Wednesday 9 October 2013

Masculinization of Male & Female. Pt3

Meeting our ideal partner.

A very interesting chemical cocktail happens when the man meets his woman. The resulting temporary chemical outcome for the first year of the relationship is a more feminine male and a more masculine female. After about a year this chemical imbalance subsides to a level that equals that of a lactating mother; harmoniously blissful. During the third year of their relationship, the brains chemical balance begins to return, this is about the time that couples either separate, fight or flight into a state of denial of the inconsistency's of this other person now entrenched in their life.

Psychiatrist’s mostly accept that people attract their alter- ego in their partners. If this dynamic is known, many couples accept their partners are their teacher of balance. Unfortunately few do learn balance and most marriages either end, or end up in unhappiness, not accepting the gift they have before themselves.

No two people ever met; only their stories meet. And these stories are fundamentally based on our basic chemical structure, educational dogma and ongoing conditioning of the status quo (Latin for: The mess we are in)

We measure each other according to our own version of who we believe the other person to be. If only people would drop their own bias versions of each other, then realize the simple truth that we are all ONE perfect reflection of each other. Everyone we meet…… Is our Teacher!!


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