then although that girl had a very peaceful loving Father, she grows up with an inherent deep fear that ALL men "could" attack her and 'always' the very determined subconscious mind will eventually cause that very event to happen. GAURANTEED!!!!

The subconscious mind secretly manages up to 95% of our lives-  on auto pitot. 
And it is 95% pre-programmed by age 7 by seemingly well intentioned care-givers. 

The subconscious mind is a million times more powerful processor than the very small capacity of the conscious mind. 

So, 'FEAR" of violence-  always attracts much more violence than it asked for. 

We can only have in life; that which we attract;  nothing more; nothing less, either consciously (knowingly)  or unconsciously.   (Unknowingly which is usually the case, as why would we keep on knowingly attract something which is bad for us, and also for our children / grandchildren, in the long term.) 

But as grown ups; we like to believe that we have 100% of our lives under OUR own management. 
But this is far from true reality!!!!!!

At best we may have 10% of our lives under our own management. 
The rest is managed by our pre-programmed inner subconscious society albeit, family belief system that manages all of our days- subconsciously on auto pilot.  And fed daily by a greedy unscrupulous media system that relies on fear to keep their listeners / watchers of audiences of unassuming "followers" asleep-at-the-wheel of their own lives. We are followers of fear;  not Faith. (Unless we learn otherwise) 

At least until we finally realise this terrible automatic out-of-control cause / effect lifestyle and learn to claw back some measure of independence from-the-system, perhaps for the first time in our lives. 

But this can only be done one way-

•. Love
•. Peace
•. Joy
•. Harmony
•. Grace
•. Mercy
•. Forgiveness 
•. Compassion
•. Empathy for others, 
NOT sympathy!!!!  (Empathy heals, sympathy feeds the problem)  

So if we are feeding ourselves every morning and night on the (bad) news of "THIS WORLD" and it is firing us up to-take-action-against-something-or-someone,  then this must be a sure sign that WE have NOT healed something WITHIN-  "ourselves". 

And it will just keep showing up in our lives, and the lives of those that WE have much influence over- our own children, for example. As I have had such past negative influence over my children, but fortunately two out of three have mostly broken away from the negative influences of Marion and myself, as very limited, PAST 'damaged' parents, and they now live quite functional lives with their own families. 

But my total life goal and purpose is to now heal my family lineage of any outstanding curses and fears that will prevent my future family generations from living their lives in anything other than love, peace, harmony and joy. 
And being an example of not buying into the seemingly negative evolution of humanity's growth pains, by showing them how to manage how they 'feel' about what is happening around them in 'this world'. 

As Jesus said:  "Being in this world, but NOT of this world". "My peace I give to You".   GRACE.......

Check out this video on YouTube:


iPhone email ;-)

Tuesday 15 September 2015

We Are One.

A letter to a friend...........
Thank You for sharing parts of your life with me that obviously are still very sensitive for You. 
It perhaps would have been good had we been able to have a full discussion on this matter,  as I believe that whatever got into us when we were younger, has to come 'out' of us, sooner or later as we awaken to the miserable fact that we continue to attract that which we secretly hate in our life. 

Nothing can show up in your life that you are not already a vibrational match for.  
ie:  Fear attracts fearful things. 


I also believe that as we get to our autumn years in life an overwhelming desire emerges to be emotionally free to just slip into a more peaceful, joyful, harmonious existence.  So we are drawn harder, into that which we love and also, that which we hate must show up for clearing out. 

However paradoxically, those that we have continually attracted to come along with us in this life, seem to delight in pushing our old emotional buttons-  just because they can........ 


This video of Esther Hicks talks about The Law of Attraction and how we don't get that which we want, but we get that which we secretly fear, or not that which we ask for, but that which we 'feel'.  

So if we attract abuse from the opposite sex, (which both you and I and most others to varying degrees have done in the past) then that; from childhood, must be our secret fear. Perhaps some well meaning parent, or person of meaningful significance influence warned us to watch out for men / women, (fear) etc, etc. 


My Father always said to watch out for 'women' "Love them all;  but marry none". 
He, by the way was bullied by the Nuns in a catholic school, and a brutal dominating Scottish mother that lorded over his weaker father and  two boys, his sister was pampered and went on to have a wonderful life. 


So guess what, I became a defensive  commitment phobic weak male also. Until I seeked knowledge on this most interesting human dynamic, then freed myself of it. 

But this male brutality that has controlled our physical world; 
Joel Goldsmith often said that mankind has not much raised above the animal level.  Male predominant left brain is a basic robotic, logic simple fetch-and-carry automaton existence. 


Female left / right brain logic and also emotive action is, I believe, more sophisticated;  but sadly, knowingly or unknowingly often used against mans weakness, to the point whereby he finally "reacts" physically , because this is his only 'known defence' to manipulations of female 'nest' control. 


Anyway,  these are only my thoughts
I really appreciate your openness and honesty.  It would be nice to find peace in all the storms of "this human world" wouldn't it. 

Hope this helps, as it surely has helped me find peace with Michelle and the "crazies" (terrorists, etc, of 'this world'.

All this information from my past studies, endeavouring to set myself free of past brainwashing patterns that I have spoken of has all been on the ' Mind'. 

But the 'body' is a whole other story:
Males are turbocharged physically with testosterone from as early as 13 weeks of gestation;  in the womb. 
At birth the boy baby has the testosterone levels of a 21 year old man, then subsides through childhood until puberty where it rises dramatically again until midlife.  

This is their 'power trip'  hormone, and for many men, once activated, they cannot come 'down' off it. 

Females predominantly operate on their major hormone;  progesterone. 
The 'happy'  hormone.  Hence the peace a female experiences while pregnant. But crashes emotionally, mentally and physically after given birth with post-natal-depression. 

The uterus produces 360 times more progesterone while the mother is making a baby than before or after, so without such large amounts of their 'peaceful' hormone the mother crashes pre and post birth for sometimes up to two years after. 

But then a strange ironic thing happens as we age-
Men slow down on producing their 'war' hormone and women slow right down on producing their 'peace' hormone. So often the tables get turned as oestrogen takes over in both;  men 'retire' and women seek revenge for years of neglect or abuse. 

Fundamentally,  men take on more female life patterns with age, and females become more male in attitude, to put it into a nutshell. 

Also our modern food substitutes are super laced with oestrogen mimicking hormones that have bought this natural phenomenon earlier to many people eating low quality 'food' from supermarkets and takeaway shops.   

And then, to counteract this crazy situation, with fluoride and many other man-made mimicking dumb-out 'drugs' most of our western society is just simply mellowing out; suspended so to speak, on the conveyor belt of 'Life'.  Occasionally some people wake up, like a bear with an empty belly after hibernation, pretty angry!!!

Forgot to say that if male and female energy is functioning correctly then there's an old scripture that says:
"One can put a thousand to flight; but 'two' will put TEN thousand to flight". 

The female energy is the 'neck' that steers the male energy head 'logic' 
(Also an olde Scripture) 

Therefore, behind every great male; 
is an even greater female that is steering the family to success, peace and harmony, from behind the scenes with her natural influential powers. 

But out of whack, female 'convert' negative emotive energy fuels the 'overt' male physical force. 

ie:  Overt male physical force is seen; covert female emotive force goes unnoticed by all; often even unknown to the female guilty of this practice. 

With an ironic twist of fate:  all things must eventually balance themselves and men and women clang and bang together without ever really knowing just what's happening 'to them'. 

Basically we are all automatons wired, triggered, detonated; according to our pre-programmed 'story'. (Belief system) 

Nothing can show up in your life that you are not already a vibrational match for.  
ie:  Fear attracts fearful things. 
     Peace attracts peaceful things. 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Dead or Alive????

Neither dead nor alive am "I".........

I Am That-  that I Am;   ALL THAT IS!!!!!

Life Is Eternal;  forever!!!   Neither given, nor taken away,  but always living.   

Peace, harmony, joy, creativity, love-

Oneness!!!  Omniscience, Omnipotence 
Omnipresence. One Life-  One presence

Friday 26 June 2015

You Are Love........

• Nothing ever comes into your experience that is not active within your own vibration. (Thought / talk) 

• The persons 'story' is the cosmic glue that holds the atoms of their substance within its holding pattern.    
Dis-create the story; vaporise 'being' 

• There is no personal self,  but only the individualised aspect of personal story, experiencing Itself. (as 'It' is) 
We are the sum total of 'our' thought

• All of Life is One. 'I' Am- that; I Am. 

Monday 9 March 2015


How hard we strive to achieve all the amazing things in life and what happens when we get them?

As I proceed down the corridor of life I realise that everything I have ever desired I either have had, or have still got. 
And there's so much more that I desire. 

But I also realise through my own personal experience, and the observation of others journey through life that every thing we desire, has within it; an inherent opposite, in fact, this World is a duality. 

Day / night, yes / no, ying / yang, hot / cold, good / bad, etc, etc.  

Every answer, has contained within it; it's own problems, of which we can solve by patiently understanding duality. 

And every problem, has contained within it, it's own answer.  An analogy may be, the seed. The 'things' of life require constant nurture, and like a seed, for it to open to the light of day. 

We don't attract that which is complete, rather, we are nurturing beings. We add our energy to that, which IS, then we give it away by sharing with others. We share all of that which we are. We feel love, and being loved, when we give our love away. 

Perhaps what goes wrong for many of us in the process of accumulation is that we claim that which we have acquired, and call it-  ours!  Rather than knowing it is in our nurturing custody to grow and increase for the purpose of giving it away. 

An example is the obvious largest two investments the average family make; the home and the car. Solely for the purpose of housing and transporting family and friends, to keep everything together. 

The many things we desire are already contained within us; like a tiny seed is contained within the ground. But the ground can be dry and barren and the seed, although retaining its concealed life, will not come forward to reveal it's hidden splendor, nor will it share it's anticipated bounty of fruit, until all the elements required are released for its evolution through the stages of 'Life'. 

Desire, vision, imagination, enthusiasm, courage, patience, nurturing, generosity, knowledge, experience, understanding, are all words that come to mind that describe those people and families that I personally have witnessed this attribute of awareness to natural accumulation. 

Sunday 8 March 2015

Death experience.

Death of our body is an experience that happens on a moment by moment basis. 
At a cellular level, life and death are occurring constantly as cells are born and die to allow life to remain constant. 

In fact, life can only exist if death creates an opening for life to maintain itself. 

• The baby exits to make way for the toddler to enter life.
• The toddler exits to make way for the child to enter. 
• The child exits to make way for the adolescent to enter. 
• The adolescent exits to make way for the adult to enter. 
• The adult exits to make way for the oldie to enter. 
• The oldie exits to make way for the corpse to enter. 
And so on and so on as we all travel through this journey we call life. 

But-  is this really how it is for true life to be lived completely without fear of any enevitable so-called  death?

Isn't there a constant theme being lived 'through' all these incredible life change events that in each stage; are so very relevant to the overall human experience. 

Can it be the human idea has been so misaligned with the real human 'being'
that is having an experience at a cyclic level, never begins, and never ends,
but life actually IS constantly being lived; never born, never dies, but evolving through the amazing miracle of 'body',
a body that is merely a holograph of an imagined experience of constant change.
In fact the experience is imagined to be anything possible at all in this worlds kaleidoscope of huge combinations of so many exciting possibilities.  (Or for some, mostly miserable experiences) 

A human, animal, fish, bird, insect, plant, etc. Every single 'thing' is in a constant stage of evolving change, necessary for 
Life itself; to experience itself completely. 

But LIFE is the only constant 'thing'.
The Life that is always living through every thing is the ONE LIFE that we really are that never comes and never goes but remains constant as our apparent body appears to exit and re-enter over and over throughout eternity. 

Eternal Life is the only constant reality!!!
Fear (false evidence appearing real) is based in the ultimate thought of loss-of-life; real everlasting LIFE cannot be lost. 
It has always been here and will always be here. 

Our five senses trick us into believing that if we cannot; see, hear, taste, touch, smell-   therefore it no longer exists.......

I extend an invitation to begin today to live LIFE as it is meant to be lived-  evolving constantly through an experience that always 'IS'. (Being) 

Monday 23 February 2015

Interest rates.

Is anyone really interested in interest paid on loans taken out for commodities that do not produce income and have zero write off value? 
The same commodities that have massive depreciation that cannot be claimed against income? 
Even the home loan really cannot be capitalised on as we need to have a place to live until we croak. 

Imagine if interest rates went back up to 25%, which they did back in the late 80's
How many people would lose everything. 
High interest rates also coincide with a recession where work and income also suffer. A recipe for disaster. 

In ancient times the poor borrower was considered a slave to the rich lender. 
Nothing has changed as the wealthy lenders can bump up loan charges anytime they want to maximise there own holdings. ie: repossessions. 

Most people chase after money
but a tiny elite get to create money out of thin air.
This money-creating elite control nations and world environment.

Recent head of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, said in 2010 that “of all the possible banking systems, we have the worst”.   Why?
Because it is private, controlled by private bankers for profit not for people.

  And secondly, because it creates 97% of money as credit, as debt, requiring huge interest payments. 
Nearly half of your work goes to pay interest.

The modern monetary system condemns us to ecocide and eventual slavery.
But this can be changed, and easily!

Friday 20 February 2015


Wealth comes to those that continually live consciously in "The Now". 
Being completely present in total gratitude with "What Is". 

Money will always be available for all of life's essentials, to these blessed few that know the true meaning of abundant prosperity.  Being totally appreciative of all that they are and have. 

The quickest way to move from lack, to abundance is to love all that one is, and has in their presence. 

Money merely fills emotional feelings. 
The stronger the emotion of lack; the greater the lack is. 
The greater the emotion of abundance; the bigger the supply of money. 
10% of people consciously know this and live freely within total abundance. 
90% of people occasionally stumble on this simple Law of Attraction, but then become fearful of loss and lose it again. 

Thursday 19 February 2015


Money;  what is it, really?
Considering the appalling lack of it in the average persons life, that is so controlled by how little they have to do so much to be comfortable and able to keep up in the fast moving society we now live in. 

Almost half of 'the money' is received by the top 10% of money earners. 
And the remaining half of money is divided up by the other 90% of workers. 

Now considering that the average worker pays one third of their income in payrol tax and one third in purchase tax, has limited tax write offs;  it can be early July before these 'average' people get any income for themselves, or their families. 

Wealth;  on the other hand, is a different story.  Money is a commodity that is taken and given in exchange for something else. Humans are the only species on the planet that pays (tax) to live here. Wealth is something that we always get to keep through life's most valuable experiences. Our True Wealth!!!!

Money will always keep us poor because there is never enough to live up to our desire to be the best that we can be. 
Wealth is always rich in its ability to replace itself with unlimited experience from being just who we are. 

We ARE wealth.  And there is no amount of money that can give us personal wealth. Money, by its inherent nature, creates a vacuum for more. Wealth is felt at any time that money is not thought of. 

Planet Earth is abundant by nature of its ability to reproduce and replace itself prolifically. And as we settle into natures patterns of reproduction, we realise that the more we give away, the more comes back to rapidly fill the void of what could only be referred to as-   Love!!!

Saturday 31 January 2015

Financial Wellbeing.

The constant stream of abundance flows ever generously.  And it is right for you to receive your share. 

This will be easy to do and it does not take much effort, because you are already well on the way. 

There is much power in the words you are reading. And in time your resistance will subside and your allowing will begin. 

The way to speed up your own wealth manifestation-  is to slow down resistance to what you don't want. 

As your resistance is replaced with allowing and doubt is replaced with belief, your abundance will become evident. 

When that emotional shift occurs, immediate financial benefits will be the evidence of that shift. 

These words will help shift your belief in money from doubt and disbelief, to eagerness and fun. 

The way to financial abundance is simply an emotional pathway. 

When the success of another makes your heart sing, your own resistance is gone and your personal success soars ahead. 

You are never deprived when someone else gains, because 
abundance always expands proportionately to match desires. 

Your life will continue to attract abundant things; the majority of that work is already done by the powerful, natural Law of Attraction. 

In your absence of resistance, everything you have ever asked for is already on its way to you. 

So Identify the desire and achieve a positive vibration that matches it. 

There is never a 'N0' in the Universe as there is only ever an emphatic 'Yes' in the overal abundance of all things.  

So by saying we 'don't' have something produces more lack (YES) of the very thing we do desire. 

The fastest way to improving a financial condition is appreciating that-  which you already Have!

For in the seeking and finding of that which is already working now in your life, more success will come, and it will come very quickly

While your life will continue to call more abundance to you, the majority of that work is already done. 

Financial abundance does not occur in ones life because of hard work alone, financial abundance is the Worlds response to your own consistent feelings of abundance. 

When you are able to accomplish the feeling of abundance, the evidence of that abundance must eventually come, so long as you maintain.......
 'The Feeling'-  of abundance. 

In your 'absence' of resistance the Worlds abundance makes its way toward you naturally, consistently. 

Your vibrational frequency will begin to change over time until there is a definite tipping point. 

For a while the only evidence of your financial progress will be your improved state of emotional being. 

And if you let that be enough, taking NO score of any financial progress;  the anticipated financial improvement will show up..........

Each time you focus / meditate on these words, your own resistance becomes smaller and your new allowance becomes greater.  

Sunday 11 January 2015


Everyone's treasure;  'Is' right where they are. In this moment of time is everything each of us has attracted-  perfectly!!!

The moment this dynamic is realised, is the time that new things can be added to the bucket list of more needed things to be valued, appreciated and shared. 

Taking care of everyone and everything that we have, each day, as if it is the most treasured thing we could ever have catapults us on to receiving our visions. 

Step one.   Appreciation of what Is. 
Step two.   Writing new additions down. 
Step three. Reading the vision frequently.
Step four.   Feeling the new thing is    
                  already with you and is as 
                  valuable to you as what you 
                  already possess. 

Whatever you have; or want to have, has contained inherently within it, a seemingly answer / problem correlation. 

Wishing for something, to replace something else is totally and completely counterproductive and will only bring about more of the same; but magnified. 

Hating what is, brings more misery. 
Loving what is, brings more love. 

Wednesday 7 January 2015


That which we give our attention to........
Is 'that' which we become!!!

The endless amounts of information stored within our electrical fields of data become; who we are. 
Our lives are lived through us, by what is held captive by past events, kept alive. 

How is this changed? Assuming one would even want to change just what has become-  our life. 

Free will. Isn't that the right of every living creature to live spontaneously, creatively able to create happiness, joy, harmony? 

But how can free will be possible when we are living a pre-programmed life existence, 85% of it all placed there by perhaps well-meaning folk that had zero idea how we may choose to live. 

Free will to choose each day, the path to personal freedom of choice is possible. 
Difficult;  yes!!  But possible. 

• Sit quietly still each morning for 15 minutes.  Consciously breathe your body with deep breaths, slowly in through the nose, hold, then slowly out through pursed lips.  Follow your thoughts. 
• Take time to contemplate each thing in your life with total appreciation. 'See' each thing you have and say how much you love that thing. 
• Journel (write down) step by step, all the things that you would love to do, if time, money and effort was not a barrier. 

Use your imagination more to design and create that which you would rather live, really get into just how that imagined thing would feel (if you had it, now) 
Stop the endless memory tapes running on loop, controlling your destiny. 