Wednesday 2 October 2013

Masculinization Of The Female & Male. Pt2

Feminization of a girl baby is determined by estrogen in the womb, not her much lower levels (than a male) of testosterone. She arrives at birth seemingly blissed out from her ‘womb experience’ with the calming, peaceful effects of being bathed in progesterone, and having missed the disturbances of the males testosterone hormonal upheavals.

Interestingly, a mother produces several hundred times more progesterone from the placenta than normally from the ovaries, while pregnant. And she produces more estrogen while pregnant, than she would for the rest of her life. This "happy" hormone progesterone is responsible for the peaceful glow a pregnant female has, her skin, hair and body peaks through gestation, hence the crash after birth to post natal depression by dropping back to prenatal levels produced only by the ovaries. This post natal negative depression syndrome has worsened with our modern estrogen mimicking counterfeit supermarket processed artificial 'food' types and refined carbohydrates.

Ancient healthy tribal woman had no words in their language to describe many of modern women's ailments like post-natal-depression, hot flushes etc. Even menopause was a simple transition into another exciting chapter of their lives without many of western woman’s negative uncomfortable symptoms.  Where has the masculine / feminine energy currently evolved to.....

Masculinization of the Feminine energy is still currently on track to suppress the fairer side of humanity. In recent times of only a few hundred years ago, as feminine began to truly awaken to its loving, peaceful, joyful nature, masculine raised up, armed and dangerous!!! Five million feminine persons burned at the stake, branded as ‘witches’ (because they dared to stand up and challenge male doctrine) masculine was truly threatened within an inch of its 'life.'

Feminization marched on, it's persistent demands to be treated as equal and share its right brain creativity with left brain force remained undiminished. Until finally, a bit over a hundred years ago masculine male allowed the feminine female to vote for masculine to control itself (feminine) legally, and also allowed female into it's education / indoctrination system to be battery fed information for control.

Since that time what has changed? Masculine (and now Feminist) is still very much in control with limited left brain reasoning and not beaten yet, masculine deduced that the only way to beat the uprising feminine was to invite them to join them at the left-brain, half brained orgy of destructive build / bust boom.

Feminine was invited to join the slowly (self) diminishing masculine education system where all females, along with males, would be force feed through a mechanism of battery feed information rote routine, one answer autocratical dogma driven insanity. How far has feminization currently come?         A-hell-of-a-long-way!!

United Masculine is a formidable foe and not to be taken lightly. Seeing that the persistent Feminine movement was never going to back off from claiming their own sovereign right to ultimate freedom, raised the ultimate plan to recreate feminine into masculine. The master plan!!

Masculine tweaked the chemical compounds of our foods to mimic testosterone and progesterone.
The result is fifty years of genetic experimenting with molding feminine into masculine, (and a by-product of masculine into feminine.).  Unfortunately for masculine, the very same chemicals that mimic the female hormone progesterone, also mimics masculine testosterone. Outcome? Yes.... We have effeminate males and masculinised females!!

We humans have evolved to maintain two separate halves of a divided humanity. Not a whole, complete left brain male energy, and right brain female energy synergy WITHIN our own male or female mind.
Females have an easier time with this left / right brain united energy, as the connecting cord between left / right hemispheres of the brain is 23% thicker than a males. Perhaps this is one reason a female can multi task so easily, while a male will specialize at one-thing-at-a-time.

Males have had their masculine testosterone ripped from them by counterfeit chemical food cocktails, and females have forfeited their peaceful, joyful, loving progesterone for a man’s world of commerce and disruption, forgetting the children they bought into the world, leaving them with government trained left brained educators to repeat the very same patterns both modern man and women wonder how they ever got brainwashed into in the first place.

'Feminists' movements have been evolving for hundreds of years that we currently are aware of. Five million documented reports of feminine persons, burned at the stake by the masculine idea to forcefully conquer and control. But feminine kept pushing through to freedom, has the modern day female achieved freedom? How can female be free when they have traded in their uniquely beautiful femininity for their own lesser feministic masculinity? Have they crossed over from femininity to feminist to try to match the pseudo forceful control of masculinity?

Ultimately all of us need to be equally in touch with both aspects of our up-until-now, separated, overall 'oneness' male / female energy in our presently divided human home; that is within our own body, the home that 'WE' live 24/7 within. This is nothing to do with our own physiology, a male body or a female body. It's about overall connection with self.

80% of the average persons energy is burnt up by defending our own ‘stories’ about ourselves, the hidden illusion of who we really are; The Genius within!!

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