Sunday 27 October 2013

Living By Default Or Design.

Are You Living by Default or by Design?
All of us come into this life with a relatively clean slate. From the moment we arrive, however, our brains begin collecting data, until by age 7, we could be anything up to 95% programmed.
This data is recorded, organized and stored by the brain and becomes the foundation upon which we build our lives. What kind of a life we build is a direct reflection of our beliefs.
As children, our belief system is formed and moulded by our experiences long before our reasoning mind developed. This early programming provides our brain with a lens through which it perceives reality. Have you ever wondered how some people make success look easy while others so quickly throw in the towel? It likely has to do with their belief system.

Our beliefs create our framework, and our framework sets up the filters through which we assimilate information and create our lives. This intricate structuring is all found in your Subconscious memory mind. You have a portal through which nearly all information enters your brain called the reticular activating system. Located in your brain stem, the RAS contributes to things like control of sleep, sex, walking, breathing, eating but perhaps most importantly, it controls consciousness. Your RAS filters incoming information and affects what you pay attention to, effectively sorting the important from the unimportant. What you pay attention to, however, is tied to your belief system, the framework of which is in your Subconscious memory mind.
Here's the irony: your reticular activating system works diligently to prevent your Subconscious mind from seeing anything that does not align with your internal beliefs. It becomes circular thinking in effect, as your beliefs determine your reality which reinforce your beliefs. This is great when you have a RAS that sees every circumstance, including setbacks and failures, as a positive through the lens of success. These are the folks who make success look easy. It becomes problematic, however, when there are limiting beliefs as these are the beliefs that create and recreate the very circumstances that we wish would go away!

Most of us were programmed with condition-based, 5 sensory thinking that relies on external stimuli to determine reality. We rely on the physical world as our key informant. This sets up a pattern of thinking that puts our focus on our conditions or circumstances. When we think into the conditions of our lives, we reinforce this pattern and it becomes our default programming. In addition to our five senses, however, we have 5 faculties: imagination, intuition, memory, will and the power of perception. These are our higher capacities that allow us to dream and desire something different for our lives, something better. The challenge is to shift your awareness from your default programming, that focuses on conditions and limiting beliefs, to a design programming that focuses on desired results. 

Because, the truth is, you cannot focus on your goal if you are focused on your conditions! You must learn to manage your mind by exercising your will (Conscious mind) to make yourself think correctly.  Neuroscience has shown that mental training can physically change the brain with evidence that the brain can adapt or expand through repeated activity. There is a profound parallel between mental fitness and physical fitness. Just like physical exercise, engaging in and repeating certain mental activities helps the brain become more efficient. In other words, experiences, repetitive thought processes and training can lead to functional and structural reorganization of your brain. 
Whether you want to gain confidence, achieve the ideal relationship, lose weight, make more money, or improve cognition, our 3D Mindset Transformation technology can help you achieve your goals. Through repetition and feedback, your RAS can be reprogrammed to direct concentration towards the things that will help you achieve your goals, while filtering the things that are holding you back. No more throwing in the towel! 

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