Monday 9 September 2013

Only One Way To Freedom.

Only One Way To Freedom.

No two people ever met.....   Only their 'stories' met! 

True Sustained Loving Intimacy is not possible between two (or more) people until masculine left brain is reunited mindfully with feminine right brain.  Society runs predominantly on pre-programmed dominant male left brain rote- routine programs.

It has been said that humans only use about 10% of their overall brain power.

The heart emits 5,000 more vibrational energy than the brain.
Therefore as long as we are;
'A house divided unto itself'  we will always feel as if we are alone.

The sad message the heart is powerfully sending out,  is one of lack, isolation and personal limitation.  A longing to be set free from societies collective programming. By age 7, the child is, on average,   85% programmed to obey / perform to 'State' rules / laws.

The 'dis-connect' began at age birth!
The delusional THOUGHT that we were brutally ejected from our entire sustenance at birth. 
Big Mistake, the umbilical cord was never severed, we are and always are connected with all that IS!
This is where the illusion began......
The physical  'senses' tells us every moment that we are APART!

Imagine being ONE with all that IS!
Not separate, alone, and disconnected from our own ultimate goodness.
Well that's exactly how our world really is.
But unfortunately we are not aware of our true natural state of Grace.

Humans use up to 80% of all their energy in self defense reaction to a perceived danger....   Scary eh? 

We are all ONE!   Totally connected!
The only thing to defend against is our own thoughts about what IS. The enemy is within our own mind, but the average person would rather fight or flight than admit this vital clue to our own freedom.

But strangely enough, we believe we are disconnected from our world of human beings, with nature, and the creatures, and that we are here fundamentally alone on the planet.

That we need a government, male dominated 'FORCE' to protect us.
A bureaucratic department for every 'problem.'

But this being so, then we also have the incredible ability to 'imagine' ourselves being connected with all that IS, which is our natural whole brain state.

We are creative, imaginative beings, we only have to learn how to manage this awesome potential to create in our favor, not against ourselves.

Sound obscure, confusing and down right rubbish?     Sure, it does sound like absolute stupidity.....
This is because you have had a number done on you by the 'society' you live in and you believe you are separate and apart from the very thing you desire, peace, joy, abundance, love, Grace, etc.

Society told you to work hard for every thing you would ever have in your life. Deprive yourself any income for the first seven months of every year of your working life.  Our tax system takes one third of your income for income tax, and one third of your income for purchase tax, then if you are real lucky....   it will leave you with one third of your money for yourself, depending on if you are on a high tax scale ( high income) or a low tax scale.  (low income)

But worst still,  if you are a woman, it will make you go through all this financial deprivation, but also it will take your children from you for up to half of their lives and commit them into state 'care', to be taught only-what-they-need-to-know (to copy what you do) while you have to work on the treadmill, supporting a massive home mortgage that never existed one generation ago, when Mothers were allowed to be loving professional home executives. And the fathers bore the brunt of being the providers of the home income.  You also provide for half the population that don't/can't work! 

"The rational mind (masculine;  left brain) is a faithful servant.
The intuitive mind (feminine;  right brain) is a sacred gift.
This society honors the servant....  But has forgotten the gift!"
                                                        Albert Einstein

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right. (feminine)
But the heart of the fool, to the left." (masculine)
                                                    Ecclesiastes  10:2 

How could we have allowed our personal freedom to slowly become so eroded away?
Quantity,  (Money)  overtook  Quality!  (Freedom) 

Are you the mouse-on-a-treadmill?
If so you need to realize that you have been trained like Pavlov Dogs, to jump at the sound of a bell.....
An alarm, school bell, time clock!   All left brain male single mindedness.

And now its time for you to learn how to synchronize your basically predominant masculine mind, with your feminine nurturing mind that has been discarded, sacrificed, and invalidated for your entire life.

The difference between uniting male energy with female energy within our own mind is 10,000 times greater than operating predominantly on male left brain energy we have been trained to do. Everything becomes easier as we learn to synergise  masculine with feminine....   Within our-self!

"One will put a (only) 1,000 to flight
But two will put 10,000 to flight!
                  Deuteronomy 32:30

This olde scripture illustrates the absolute necessity to unite ourselves with our ultimate power to protect ourselves....  From ourselves!!

Until we understand that our true connection with all that IS.....    Is not somewhere outside of us, but actually is hidden deep within our own soul,  then we will always feel disconnected, isolated and afraid.

3D Mindset Transformation frees the mind to live a life of Divinity! 

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