Sunday 29 September 2013

Masculinization of Male & Female. Pt1

Masculinization of Masculine and Feminine.

Right brain versus Left brain. Human beings have two brains -- the left brain and the right brain. They both have their distinct functions and job descriptions. Research shows that we tend to prefer one brain over the other and because of this conflicts arise not only within us but also in society. We virtually have male and female energy at war, within our very own head, 24/7! And we have the audacity to blame our spouses or others for our troubles....... Are you left brain or right brain? Are you a mix of both? Or, you simply don't know.

You think you have a problem with another person? As we are naturally objective with others but subjective with ourselves, the way that we have been programmed to react through our physical five senses, we believe our disputes involve the person we are 'looking' at through our senses.

But this is the furthermost thing from the truth and this is the very reason we humans attack our problems with each other through the duality mode of fight or flight. Because we think our disputes are on the outside of ourselves. So when we fight / flight with a fool..... there are 'two' fools fighting or flighting.

If you can grasp this most awesome truth, you will NEVER have another dispute with any man, woman, child, or creature ever again. In fact you will live in a paradise of safety, security, peace, joy, love and abundance. You become a creator of your own creation, paint your own life picture!

Right brain: Aesthetic. Where creativity is experienced. All-is-one. Emotional, empathetic, love, joy, intuitive, creative; likes music, images and colours. Present time. The loving kinaesthetic unified side of our nature that needs to connect with humanity.
Left brain: Anesthetic. Where fear is experienced, flight / fight. Separateness! Prefers logic and reasoning; is more comfortable with language, argument, and numbers. (putting things into words rather than responding emotionally) Planning, comparisons, judgement, analysis, past / future time. The Illusion of time & space.

Masculine / Feminine Separation and the chemical changes that program and direct the male / female destiny.
Masculinization of a boy baby is massively affected by testosterone in the womb particularly around 12 to 18 weeks of gestation, then again at 31 to 34 weeks, with a boy baby being born with testosterone levels as high as a 25 year old man. Another major surge occurs at 3 months after birth, when interestingly testosterone levels then plummet right back to low levels until puberty, allowing a boy child to have an imaginative, creative childhood.

It appears that apart from obvious physical changes, in the male fetus, other major behavioral differences occur also. But both sexes begin 'life' in the womb as female, (in-so-much-as they both have female sex organs,) then male begins their breakaway change at week two of gestation.

With this breakaway males symbolically sacrifice one X chromosome for a weaker, smaller 'y' chromosome. eg: X y. Female retains two strong united X X chromosomes. A father determines the sex of a child, eg: the sperm being X, produces a girl. The sperm being y, produces a boy.

Also boys right 'female' brain appears to atrophy (still there and still used but less than left brain) as their left 'male' brain virtually takes over control of the male for its entire life, apart from this first years of childhood when testosterone levels temporarily drop to a sustainable level. Even after the male hormone drops significantly during mid life, a man’s right 'female' brain is almost alienated from his male left 'DOing' brain.

This phenomenon creates a scenario of an emotionally detached, very desensitized human DOing male energy. It may appear that nature historically prepares the male to protect and provide in past-time primitive, violent circumstances, and even in our modern times; dog-eat-dog world a man still lives in fight or flight beta brain frequency reactionary lifestyle with up to 80% of his energy used up in reactionary, imaginary fight / flight mode, he is always on guard against imaginary phantom enemies created in his separated left / right brain. Violent contact win / lose sports temporarily appease this insatiable requirement to remain in fight / flight high adrenalin life draining mode of limiting lose / win existence.

Physically, boys’ brains develop in a different way from girls’ brains. A boy’s brain develops from the back (the doing part) towards the front (the thinking part), whereas a girl’s brain develops more from front to back. So, boys develop motor skills, their physical abilities, before they start to think about them; whereas girls develop more of their thinking and language skills first. This accounts for many of the differences in learning styles displayed by the sexes from birth and throughout their schooling.

All this chemical / behavioural outcome can be modified at any time with cognitive left / right brain gym exercises to create a completely harmonious human Being existence, and balanced relationships. We certainly don’t have to live with ‘Our lot’ in life, in fact once masculine and feminine energy is reunited, life becomes blissfully harmonious, peaceful and all of our worldly self perpetuated problems just fall away.
Ironically, the very tenderness and sensitivity a female seeks from a male, he has been chemically pre-programmed to withhold so as to be free to remain in protect and provide mode, desensitized physically, emotionally and mentally he is fundamentally only capable of spatial, logical reasoning capacity.

His feminine intuitive ability to 'see' beyond his intellect, is limited. Not like female left / right brain synergy that scans like a radar awareness.

Man also has very little ongoing leverage financially, if he does not turn up for work, the basic hunter instinctive male mode, he seldom receives any reward. This masculine, limited to left brain man, cannot have the feminine left / right brain ability to incubate and magnify all that is given to her.

For example, a man can live on his wage alone, then his woman comes along, they live together, and she incubates that money to support him, herself and all their children in a magical way. Whatever the man gives to the feminine energy she incubates and multiplies.

· He gives her money and she incubates that to fed and run a family.
· He gives her a house and she incubates that into a warm loving home.
· He gives her food, and she incubated that into a beautifully delicious family meal.
· He gives her a sperm, she incubates that into a new baby.
· He gives her protection and provision, she incubates that into a nurturing environment.
· If he gives her a hard time, she incubates that into; hell has no fury like a scorned woman.

Female is the master influencer!! Her family revolves around her nurturing influence, so when she is out in the workforce and not there in the home to nurture, society suffers with negative behaviours like NPD; Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Where children are separated from their support and become their own self centred carers. (Or cared for by child care centres) Of course this can never work properly, as parenting is meant to be a full time profession. And only Mum and Dad can deliver a child safely into its own Ultimate Life Purpose.

Now with all due respect to male energy; when left (brain) to our own devices. We are very amazing people by just handling ONE-thing-at-a-time!!! We have revolutionalized this world with our unique ability to link hands with our fellow male contemporaries, left brained robotic one-thing-at-a-time production line DOing thing that we do so well!! Where's our heart energy in all this DOing activity... well its usually asleep at the wheel. Desensitized to any real 'feeling.'

In fact give us the most beautiful women in the entire universe and immediately after ejaculation.....

we males will be looking outward to rebuild our primitive herd up again, armed and dangerous to procreate at the basest level of human survival…. procreation.

All bad!! No, not really......

Males are just pre-programmed by females at gestation to re-populate, protect and provide for the planet. (As if the planet ever needed it) Simple basic primitive instincts, achieved at a chemical, hormonal level. Unfortunately the male species overall is unaware that retraining the right brain to balance synergistically with the left brain can create an awesome lifestyle, far improved from their status quo.

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