Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Power of The Mind.

Perfect Protection Is A Very Simple Dynamic.
In the days to come, when men recognize the great truth that Divine Intelligence is the Self-hood of every individual, the evil aimed at us from another will never touch us, but will immediately rebound upon the one who sends it. 

In the degree that we recognize Divine Intelligence as our individual being, we realize that no weapon that is formed against us can prosper because the only "I"....     is God! 
There will be no fear of what man can do to us, since our Self-hood is God and cannot be harmed. 

As soon as the first realization of this truth comes to us, we no longer concern ourselves with what our neighbor does to us. 

Morning, noon, and night we must watch our thoughts, our words and our deeds to make certain that we, ourselves, are not responsible for anything of a negative nature which would have any undesirable future repercussions. 

The Master has instructed us specifically as to the ways in which we can serve our fellow man.            He emphasized the idea of service!! 
His whole mission was the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, ( to Truth)  and the feeding of the poor. 

The moment that we make ourselves avenues for the outflow of Divine love, from that very moment, we begin really serving each other, expressing love, devotion, and sharing, all in the name of the Infinite Intelligence.
'Practicing The Presence.'                Joel Goldsmith

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