Thursday 10 October 2013

The Concept Of... Body.

The Concept (thought) of.....  'Body' 

Do not be too startled when I say to you that there is only one body: There is not a material body AND a spiritual body. There is only one. Here, as in every aspect of life, the principle of oneness applies. 

True, we entertain a MATERIAL CONCEPT of body, and it is that concept of body which gets all twisted up and involves us in all manner of ills, but the body has no power to cause trouble; the body has no power to be good or bad, sick or well: 
IT IS OUR CONCEPT.  (thoughts) which appears as a sick or well body.

When your concept is a material sense of body, you open yourself to all the problems and diseases to which the body may be subject. 
The moment, however, that you drop that concept and realize that there are not two or three or four kinds of bodies, but that there is only one body, and that body is the home of the living Spirit,   Spirit- governed, Spirit- maintained, and subject only to the laws of Spirit you bring this very body under....  "Infinite Intelligence". 

If you believe that your body is material, you are limiting yourself; but if you feel, “Well, as I see it, I certainly have a material SENSE of it,” I can understand that and agree with you because everybody to some degree entertains a material sense of body.

When you can arrive at an understanding that even though you are entertaining a material sense of body.....  you are not a material body, gradually the material sense of body will dissolve in the realization that there is no power in effect, no power in the body, no power in the organs and functions of the body, no power in germs, no power in food. 

“All power is given unto me."  Based on The Infinite Way. 

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